Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Natural Sciences
My life before BGU:
I was born in Haifa and grew up in Kiryat Haim. I studied for my bachelor's degree in computer science and mathematics at the Technion. I also did my master's and PhD in computer science at the Technion. I did my postdoc at UCLA, at the Department of Mathematics.
"The means to solve a given problem depend to a great extent on the way it is represented. Sometimes, a different representation of the problem will lead to a simple and efficient solution that is otherwise hard to get at. So, rather than searching for a solution, you have to find the appropriate representation"
My research?
I research time-series data using tools based on machine learning and deep learning. For example, we recently developed, together with researchers from UC Berkeley, a model used for predicting complex dynamical systems, such as weather systems and flow of fluids. Our method depends on a mathematical theory whose main objects are Koopman Operators.
Why BGU?
I came to BGU's Department of Computer Science because the department faculty includes several researchers with groundbreaking work in fields related to my own research. I believe my knowledge and abilities match the present department superbly, and I am excited about the collaborations and work ahead.

An insight from my research:
The means to solve a given problem depend to a great extent on the way it is represented. Sometimes, a different representation of the problem will lead to a simple and efficient solution that is otherwise hard to get at. So, rather than searching for a solution, you have to find the appropriate representation
Something that doesn't appear on my CV:
I like uncertainty and enjoyed playing poker in California. I'm waiting for it to be legal in Israel…
A source of inspiration:
Apocalypse Now
When I grow up:
I said I would work with computers, today I would say mathematics (which is broadly what I do)
If I wasn't a researcher, I would:
Travel the world
In Brief:
» Facebook or Twitter? Facebook
» Game of Thrones or the Simpsons? Game of Thrones
» Yoga or CrossFit? Basketball
» Hapoel or Maccabi? NBA
» Chess or backgammon? Chess
» Steak or tofu? Steak
» Trekking or the spa? Spa
» Car or train? Car
» Xbox or PlayStation? Both
» Fortis or Sakharov? Neither
» Classical Europe or India? India
» Ocean or pool? Pool
» Radio or podcast? Podcast
» Night or Morning? Night
» Winter or summer? Winter
» Cat or dog? Dog
» Film or Play? Film