The M.Sc. program is a two-year program.

Chairperson of the teaching committee at the Albert Katz International School for Desert Studies and Co-Chairperson of the program from the Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research: Prof. Michal Segoli; Chairperson of the teaching committee at the Life Science Department and Co-Chairperson from the Faculty of Natural Sciences: Prof. Ofer Ovadia.


Students are required to have earned a B.Sc. in Life Sciences or an equivalent degree.

Students without sufficient background will be required to complete individually-prescribed courses for no academic credit, typically yet not exclusively, including the courses or their equivalents listed here.

Students are required to complete the following courses during the two-year program:

Subject Credits

A. Mandatory program courses

B. Mandatory track courses

C. Limited choice – program courses

D. Limited choice – track courses

E. Elective courses within the program

F. Elective courses outside the program

Thesis Writing12


A.    Mand​​atory Pr​​​ogram C​​​​ourses:


Students are required to attend at least 80% of the Departmental Seminars and Workshops in each semester, throughout their studies.

Course #LecturerSubjectCredits
001-2-6666Dr. Shirli Bar–David

Departmental Seminar

(every semester)

205-2-2524Prof. Itamar Giladi & Prof. Yaron ZivWorkshop in Ecology and Environmental Science 0.5
​205-2-2522Prof. Itamar Giladi & Prof. Yaron ZivWorkshop in Ecology and Environmental Science ​0.5
205-2-2523Prof. Itamar Giladi & Prof. Yaron ZivWorkshop in Ecology and Environmental Sciences 0.5
​205-2-2521Prof. Itamar Giladi & Prof. Yaron ZivWorkshop in Ecology and Environmental Sciences0.5
205-2-5021 Dr. Moshe KiflawiMethods in Ecology (An eight-day intensive course offered during the FALL break)3

Prof. Ofer Ovadia

Ecology of Populations3

In the third and fourth semesters, students must register for 'Thesis Writing':

Course #SubjectCredits

Thesis Writing A



Thesis Writing B



Students who have completed the above Thesis Writing courses and continue their studies for a fifth semester must register for the following course:


Course # SubjectCredits

Thesis Writing – Continuation




B.    Mandatory Track​​ ​​​​​Courses​​

Course #LecturerSubjectCredits
Prof. Oded Berger-TalConservation Ecology4
001-2-3085Prof. Uri RollConservation Biology: Philosophy and Ethics2

Limited Choice Courses:

Limited choice courses belong to two course lists:

List C: Limited choice–program courses

List D: Limited choice –track courses


Students are required to complete at least 1 courses from list C and a total of 4 courses from lists C and D. 

C. Limited Ch​​oice – Program C​​​​​​​o​urses


Course #LecturerSubjectCredits
001-2-3083Prof. Merav Seifan

Community Ecology


001-2-3084Prof. Michal Segoli

Evolutionary Ecology



Prof. Yaron Ziv

Spatial Ecology3

D. Limite​​d Choice – Tra​​​ck C​​ourses

Course #LecturerSubjectCredits
​001-2-3001​Prof. Ariel Novoplansky
​Evolutionary Ecology of Phenotypic Plasticity
001-2-3020Prof. Merav SeifanThe Ecology of Plant-Animal Interactions3
001-2-3039Prof. Boris KrasnovEvolutionary Ecology of Parasitism3
001-2-3045Dr. Shirli Bar-DavidConservation Genetics3
001-2-3082Prof. Itamar GiladiEcology and Evolution of Dispersal3
001-2-3086Prof. Hadas HawlenaMicrobial Ecology3
001-2-3089Prof. Oded Berger-TalAnimal Behavior in Conservation Biology

001-2-3093Prof. Michal SegoliArthropod Behavior and Agroecology2
​001-2-3094Prof. Uri Roll​​Macroecology​2
​001-2-3335​Prof. Ariel Novoplansky
​Camp Evolution
​205-2-7031​Prof. Amos Bouskila
Mathematical Models for the Study of Animal Behavior​​3

E. Elective Courses within the Program

Course #LecturerSubjectCredits
001-2-3023Prof. Carmi Korine & Prof. Berry PinshowEcholocation and Bat-Insect Interactions in Desert Habitats3
001-2-3035Prof. B. Pinshow, Prof. Scott Turner and Dr. Eugene MaraisBiophysical Ecology in the Namib Desert: Online Course 2
001-2-3047​Prof. Merav Seifan
Global changes and the biodiversity crisis​2
001-2-3099​Dr. Shirli Bar-David
​Molecular Ecology and Evolution
​001-2-3135Prof. B. Pinshow, Prof. Scott Turner and Dr. Eugene MaraisBiophysical Ecology in the Namib Desert: Field Workshop  (it is not sure if or when it will be able to travel to Gobabeb Namib Research Institute for the workshop) 2
001-2-3078Prof. Ariel NovoplanskyPersonal Projects in Evolutionary Ecology3
001-2-3091Prof. Merav SeifanContemporary Topics in Israeli Nature Conservation –Workshop3
001-2-3092Prof. Oded Berger-TalThe Use of Animal Cognition Principles in Conservation3
001-2-3333Prof. Boris KrasnovGuided Reading on the Ecology of Parasites and Parasitism2
001-2-3344Dr. Shirli Bar-DavidGuided Reading on Molecular Ecology2
001-2-3355Prof. Hadas HawlanaGuided Reading in Microbial Ecology2
​205-2-1609​Dr. Shai Pilosof
​Networks in Biology-Ecology
205-2-4162Prof. Michal SegoliInsect Ecology

205-2-7031Prof. Amos BouskilaMathematical Models for the Study of Animal Behavior3
205-2-7032Prof. Amos BouskilaSolving Problems with R2

Courses from the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences at Eilat (IUI):

You may participate in one course per semester and in no more than two courses during the 2-year program. Students might register to more elective courses in the IUI, with the recommendation of the advisor and the approval of the teaching committee. 

For more information please refer to:

Courses are in Hebrew except international courses. 

Elective Courses outside the​​ ​Program

Course #LecturerSubjectCredits
001-2-3079Prof. Ariel NovoplanskyScientific Presentation2
001-2-0153Dr. Scott Hansen and  Dr. Christopher J. ArnuschWriting a Scientific Paper2
001-2-4022Prof. Ehud MeronPattern Formation and Spatial Ecology3
001-2-4028Prof. Arnon KarnieliRemote Sensing for Agriculture, Rangelands, and Forestry (no prerequisites required)3
001-2-2038Prof. Naftali LazarovitchSoil Physics3
001-2-4029Prof. Yosef AshkenaziIntroduction to Statistics and Probability3
001-2-5041Dr. Menachem SklartzPractical Bioinformatics for Environmental Studies3
001-2-7007Prof. Amos ZemelStatistical Methods3
001-2-7010Dr. Menachem SklartzHands-on Introduction to R: Programming, Graphing and Statistical Exploration2
001-2-6002Dr. Aviva PeetersTheory and Applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)3
205-2-9531Dr. Tal Shai and Dr. Alal EranIntroduction to Bioinformatics3