Student disciplinary regulations – important highlights 
(translated by the Student Council in Sede Boqer campus)

Student Disciplinary Regulations - Hebrew version
1       The student is expected to: 

1.1     Fulfill with honesty his/her school obligations and the university’s laws and regulations

1.2     Maintain a proper learning environment and public order (including following the policies and 
          regulations issued by the faculty and university employees)

1.3     Respect the university, its faculty, staff, guests and students.

1.4     Respect the university’s property. 

Chapter C – Disciplinary offenses and punishments 

8.      A disciplinary offense includes any act that causes or may cause the violation of the regulations 
         detailed above (Section 1), including:

8.1     Inappropriate behavior by a student, either within the university perimeters or outside them. This 
          includes criminal activities; harming (intentionally or through recklessness) a university employee
          or teacher and/or their belongings, as well as the university’s equipment or facilities; and using
          university property for personal use. 

8.2     Disobeying the official authorities within the university.

8.3     Cheating or helping others to cheat, regardless of whether the cheater benefits from the act or

8.4     Disobeying the exam’s procedures regardless of whether there is an intention to cheat or not. 

9.       Disciplinary actions

9.2     Students who have been found guilty in a university disciplinary court will be subject to one or
          more of the following disciplinary actions:

9.2.1  A written reprimand that is placed in the student’s file. 

9.2.2  A written reprimand, more severe in language than 9.2.1, that is placed in the student’s file.

9.2.3  Requirement to pay compensation for damage caused.9.2.4  Monetary fine.

9.2.5  Prohibition from using university facilities.

9.2.6  Prohibition from receiving scholarships or prizes for a designated period of time.

9.2.7  Delay in receiving a degree or other forms.

9.2.8  Prohibition from taking one or more courses and/or exams.

9.2.9  Nullification of a previously taken exam or course.

9.4     A court of three judges has the authority to:

Cancel all of the student’s grades and credits from the completed semester during which the  
          student committed the offense. 

9.4.2  Expel the student from the university either for a given period of time or permanently.

9.4.4  Cancel a degree that the student previously received.

9.5     For the following offenses, specific disciplinary action will be as follows:

9.5.1  For having unauthorized material during an exam or for trying to contact people during an exam: 
          A grade of zero in A grade of zero in that particular course. 

9.5.2  For cheating on a paper or any other course assignment, including helping other students to 
          cheat: A grade of zero in A grade of zero in that particular course.  

9.5.3  For altering anything in an exam notebook after the exam was handed in (including when reading
          it it after the grade was given): Expulsion for one semester (at minimum). 

9.5.4  For harming (intentionally or through recklessness) university property: A fine amounting to no 
          less than the cost to than the cost to repair the damage that was caused, but no more than the
          amount amount of the annual tuition.of the annual tuition.

9.5.5  For convicted criminal activities: Expulsion for one semester (at minimum). In special cases, the 
          court is allowed to reduce the minimum punishment. 

9.6     Each of these punishments can be given in a probationary manner. If not stated otherwise, the 
          probationary period will be only for the given offense and will last for two years

Quating and use of former knowledge (English)  

Quating and use of former knowledge (Hebrew)