Preliminary Research Proposal
The preliminary research proposal is a one-page statement describing the project that the student will work on. It should be submitted to the teaching committee approved by the student’s advisor(s) within three months of the date of the student’s admission to the program.
The preliminary research proposal should be prepared using the relevant appendix A1 form and include the following parts:
· Cover page
· Scientific background
· Research objectives
· References
The length of the research proposal, not inclusive of the cover page, evaluations and references, should not exceed one printed pages.
The preliminary research proposal should be signed and submitted to Stav Cohen at the School office ( by the relevant date on this table.
Research Proposal
The research proposal should be submitted to the teaching committee approved by the student’s advisor(s) within nine months of the date of the student’s admission to the program.
The research proposal should be prepared using this form and include the following parts:
Cover page
Evaluations and approvals of the advisors, the chairperson of the teaching committee and the director of the School
Subject of the research project
Abstract (1/2-1 page)
Introduction / Scientific background
Research objectives
Significance and innovation
Work plan
Timetable for the entire project
Preliminary results
The length of the research proposal, not inclusive of the cover page, evaluations and references, should not exceed six printed pages.
The research proposal should be signed and submitted to Stav Cohen at the School office ( by the relevant date on this table.
Progress Report
The progress report should be submitted within 15 months of the date of admission of the student’s admission to the program.
The progress report should be prepared using this form and include the following parts:
· Introduction
· Research objectives
· Achievements
· Conclusions and future work
· References
The length of the progress report, not inclusive of the cover page, evaluations and references, should not exceed three printed pages.
The progress report should be signed and submitted to Stav Cohen at the School office ( by the relevant date on this table.
The first draft of the thesis, composed according to the "Instructions for Submission of Thesis," should be submitted to the supervisor(s) no later than 22 months from the student’s date of admission (see: Appendix B - Instructions for Submission of Thesis; Appendix C1-C4 Chapter Headings). If this is not possible, a detailed explanation must be submitted to the teaching committee.
By the thesis deadline (which can be found on this table), a digital copy of the thesis must be sent signed via email to Stav Cohen at the School office ( in order to be forwarded to the members of the examination committee.
After the student's final examination, s/he must submit one final digital version of the thesis via email ( to the School office, signed by the student and his/her supervisor(s).
The final digital copy must be accompanied by the signed Thesis Deposit Form, either in Hebrew or English.