 Klodian Coko​​

Klodian is a postdoctoral scholar in the Philosophy Department at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. His research focuses on the historical emergence and development of scientific methods. He is currently working with Dr. Uri Leibowitz on the research project ‘Anti-Theory in the Philosophy of Science and Ethics’ funded by the Israeli Science Foundation. Previously Klodian has been a postdoctoral fellow at the Jacques Loeb Center for the History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences (2019-2021), at the Rotman Institute of Philosophy (2017-2019), and at the Edelstein Center for the History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine (2016-2017). In 2016 he was awarded a PhD in History and Philosophy of Science from Indiana University Bloomington. You can contact him at: klodian.coko.hps@gmail.com

Rea Golan

I'm a Kreitman postdoctoral at the philosophy department. My research interests lie in logic: philosophy of logic, as well as philosophical logic. My main project is to provide phenomenological foundations for logic: I claim that logical concepts, and in particular the concept of logical consequence, originate in the various ways in which we grasp objects. Additionally (and relatedly), I've written on issues such as logical pluralism, metainferences, and the normativity of logic.

Latest publications (with affiliation to BGU):

“A Unified Interpretation of the Semantics of Relevance Logic,” Mind, forthcoming.

“An argument from proof theory against implicit conventionalism,” The Philosophical Quarterly, forthcoming.   https://academic.oup.com/pq/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/pq/pqac066/6762988?redirectedFrom=fulltext&login=false

“On the metainferential solution to the semantic paradoxes,” Journal of Philosophical Logic, forthcoming. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10992-022-09688-y

“Minimally Nonstandard K3 and FDE” (with Ulf Hlobil), Australasian Journal of Logic, 19 (5): 182-213. 2022. https://ojs.victoria.ac.nz/ajl/article/view/7540

 Arieh Schwartz
Arieh Photo for Bio.png

I'm a postdoctoral researcher working in the philosophy of cognitive science and the philosophy of mind under the supervision of Dr. Nir Fresco. Much of my past work attempts to understand the metaphysical and epistemological relations between memory and imagination. Questions that have particularly interested me concern whether memory and imagination are distinct mental processes, and whether the constructiveness of memory undermines its status as source of knowledge about the past. Currently, I am working in collaboration with Fresco to provide an account of how spatial knowledge via cognitive maps is related to and differs from mental states like belief and desire. This is part of an ongoing project to understand informational distinctions between types of long-term memory.​

 ​​​Will Sharp​

My research focuses on how theorists should think about perceptual phenomenal character. For the most part, I think theorists should think of it as nonexistent. But in my work in which I suppose it exists​, I explore various puzzles for externalist views of perceptual experience. Because many of those puzzles revolve around uncanny color experiences, I also like to think about the metaphysics of color. 

I’m working right now with Dr Ori Beck on his naive realist epistemology project.

Website: www.willsharpphilosophy.com