1. Entry Rules 
Security Check and Identification – All people who enter the campus are required to identify themselves to the security guards and must  complete a security check process. A person who refuses to identify himself or show his belongings will be denied entry to the campus.
Entry with vehicle/motorcycle – Entering with a motor vehicle is permitted only with a valid parking permit.
Entry with a firearm – Entering with a firearm is permitted with a valid license following a security check and identification.
Animal entry – is forbidden, excluding guide dogs.
Bicycles – Entry with bicycles is permitted. Riding is allowed only on roads, parking is allowed only in designated places.
2. Behavior Rules around Campus

Bulletin Boards It is forbidden to hang any personal or advertising announcements/messages such as car sales etc. For messages on Student Union's bulletin boards, please speak to the Union for approval.

Advertising – It is forbidden to distribute any promotional material around campus without approval from the Dean of Students.

Smoking – Smoking is forbidden in all the different buildings. Smoking is permitted only in designated open spaces outside of the buildings. Map of smoking areas.

Peddling – It is forbidden to peddle around campus without approval from the Dean of Students.

Ball games and Sporting Activity – is forbidden around campus.

Clothing – It is forbidden to walk around campus shirtless or barefoot.

Do not bring bicycles, roller-skates, scooters etc. in to the buildings. Do not ride bicycles or any other vehicle on the lawns or sidewalks.

3. Safety Rules

Personal belongings – You are required to keep your personal belongings safe and not to leave it unsupervised around campus. Please lock your office door when leaving the place, even if it is for a few minutes.
Emergency – If you are required to leave the class/office due to a safety/security issue, you are requested to do so quickly (without running) and to leave via the fastest possible way to an open area/parking lot. You must listen to the security guards’ instructions
4. Entry and Traffic Rules for motor vehicles (13001)
Entry is permitted only for people with a permanent or temporary permit that was issued by the security department.
Rules for issuing permits and costs are available in the security department’s website.
The permit is private and is not transferable. It is absolutely forbidden to transfer the person to a different person/vehicle.
Parking – You must park only in marked parking spaces and according to traffic signs.
Driving around campus will be done according to traffic signs and security guards’ instructions.
Driving and parking against the rules are considered a disciplinary offense, the perpetrator will receive a report.
 5. Travelling abroad (13002)
Employees who are travelling abroad as part of their work are required to report to the security department in advance in order to receive a security briefing.
6. Reporting Unusual Events
In case of any suspicious or unusual object or person, you are requested to report to the security department (to this end, any object without an owner is considered a suspicious object.
If there is any suspected burglary or theft of personal belongings or work equipment, you are requested to repot immediately to the security department.
In case of a fire around campus – you are requested to report it immediately to the security department
In case of an injury or a medical event you are requested to report it to the security department (for your information – there is an EMT in Marcus campus at all times)
Suspicious mail – if you received a mail item and you do not know the sender identity and it’s content is suspicious, do not open the envelope and report to the security department immediately.
7. Phone numbers
Security department – 6461888 or 6461555
Lost and Found – 6472503
Luggage storage – 6472503
Parking permit and employee cards issuing office – 6461553 ext. 9
Security department offices – 6461553/4