• ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​A. List of Published Papers

  • ​Abbou Hershkovits, Keren, "Medical Services and Abbasid Ladies", HAWWA 12:1, (2014) pp. 121-136

Amir, Or, "The Emergence of Gaza as​ a Provincial Intellectual Centre During the Mamluk Period", in: Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Cambridge University Press (2024) 

Amir, Or, "From Saint to Eponymous Founder: Abū Bakr al-Mawṣilī (d. 797/1394) and his Ṭarīqa Mawṣiliyya.Journal of the American Oriental Society 143/1 p. 1-20.​ (2023)

​Amram, Azri, “Digesting the Massacre: Food Tours in Palestinian Towns in Israel," Gastron​omica, vol. 19.4, (2019) pp. 61-74.

Amram, Amram. "Fifty Shades of Kosher: Negotiating Kashrut in Palestinian Food Spaces in Israel" Food, Culture, and Society (Aug. 2021)

​Amram, Azri, “Intimacy and Nationalism in the Palestinian Restaurant in Israel: Visual images in the Restaurant Space", in: Eitan, M., Bartal, A. and Vered, R. (eds), Thoughts on Meals in Visual and Material Culture, Bezalel (2021) [Hebrew]

Arad, Pnina, “Landscape and Iconicity: Proskynetaria of the Holy Land from the Ottoman Period​,” The Art Bulletin 100 no. 4 (2018) pp. 62–80.


Ashur, Amir, and Outhwaite, Ben, "Addressing the Rambam: JTS ENA 4020.56", in Cambridge University Library's Fragment of the Month: (March 2020)

Ashur, Amir, 'Autograph Instructions by Maimonides regarding Aid to the Needy and to Functionaries', Ginzei Qedem 9 (2013), pp.83˗94 [Hebrew]

​​Ashur, Amir, and Outhwaite, Ben, 'Between Egypt and Yemen in the Cairo Genizah', Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 5 (2014), pp. 198-219​

​​Ashur, Amir, "Double Strangers": Women's Conversion to Judaism in the Cairo Genizah Documents, in: Strangers in the Land​, ed. M. L. Hjalm and M. Zawanowska, Brill 2024, pp. 143-170

Ashur, Amir, and Zewi​, Tamar, "​​Early Genizah Fragments Of Saadya Gaon's Bible Translation Copied By Samuel B. Shechaniah B. Amram", Journal of Semitic Studies, Volume 65, Issue 2, (2020), pp. 435–472​

Ashur, Amir, "A Genizah Fragment of Saadya Gaon’s Bible Translation Copied by Mevōrākh b. Nāthān in the 12th Century", together with Tamar Zewi from the University of Haifa, in Astarté. Estudios del Oriente Próximo y el Mediterráneo, Cordova, Spain, (2019).

Ashur, Amir, 'A Marriage Contract Written According to the Eretz-Israeli Tradition, Written Under the Authority of Masliah Gaon from the Damascus Geniza', Pe'amim 135 (2013), pp. 163-170 [Hebrew]

Ben David, Elad: "Islamic Resistance Alongside Pragmatic Flexibility About the LGBT Community in the United States: Sheikh Yasir Qadhi as a Case Study", in: The Journal for Interdisciplinary Middle Eastern Studies 10:2, pp. 55-93, 2024. Ariel University Press [Hebrew]​. DOI: 10.26351/JIMES/10-2/5

Ben David, Elad: "The Perception of Da’wa​ in the United States in the Post-9/11 Era: The Case of Yasir Qadhi​", in: HaMizrah HeHadash (The New East), Vol. 63, pp. 45-72 (2024) [Hebrew]

Ben David, Elad: "Promoting the Wasatī Doctrine to Balance between Conservatism and Pragmatism in Post-9/11 America: The Case of Yasir Qadhi 23/1/2025​". In: Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations 2024, Vol. 35, No. 3, 213–235​

Cohen, Oded, "The Jew and the Wanderer: Self-Images and Complex Identities in Avraham Levy’s Travelogue"​, in: Chidushim – Studies in the History of German and Central European Jewry (Hebrew), Issue 23 (2021) pp. 37-70.

Feldman, Jackie, and Atari, Jonathan, "Hiking the Via Alpina: Eros, Logos and Self-Realization in (Post-)modernity​", Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, 32.2: 22-44​ (2023)

Givon, Yuval, “Connecting Eurasia: Jesuit Experimentation with Overland Mobility between China and Europe, 1656–1664” Journal of World History 33, no. 4, University of Hawai’i (2022)​​

Glass-Stegmann, Amitai, "Elderly Mothers and Holy Sons - An Examination of Two Late Antique Stories", Oqimta 10 (2024): 299-330. [Hebrew]

Glauber-Zimra, Samuel (with Huss, Boaz): “Prolegomena to the Study of Jewish Occultism: Definition, Scope, and Impact,” in: Jewish Thought 4, pp. 91–121 (2022)

Glauber-Zimra, Samuel (with Meir, Jonatan): “Hillel Zeitlin’s ‘On Secret Redeemers'”, in: Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought 55, no. 1, pp: 98–106 (2023)

Orian, Matan “Leviticus 22:25 and Sacrifices by Gentiles" Jewish Studies Quarterly


Orian, Matan “Spartans or Samaritans? Revealing the Creativity of the Author of I Maccabees." Harvard Theological Review

Pere, Casanellas, ​and Hames, Harvey J. ​'A Textual and Contextual Analysis of the Hebrew Gospels translated from Catalan', Melilah 11 (2014) pp. 68-81

​Popa, Catalin-Stefan, "Syrians and the Appeal to Abraham in the Early Islamic Times​", Abraham's Family, a Network of Meaning in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Ed. by Lukas Bormann (2018), pp. 465-475

Popa, Cătălin-Ștefan "East Syriac Theological Instruction and Anti-Chalcedonian Identity in Nisibis in Late Antiquity", Review of Ecunemical Studies, Vol 11, (2019)

Popa, Cătălin-Ștefan​ "From Polarization to Cohabitation in the New Middle ​East", A. Mladinoiu (eds), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz publisher (2020)

Popa, Cătălin-Ștefan “An Old Theme in a New Frame. The Genealogy of Miracles in the Syriac Literature Encountering Early Islam", Journal of the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies, 20, (2020) pp. 58-70


Popa, Cătălin-Ștefan​ “Royal elements and Political structures in Dionysius Bar Salībī's Treatise against the Arabs", The Harp vol. XXXVI (2020) pp. 17-36.


Popa, Cătălin-Ștefan​ and Shachar, Uri “The Notion of Power in Dionysius Bar Ṣalībī's Treatise Against the Jews", ARAM periodical, 32:1-2, pp. (2020) 113-127.


Popa, Cătălin-Ștefan “Für und Wider das Pilgern. Argumente aus dem Ethikon des Barhäbraeus", Martin Tamcke, Egbert Schlarb (eds.), Überleben, Pilgern, Begegnen im Orientalischen Christentum. Festschrift für Wolfgang Hage zum 85. Geburtstag (col. Göttinger Orientforschungen, I. Reihe: Syriaca, vol. 60), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, (2020) pp. 127-134. 


Popa, Cătălin-Ștefan “They are Called Enemies of the Truth for the Magnitude of their Lie​. Literary Strategies for Re-framing the Confessional Borders in Elijah of Nisibis' Kitāb al-burhān ʿalā ṣaḥīḥ al-īmān", Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, Peeters (2021)


Popa, Cătălin-Ștefan​ “Letter of Catholicos Gīwargīs I to Mīnā", edition and translation of the Syriac text based on Ms. Al-Qosh 169, Vat. Syr. 598, Borg. Syr. 82, Trichur Syr. 65, in Corpus Christianorum Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Generaliumque Decreta 5: The Councils of the Armenian, Syriac and Coptic Churches, Turnhout: Brepols (2021).


Popa, Cătălin-Ștefan​ “Similarity and Difference in the Syriac World of Psalms. Divine Majesty and Eschatology in Psalm 29 according to Išōʿdād of Merv's and Barhebraeus' Exegesis", in Erkki Koskenniemi, David Willgren (eds.), David, Messianism and Eschatology in the Book of Psalms: Ambiguity in the reception history of the Bible in Judaism and Christianity, Pennsylvania State University Press, (2020) pp. 338-353.


Popa, Cătălin-Ștefan “Die Begegnung der Ostsyrer mit dem Mar Sabas Kloster beziehungsweise mit der chalzedonischen Orthodoxie Palästinas zu spätsassanidischer und frühislamischer Zeit", in Shabo Talay (ed.), Überleben im Schatten. Geschichte und Kultur des syrischen Christentums. Beiträge des 10. Deutschen Syrologentages an der Freie Universität Berlin 2018 (col. Göttinger Orientforschungen, I. Reihe: Syriaca, vol. 58), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, (2020) pp. 203-212.


Popa, Cătălin-Ștefan​ “The Dynamics of the Philosophical and Theological Cultures in the Levant and Mesopotamia in Late Antiquity (6th-9th c.). A Glimpse into the Transfer of Aristotle from Greek Culture into Syriac and Arabic", The International Journal of Levant Studies 1, (2019) pp. 273-284.


Popa, Cătălin-Ștefan​ “Two Daughters Competing for Christ. Jacob of Sarug on Edessa and Jerusalem", Antti Laato (ed.), Understanding the Spiritual Meaning of Jerusalem in Three Abrahamic Religions (Studies on the Children of Abraham 6) Leiden: Brill, (2019) pp. 161-171.​

  • ​Rachman-Schrire, Yamit "A voyage to the land of mirrors: Felix Fabri’s narration of the Virgin Mary’s pilgrimages as a model for late medieval Mendicant piety​", Journal of Medieval History, 46:5, (2020) pp. 596-620, DOI: 10.1080/03044181.2020.1811134

  • Rachman-Schrire, Yamit “Preaching in the Holy Land: Sermons integrated in Felix Fabri's Evagatorium in Terrae Sanctae Arabiae et Aegypti peregrinationem", New Directions in Latin Travel Literature, Das Mittelalter: Beihefte series (De Gruyter) (forthcoming)​


    Rotman, Tamar "For Future Reference: The Auto-Hagiography of Gregory of Tours​", Revue Bénédictine 134:1 (2024), pp. 81-107

    Sabato, David “'Meat from the Heavens': The Prohibition on Meat Consumption Imposed on Adam and the Jewish-Christian Polemic", in: Harvard Theological Review 2024; 117(3): 436-455.

  • Schmitt, Sophia. J. with Furst, Rachel “Alles, was Recht ist. Zum Umgang mit Licht, Luft und Privatsphäre in mittelalterlichen Nachbarschaften". In: Münchner Beiträge zur Jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur 1: (2020)​ pp. 45-63.

  • Schmitt, Sophia. J. with Furst, Rachel. (eds.) “Tür an Tür im Mittelalter. Jüdisch-christliche Nachbarschaft vor dem Ghetto.“ (with introduction). Münchner Beiträge zur Jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur (2020)​

  • Schmitt, Sophia. J. with Furst, Rachel “Law and Disorder in Medieval Ashkenaz. A Rabbinic Response in Local Context", In: Medieval Ashkenaz. Papers in Honour of Alfred Haverkamp held at the 17th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem 2017, ed. by Christoph Cluse and Jörg Müller, Wiesbaden (2021)​ pp. 285-303

  • Schmitt, Sophia J. “Höre meine Stimme! Verteidigungsstrategien der Regensburger Juden gegen reichsstädtische Gewalt“. In: Reichsstadt und Gewalt 8. Tagung des Mühlhäuser Arbeitskreises für Reichsstadtgeschichte, ed. by Wittmann, H. and Timpener, E. (Petersberg)


    Schramm, Netta "A Dialogue of Difference: Y. Leibowitz in Conversation with M. Dubois on Judaism and Christianity", in: Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Volume 59, Number 1, Winter 2024 pp. 54-67

  • Schramm, Netta: "Iconoclast as Icon: On Yeshayahu Leibowitz’s Legacy​". In: Israel Studies, vol. 29 no. 3, 2024, p. 81-103. Project MUSE. https://dx.doi.org/10.2979/is.00028

  • Shabbat, Maya ​"Between Charlottenburg and Berlin: Emotional Community, Intermediate City, and the Sense of Place" [Hebrew] in: Zion, XC 1‒2, 2025 History and Emotions, Eds: H. Feldman-Samet, O. Rozin, E. Zohar

  • Shabbat, Maya, "H​eimweh: The Torn Identity of Lemberg-Lwów’s Intellectual Jewry in Jewish Minorities between Nation-Building and Emigration in late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Century East Central Europe", ed. Francesco Di Palma and Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe, Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History. Journal of the Fondazione CDEC, n. 20 (2021)

  • Shacham-Rosby, Chana "Illustrated Dogs in Ashkenazi Ma​nuscripts", Segula Magazine 128, (2021) [Hebrew edition]

  • Shacham-Rosby, Chana "Elijah the Prophet at​ Passover Seder", Segula Magazine 129, (2021) [Hebrew edition]

  • Shacham-Rosby, Chana "Waiting for Elijah / Elijah in the Haggadah​", Segula Magazine​ 64, (2023) [English edition]

Shacham-Rosby, Chana "Ritual Chairs of Circumcision Ceremonies: Reassessing Meaning through Materiality", Images and Objects in Medieval Jewish Societies: Metho​ds and Approaches, Images – A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture, Brill (2023)

Tzoreff, Roni. “Jewish Gaze” in: Frankel Institute Annual, (2024)

Van der Haven, Alexander, “Jews and Christians United: The 1701 Prosecution of Oliger Paulli and his Dutch Printers.” With Kunert​, Jeannine. Studia Rosenthaliana: Journal of the History, Culture and Heritage of the Jews in the Netherlands 46 no. 1–2 (2020) pp. 71–95. 

Van der Haven, Alexander, “The Earliest Footprint of a Messianic Queen: Sarah the Ashkenazi in Amsterdam.” Zutot: Perspectives on Jewish Culture 17 no. 1 (2019) pp. 15–21. 

Van der Haven, Alexander, “Predestination and Toleration: The Dutch Republic’s Single Judicial Persecution of Jews in Theological Context.” Renaissance Quarterly 71 no. 1 (Spring 2018) pp. 165–205. 

Van der Haven, Alexander, “The War and Transcendental Order: Critique of Violence in Benjamin, Canetti, and Daniel Paul Schreber.” Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte 43 (2015) pp. 115–144.

Van der Haven, Alexander, "Jewish-Christianity and the Confessionalization of Amsterdam’s Seventeenth-Century Portuguese Jewish Community", in: Cadernos de Estudos Sefarditas​ (2019)

  • Yagur, Moshe "Communal Borders and Religious Conversion", in The Jews of Medieval Egypt, ed. Frenkel, Miriam. Boston: Academic Studies Press: (2021) pp. 47-71​

  • Yagur, Moshe "Converts, Captives, Concubines: A Gendered Rite of Passage in the Medieval Near East", in Language, Gender and Law in the Judaeo-Islamic Milieu, eds. Ashur, Amir and Stampfer, Zvi. Leiden: Brill (2020) pp. 88-109

  • Yagur, Moshe "Excommunication and apostasy: re-drawing Jewish communal boundaries in Fatimid and Ayyubid Egypt​", in: Al-Masaq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean, Volume 35, Issue 1, 2023​

  • Yagur, Moshe "Several documents from the Cairo Geniza concerning conversion to Islam", in Conversion to Islam in the Premodern Age: A Sourcebook, eds. Hurvitz, N, Sahner, C, Simonsohn, U, and Yarbrough, L. Los Angeles: University of California Press (2020) pp. 227-231

  • Yagur, Moshe "Religiously-mixed families in the Mediterranean society of the Cairo Geniza", Mediterranean Historical Review 35.1: (2020) pp. 27-42

  • Yagur, Moshe “Shaving Hair and Paring Nails: The Origins and Transmutations of a Unique Rite of Passage in Medieval JudaismTarbiz: Quarterly for Jewish Studies LXXXVIII, No. 1, pp. 109-132.[Hebrew] (December 2021)

  • Zeldes, Nadia Galateo on New Christians "Arguments for a Judeo-Christian Identity in the Writings of Antonio de Ferrariis: Pro-Converso Polemics in Southern Italy", in: Cadernos de Estudos Sefarditas​ (2019)

  • ​Zeldes, Nadia "Evolution and Survival of a Convert Community: The New Christians of South Italy from the 13th to the 16th Centuries", in Conceal the Outcasts. Jews with Hidden Identities, eds. Avi Elqayam, Yosef Kaplan, Ben Zvi Institute, Jerusalem, (2016) pp. 9-31.

  • Zeldes, Nadia ‘Offering economic and social benefits as incentives for conversion – the case of Sicily and Southern Italy (12th -15th centuries)’, Atti del convegno internazionale, Ravenna 30 settembre – 2 ottobre 2013: Strategie e normative per la conversione degli ebrei dal medio evo all’età contemporanea, ed M. Perani, Materia Giudaica 19, (2014) pp. 55-62.

  • ​Zeldes, Nadia "The Mass Conversion of 1495 in South Italy and its Precedents: a Comparative Approach​", Medieval Encounters 25 (2019) 227–262

  • ​Zeldes, Nadia “The Case of Colau Aragones: The Mediterranean Itinerary of a Sefardic Exile in the Aftermath of the Expulsion”, Hispania Judaica Bulletin 10, (2014) [Between Edom and Kedar: Studies in Memory of Yom Tov Assis], eds. A. Quintana, R. Ibáñez-Sperber, R. Ben-Shalom, Part II.


B. List of published books/chapters 

  • Abbou Hershkovits, Keren, "The transmission of Greek Science to the Muslim World", in: The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Science, and Technology in Islam, 2 (2014) pp. 362-367


  • Abbou Hershkovits, Keren, 'Idris, Shu’biyya, Abbasids and Baghdad', Routledge Dictionary of Ancient Mediterranean Religion (forthcoming)


  • Ashur, Amir (ed.), Judaeo-Arabic Culture in al-Andalus - Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the Society for Judaeo-Arabic Studies Cordoba 2007, Cordoba Near Eastern Research Unit, Series Judæo-Islamica 1, Cordoba 2013.


  • Ashur, Amir and Dora Zsom (eds), Conversos in the Responsa of Sephardic Halakhic Authorities in the 15th Century (Perspectives on Society and Culture 1), ??? 2014


  • Ashur, Amir, 'Jewish Marriage customs in Spain as reflected in the Cairo Geniza documents' in: Letters from Sefarad: The Jews of al-Andalus in the Cairo Genizah

  • Ashur, Amir & Stampfer, Zvi, "Language, Gender and Law in the Judaeo-Islamic Milieu​", in Cambridge Genizah Studies Series Volume 10, ​(BRILL 2020)

  • Barzen, Rainer Josef, Taqqanot Qehillot Šum. Die Rechtssatzungen der Jüdischen Gemeinden von Mainz, Worms und Speyer im Hohen und Späten Mittelalter (Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Hebräische Texte aus dem mittelalterlichen Deutschland 2). Hannover: Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung 2015. ["Taqqanot Qehillot Shum. The Ordinances of the Jewish Communities of Mainz, Worms and Speyer in the High and Late Middle Ages" (Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Hebrew Texts from Medieval Germany 2). Hannover: Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung 2015]


  • Baumgarten, Elisheva, Hollender, Elisabeth​, Appel, Katrin Kogman​, & Shoham-Steiner, Ephraim (eds): "Perception and Awareness: Artefacts and Imageries in Medieval European Jewish Cultures​", in: BOOK SERIES Medieval Identities: Socio-Cultural Spaces, vol. 11, Brepols 2024 (forthcoming)

  • Barzen, Rainer Josef, "Medinat Magenza as a Jewish ‘Neighborhood’ and a Jewish ‘Urban Center’. Between Topography and Geography." In: The Jewish Neighborhood: Exploring the Other Side of Medieval Urban Space, edited by Simha Goldin and Yitzhak Lifshitz (Michael: On the History of the Jews in the Diaspora)


  • Ben-Shalom, Ram and Yuval, I. J. “’There is no Hatred in Polemics – And Liberty is Granted’”, in: eds. I. J. Yuval and R. Ben-Shalom, Conflict and Religious Conversation in Latin Christendom: Studies in Honour of Ora Limor, (Turnhout: Brepols 2014), pp. 1-22.


  • Ben-Shalom, Ram, “The Foundation of Christianity in the Historical Perceptions of Medieval Jewry as Expressed in the Anonymous Various Elements on the Topic of Christian Faith (London, BL, MS Addit. 27129, pp. 88b-92a)”, in: eds. I. J. Yuval and R. Ben-Shalom, Conflict and Religious Conversation in Latin Christendom: Studies in Honour of Ora Limor, (Turnhout: Brepols 2014), pp. 221-252


  • Ben-Shalom, Ram, Medieval Jews and the Christian Past: Jewish Historical Writing from Spain and Southern France, The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, Oxford, forthcoming 2015.

  • Cohen, Oded, 'Ever Turning Blows the Wind': Cultural Spaces in Rabbi Haim Yosef David Azulay's World​, Jerusalem: Magnes Press. (2023) [Hebrew]

  • Elazar, Gideon, "The Challenge of Diversity​: Evangelical Missionaries and Ethno-Christianity in Reform Era Yunnan, Religious Diversity in Asia", ed. J. Borup, M. Fibiger, L. Kuhle, Brill, pp 119-144

  • Fox, Yaniv and Yisraeli, Yosi (eds), "Contesting Inter-Religious Conversion in the Medieval World", Farnham: Ashgate (2016)


  • Fox Yaniv, 'Columbanians across the Channel’, in Treasures of Irish Christianity, vol. III, ed. S. Ryan and B. Leahy (Veritas Publications: Dublin).


  • Fox Yaniv, Ego, Bar-Iona: 'Jews and the Language of Forced Conversion in Columbanian Circles’, in Barbarians and Jews: Jews and Judaism in the Early Medieval West, ed. Y. Hen, O. Limor, and T.F.X. Noble (Brepols: Turnhout, forthcoming).


  • Fox, Yaniv, 'From Metz to Überlingen: Columbanus and Gallus in Alamannia’, in Columbanus, the Columbanian familia, and the Peoples of Post-Roman Europe (working title), ed. A. O’Hara (Oxford University Press: Oxford)


  • Fox, Yaniv, 'Power and Religion in Merovingian Gaul: Columbanian Monasticism and the Frankish Elites', (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014)


  • Fox, Yaniv, 'The Political Context of Irish Monasticism in Seventh-Century Francia: Another Look at the Sources’, in The Irish in Europe in the Early Middle Ages: Identity, Culture and Religion , ed. R. Flechner and S. Meeders (Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming).


  • Hames, Harvey J., ‘Ramon Llull’s Ars brevis translated into Hebrew: Problems of Terminology and Methodology’ in Harvey Hames, Alexander Fidora, Yossef Schwartz (eds), Latin into Hebrew: The Transfer of Philosophical, Scientific and Medical Lore from Christian to Jewish Cultures During the Middle Ages: History, Terminology, Methodology, (Brill: Leiden 2013) pp. 135-159


  • Hames, Harvey J., ‘Urinating on the Cross: Christianity as seen in the Sefer Yoseph ha-Mekaneh (Book of Joseph the Zealot, ca. 1260) and in light of Paris 1240’ in John Tolan and Jose Martinez (eds), Ritus infidelium: Mirades interconfesionales sobre las prácticas religiosas en la edad media, (Madrid: Collection de la Casa de Velázquez 2013) pp. 209-220


  • Hames, Harvey J., “Ante omnia, fratres carissimi, diligatur Deus, deinde proximus": Herman-Judah's Opusculum de conversione sua re-examined”, in R. Ben Shalom and I. Yuval (eds), Encountering the Other: Jews and Christians in the Middle Ages. Studies in Honour of Ora Limor (Turnhout: Brepols 2013) pp. 99-114


  • Hames, Harvey J., 'Reconstructing Thirteenth-Century Jewish-Christian Polemic: From Paris 1240 to Barcelona 1263 and Back Again', in R. Szpeich (ed.), Medieval Exegesis and Religious Difference: Commentary, Conflict and Community in the Pre-Modern Mediterranean, (New York: Fordham University Press, 2015) pp. 115-27 (endnotes pp. 240-46)


  • Harel-Shalev, Ayelet and Levy, Noa "Some Side Effects of Religious Diversity: Exploring Religious Conversion in the Indian Secular State"​ Religious Di​versity in Asia, pp 93-118, ed. J borup, M Fibiger and L Kuhle, Brill 2020

  • Hurvitz, Nimrod, "al-Ma'mun (r. 189/213-218/833) and the Mihna", in (ed.) S. Schmidke, Oxford Handbook of Islamic Theology,(electronic version, 2013).


  • Hurvitz, Nimrod, "Authority within the Hanbali Madhhab: The case of al-Barbahari", in (eds.) D. Ephrat, M. Hatina, Religious Knowledge, Authority and Charisma, Islamic and Jewish Perspectives, (Utah: Utah University Press, 2014), pp. 36-49 (fn. 278-280)  


  • Hurvitz, Nimrod, "The Contribution of Early Islamic Rulers to Adjudication and Legislation: The Case of the Mazalim Tribunals", in (eds.) Duindam, J., Harries, J., Humfress J., Hurvitz, N., Law and Empire, Ideas, Practices and Actors, (Brill: Leiden 2013) pp. 135- 156.


  • Hurvitz, Nimrod, "The Relations Between Religion and State in the formative Stage of Islam", in Meir Hatina and Meir Bar Asher (eds.), Introduction to Islam: Faith and Ritual, (Hebrew)            


  • Hurvitz, Nimrod, "Where have all the People Gone? A Critique of Medieval Islamic Historiography", in Dror Ze'evi and Ehud Toledano (eds.), Society, Elite and the State in the Middle East: Modernity in the Making, (De Gruyter Open, Berlin)

  • Hurvitz, Nimrod and Alshech, Eli: "Making Sense of Muslim Fundamentalisms: The Clash Within Islam​", Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, (2020)

  • Krinis, E., Bashir, N., Offenberg, S., and Sadik, Sh (eds): "Polemical and Exegetical Polarities in Medieval Jewish Cultures​" Studies in Honour of Daniel J. Lasker, Studia Judaica Volume 113, 2021.​

    Lasker, Daniel J., “Jewish Biblical Interpretation in the Middle Ages,” in Jerry Pattengale, Lawrence H. Schiffman, and Filip Vukosavović, eds., The Book of Books. Biblical Canon, Dissemination and Its People, Jerusalem, 2013, pp. 74-79.


  • Lasker, Daniel J., “Joseph ben Nathan’s Sefer Yosef Ha-Mekanné and the Medieval Jewish Critique of Christianity,” in Judah D. Galinsky and Elisheva Baumgarten, eds., Jews and Christians in Thirteenth Century France, New York, 2015, pp. 113-122.

  • Lasker, Daniel J., “Karaism: An Introduction to the Oldest Surviving Alternative Judaism​", The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization​, 2022.

  • Lasker, Daniel J., “Latin into Hebrew and the Medieval Jewish-Christian Debate,” in Resianne Fontaine and Gad Freudenthal, eds., Latin-into-Hebrew: Texts and Studies. Vol 1: Studies, Leiden/Boston, 2013, pp. 333-347.


  • Lasker, Daniel J., “The Goldstein-Goren Department of Jewish Thought,” in Yehuda Gradus and Isaac Nevo, eds., Science and Scholarship in the Negev. The Story of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, vol. 1, Beer Sheva, 2014, pp. 363-377 (Hebrew).


  • Lasker, Daniel J., “The Importance of Manuscripts for the Study of Early Modern Eastern European Karaism,” in Judith Olszowy-Schlanger and Nicholas de Lange, eds., Manuscrits hébreux et arabes. Mélanges en l'honneur de Colette Sirat (Bibliologia 38), Turnhout, 2014, pp. 403-412.


  • Lasker, Daniel J., "The Sage Simhah Isaac Lutski. An Eighteenth-Century Karaite Rabbi". Selected Writings, Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute, 2015 (Hebrew).

    • Lasker, Daniel J., "Theological Encounters at a Crossroads​: A Preliminary Edition of Judah Hadassi’s Eshkol ha-kofer, First Commandment, and Studies of the Book’s Judaeo-Arabic and Byzantine Contexts", with Johannes Niehoff-Panagiotidis and David Sklare.

    • ​ 

  • Limor, Ora, " Earth, Stone, Water and Oil: Objects of Veneration in Holy Land Travel Narratives", in: Natural Materials of the Holy Land and the Visual Translation of Place, ed. Renana Bartal, Neta Bodner and Bianca Kühnel, (Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, forthcoming 2016).


  • Limor, Ora, "Conversion of Space", in: Religious Conversion: History, Experience and Meaning, ed. Ira Katznelson and Miri Rubin (Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2014), pp. 31-59


  • Limor, Ora, "Jerusalem", in: Europe: A Literary History, 1348-1418, ed. David Wallace (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015)


  • Limor, Ora, "Mary in Jerusalem: An Imaginary Map", in: Visual Constructs of Jerusalem, ed. Bianca Kühnel, Galit Noga-Banai, and Hanna Vorholt (Turnhout: Brepols, 2014), pp. 11-22


  • Limor, Ora, "Placing an Idea: The Valley of Jehoshaphat in Religious Imagination", in: Between Jerusalem and Europe: Essays in Honour of Bianca Kühnel, ed. Renana Bartal and Hanna Vorholt (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming July 2015), pp. 280-300


  • Limor, Ora, "Wondrous Nature: Landscape and Weather in Early Pilgrimage Narratives", in:   Jews and Journeys: Travel and the Performance of Jewish Identity, ed. Orit Bashkin, Adam Beaver, Joshua Levinson (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press).

  • Lücking​, Mirjam,​ "Israeli Dead Sea cosmetics and charity for Palestinian children: Indonesian women’s shopping activities while on pilgrimage to Jerusalem​", in Chapter 5 of "Muslim Women’s Pilgrimage to Mecca and Beyond: Reconfiguring Gender, Religion, and Mobility​", editors: Buitelaar, M. Stephan-Emmrich, M. and Thimm, V. (Routledge​2020)

  • Lücking, Mirjam, "Indonesians and Their Arab World Guided Mobility among Labor Migrants and Mecca Pilgrims​", Cornell University Press, (2020).

  • Mabat, Yael, "Sacrifice and Regeneration: Seventh-day Adventism and Religious Transformation in the Andes", University of Nebraska Press, December 2022.

  • Reiner, Avraham (Rami), Bible and Politics: A Correspondence between Rabbenu Tam and the Authorities of Champagne, (2016)

  • Ricci, Ronit "Banishment and Belonging: Exile and Diaspora in Sarandib, Lanka and Ceylon​", Part of Asian Connections, Cambridge University Press, November 2019


  • Rotman, Tamar, "Hagiography, Historiography, and Identity in Sixth-Century Gaul: Rethinking Gregory of Tours​", Amsterdam University Press, 2021

  • Schainker, Ellie R, "Confessions of the Shtetl: Converts from Judaism in Imperial Russia, 1817-1906." Stanford Studies in Jewish History and Culture Series.

  • Shachar, Uri Z, “Pollution and Purity in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Rhetoric from the Crusading Near  East,” in: Authority, Knowledge and Social Practice in the Thirteenth Century, eds. Elisheva Baumgarten, Katelyn Mesler and Ruth Karras, (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015).


  • Shachar, Uri Z, “Violent Hermeneutics of Sacred Space in Jewish and Christian First Crusade Literature,” in: The Uses of the Bible in Crusader Sources, eds. Elizabeth Lapina and Nicholas Morton, (Leiden: Brill, 2015).


  • Shoham-Steiner, Ephraim, " 'For in Every City and Town the manner of behavior of the Jews resembles that of their non-Jewish neighbors': The Intricate Network of Interfaith Connections" in:  Ephraim Shoham-Steiner (ed.), Intricate Interfaith Networks : Quotidian Jewish-Christian Contacts in the Middle Ages, (Brepols: Turnhout, 2015)


  • Shoham-Steiner, Ephraim, "‘Vitam finivit infelicem’: Madness Conversion and Adolescent Suicide among Jews in late 12th Century England”, in M.L. Price & K. T. Utterback (ed.), The Constructed Jew: Jews and Judaism through Medieval Christian Eyes, (Brepols: Turnhout 2013), pp. 71-90.


  • Shoham-Steiner, Ephraim, "An Almost Tangible Presence: Some Thoughts on Material Purity among Medieval European Jews", in M. Blay N. Jaspert & S. Kock (eds.), Discourses of Purity in Transcultural Perspective (300–1600), (Brill: Leiden 2015), pp. 54-74.


  • Shoham-Steiner, Ephraim, "Making a Living in Early Medieval Ashkenaz" in Karl. E.Grözinger (ed.), Jüdische Kultur in dem SchUM Städten, (Harrassowitz Verlag:  Wiesbaden 2014), pp. 64-82.


  • Shoham-Steiner, Ephraim, On the Margins of a Minority: Lepers Mad and Disabled Jews in Medieval Europe, Wayne State University Press: Detroit 2014


  • Simonsohn, Uriel, “Are Gaonic Responsa a Reliable Source for the Study of Jewish Conversion to Islam? A Comparative  Analysis of Legal Sources.” In Arnold E. Franklin et al (eds.), Jews, Christians and Muslims in Medieval and Early Modern Times: A Festschrift in Honor of Mark R. Cohen. (Christians and Jews in Muslim Societies), (Leiden: Brill, 2014), pp. 119-38.


  • Simonsohn, Uriel, “Muslim Involvement in Non-Muslim Political Affairs in the early Islamic Period.” In John Tolan (ed.), Medieval Minorities: Law and Multiconfessional Societies in the Middle Ages. (Princeton: Princeton University Press)


  • Simonsohn, Uriel, “The Selective Memory of a Byzantine Orthodox Patriarch: A Few Remarks on the Interplay of Narrative and Identity in the Annales of Saʿīd ibn Baṭrīq.” In Giovanni Galizia and David Shulman (eds.), Forgetting. (Martin Buber Society of Fellows Notebook Series; Jerusalem: Magnes Press)


  • Simonsohn, Uriel, “The Survival of the Household under Early Islamic Rule.” In Eduard Iricinschi and Chrysi Kotsifou (eds.), Coping with Religious Change: Adopting Transformations and Adapting Rituals in the Late Antique Eastern Mediterranean. (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck)


  • Simonsohn, Uriel, Jews, Christians and Muslims in Medieval and Early Modern Times: A Festschrift in Honor of Mark R. Cohen, co-editor  with Arnold E. Franklin, Roxani Eleni Margariti, and Marina Rustow. Leiden: Brill (Christians and Jews in Muslim Societies), 2014.


  • Sorotzkin, David, `Maharal of Prague, The Jewish Canon and the Elian Statues of European Jewry in Early Modern Europe`, Elchanan Reiner (ed.), Maharal, Overtures: Biography - Doctrine – Influence, (Jerusalem: Zalman Shazar Center: 2015), pp. 231–274.


  • Sorotzkin, David, `Nature and Human Reality in light of Religious Law: The Emergence of Exclusive Jewish Theology in the middle Ages in the midst of Islam and Christianity`, Haviva Pedaya (ed.), The East Writes Itself, (Tel Aviv: Gama, 2015), pp. 251–306.


  • Sorotzkin, David, 'The Making of Jewish Orthodoxy and the Rise of the European Bourgeoisie: 1650-1850, Shlomo Fisher and Nisim Leon (eds.), Religion and Class (Forthcoming: The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute and ha-Kibitz ha-Meuchad press).


  • Sorotzkin, David, 'Yoel Teitelbaum – The Satmar Rebbe', in: Benny Brown and Nisim Leon (eds.), The Persons who Shaped the Religious Society in Israel, (The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute and ha-Kibitz ha-Meuchad press).


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  • Stuczynski, Claude B., Between Religion and Religiosity: The Portuguese Inquisition and the New Christians of Bragança during the XVIth Century, Jerusalem, Ben Zvi Institute (Hebrew)


  • Stuczynski, Claude B., Between Iberian Politics and Converso Identities: A Study of the “Apology on behalf of the Christians called ‘news’, of this Kingdom of Portugal”, Leiden: Brill, pp. 320. 


  • Stuczynski, Claude B., "Negotiating Relationship. Jesuits and Portuguese Conversos: a Reassessment”, in: Robert A. Maryks & Jim Bernauer (eds.), "The Tragic Couple": Encounters Between Jews & Jesuits, (Leiden: Brill 2014), pp. 43-64.


  • Stuczynski, Claude B.,“From Polemics and Apologetics to Theology and Politics: Alonso de Cartagena and the Conversos within the 'Mystical Body'”, in: Conflict and Religious Conversation in Latin Christendom: Studies in Honour of Ora Limor, ed. by Ram Ben Shalom & Israel Yuval, (Turnhout: Brepols, 2014), pp. 253- 277


  • Stuczynski, Claude B., "Not Hybridity but Counterculture: Portuguese Christian Judaizers Confronting Christianity and Islam in Bragança", in: Conversos, marrani e nuove comunità ebraiche in età moderna, ed. by Myriam Silvera, (Florence: Giuntina, 2015), pp. 61-71.


  • Stuczynski, Claude B., "Converso Paulinism and Residual Jewishness: Conversion from Judaism to Christianity as a Theological-Political Problem", in: Bastards and Believers: Converts and Conversion between Judaism and Christianity, edited by P. Maciejko and T. Dunkelgrün, (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 35 pp.)


  • Stuczynski, Claude B., "Ex-Converso Sephardi New Jews as Agents, Victims and Thinkers of Empire: Isaac Cardoso Once Again", in: Festschrift Yosef Kaplan, ed. by Avriel Bar-Levav & Claude B. Stuczynski, (Jerusalem: Zalman Shazar Center, 26 pp.)


  • Stuczynski, Claude B., "Anti-rabbinic Texts and Converso Identities: Fernão Ximenes de Aragão's ‘Doutrina Católica'", in: Kevin Ingram (ed.), Conversos and Moriscos, vol. 3, (Leiden: Brill, 32 pp.)

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  • Van der Haven, Alexander, “Beyond the Modern Self: Madness and Divine Communion in Fin-de-siècle Germany.” Religion und Wahnsinn um 1900: Zwischen Pathologisierung und Selbstermächtigung. Religion and Madness Around 1900: Between Pathology and Self-Empowerment. Diskurs Religion: Beiträge zur Religionsgeschichte und religiösen Zeitgeschichte 14. Ed. Lutz Greisiger, Sebastian Schüler, Alexander van der Haven. Baden-Baden: Ergon, 2017: 69–100. 

  • Van der Haven, Alexander, “Comparison, Practice, and Meaning: Martin Riesebrodt’s Theory of Religion.” Method and Theory in the Study of Religion: Working Papers from Hannover. Supplements to Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 8. Ed. Steffen Führding. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2017: 27–37.


    • Van der Haven Alexander, “Conversion on Trial: Toleration of Apostasy and the Hoorn Trial of Three Converts to Judaism (1614–5).” Contesting Inter-Religious Conversion in the Medieval World. Ed. Yaniv Fox and Yosi Yisraeli. London/New York: Routledge, 2016: 41–60.

  • ​Van der Haven, Alexander, “Einleitung.” Religion und Wahnsinn um 1900: Zwischen Pathologisierung und Selbstermächtigung. Religion and Madness Around 1900: Between Pathology and Self-Empowerment. Diskurs Religion: Beiträge zur Religionsgeschichte und religiösen Zeitgeschichte 14. With Lutz Greisiger and Sebastian Schüler. Baden-Baden: Ergon, 2017: 9–16.

  • Van der Haven, Alexander, “Eschatology and Conversion in the Sperling Letters.” Jews and Protestants from the Reformation to the Present. Ed. Irene Aue-Ben-David, Aya Elyada, Moshe Sluhovsky, Christian Wiese. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2020: 49–70.​​

  • Van der Haven, Alexander, “From Lowly Metaphor to Divine Flesh: Sarah the Ashkenazi, Sabbatai Tsevi's Messianic Queen and the Sabbatian Movement", Menasseh ben Israel Institute Studies, VII.

    • ​​Van der Haven, Alexander, “God as Hypothesis: Daniel Paul Schreber and the Study of Religion.” Method and Theory in the Study of Religion: Working Papers from Hannover. Supplements to Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 8. Ed. Steffen Führding. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2017: 176–198.

    • Van der Haven, Alexander, “Hypothetical Religion: The Supernatural as an Experience and Experiment.” Super Religion: From the Supernatural to the Paranormal. Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks 9. Ed. Jeffrey J. Kripal. Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA, 2016: 263–276.


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    • Van der Haven, Alexander, שרה האשכנזיה, מלכת השבתאים. Sabbateanism Series (editorial board Prof. Avi Elqayam, Prof. Yehuda Liebes, Prof. Jacob Barnai). Augmented and revised Hebrew edition. Tel-Aviv: Idra Academic Publishers, 2018, second impression 2019.

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  • Zeldes, Nadia and Frenkel, Miriam​ "Dynamics of Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy in the Medieval Mediterranean”, in: Mapping the Medieval Mediterranean (Brill, 2016)


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  • Zeldes, Nadia, "Christians, Jews, and Hebrew Books in Fifteenth-Century Sicily: Between Dialogue and Dispute". In: Conflict and Religious Conversation in Latin Christendom, Studies in Honour of Ora Limor, editors: I. Yuval, R. Ben-Shalom, (Brepols 2014)

  • Zeldes, Nadia, "Reading Jewish History in the Renaissance: Christians, Jews, and the Hebrew Sefer Josippon" (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020)​​