
“Fear of Conversion to Judaism in Thirteenth-Century Christian Segregatory Legislation”Paola Tartakoff, Rutgers University
"Converting Bodies, Embodying Conversion in the Medieval and Early Modern Period: The Production of Religious Identities in the Spanish and Venetian Inquisitions"Henriette-Rika Benveniste, University of Thessaly & Giorgos Plakotos, University of the Aegean
"The Republic and its Enemies: Tyrants and Conversos in the Time of Alfonso de Palencia"Yanay Israeli, University of Michigan
"Conversion on Trial: The Hoorn Trial of Three Converts to Judaism" Alexander van der Haven, Haifa University
"What Happened to the “New Christians”? The “Viennese Geserah” of 1420/21 and the Forced Baptism of the Jews"Martha Keil, Institut für jüdische Geschichte Österreichs
"The Permeability of Intercommunal Boundaries in Early ʿAbbāsid Iraq" Phillip I. Ackerman-Lieberman, Vanderbilt University
"Jewish Converts, Catholic Apologetics and early 17th Century Hebraism: Rome and Paris as Production Centers of Hebraistic Knowledge"Yossef Schwartz, Tel Aviv University
"Conversions from Christianity to Islam in Persia during the Safavid Period (1501-1736)"Giorgio Rota, Institut für Iranistik, Vienna
"Conversion as a Historiographical Problem"Ryan Wesley Szpiech, University of Michigan
"Tosafist Attitudes toward Converts to Judaism and toward Prospective Converts: Between Northern France and Germany"Ephraim Kanarfogel, Yeshiva University
"The Law of the Faith and Faith in the Law: Normative Sources and Conversion History"Roy Flechner, University College Dublin
"To Baptize or not to Baptize: Questions of Jewish Conversion in Early Canon Law"Jessie Sherwood, RELMIN, Université de Nantes
“Slave and Freed Women Converts to Judaism and Islam in Medieval Egypt”Craig Perry, Emory University
"The Donor and the Gravedigger: Portraits of Two Proselytes from the Cairo Geniza Documents, and their Social Significance"Moshe Yagur, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
“Conversion and Danger: Muslim Juridical Debates over the Conversion of ‘Infidels’ to Islam during the Friday Sermon in the Mamluk Period”Linda G. Jones, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
"Conversion Sermons as a Source for the History of Conversion"Yaacov Deutsch, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
“A Coincidence of Opposites: When the Worst is also the Best”Irven M. Resnick, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
"Royal Policy and Conversion of Jews to Christianity in Thirteenth-century Europe"John Tolan, RELMIN, Université de Nantes
“Royal Support for Converted Jews in France, 1285–1328”Jessica Marin Elliott, RELMIN, Université de Nantes
"Converting the Jews through Mary in Visigothic Iberia"Kati Ihnat, University of Bristol
"Favor et Odium Fidei"Kenneth Stow, University of Haifa
"Conversion Narratives in Modern Greek Folklore"Julia G. Krivoruchko, University of Cambridge
"Are Jewish-Christian Disputations a Source of Conversion?"Alex J. Novikoff, Fordham University