Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) has progressed enormously over the past ten years, transforming the biological sciences and opening up many new opportunities in basic, applied and clinical research. In some respects, the potential of NGS is akin to the early days of PCR, with one's imagination being the primary limitation to its use. The major advance offered by NGS is the ability to produce an enormous volume of sequence data at an unprecedented speed and a constantly decreasing cost. This feature expands the realm of experimentation beyond just determining the order of bases (Metzker, Nature Reviews Genetics 11, 31-46, 2010), and has prompted the development of a rich catalog of NGS applications.
The Bioinformatics Core Facility has extensive experience in analyzing NGS data, of both model and non-model organisms. We have the necessary hardware infrastructure, as well as cutting edge commercial and publicly available software for high throughput analysis of genomic data.
Among the NGS data analysis services we provide are:
de novo sequence assembly and annotation of novel genomes and transcriptomes
Gene expression profiling (RNA-Seq)
Single cell RNA-Seq
Protein-DNA interaction analysis (Chip-Seq)
Micro-RNA discovery and profiling (miRNA-Seq)
SNP discovery and genotyping from exome sequencing, RAD-Seq, GBS and whole-genome sequencing
Human, plant and livestock genetic analyses
Microbial genomics
Metagenomic studies of microbial populations ("microbiome") using 16S, 18S, ITS and shotgun metagenomic sequencing