| Dr. Yoram Ayal, Retired, Desert EcologyThe structure of desert communities; The effect of habitat productivity on community structure and trophic interactions; Insect-plant interactions and insect community structure in desert ecosystems; Insect parasitoid-host population interactions. |
 | Prof. Hendrik Bruins, Professor Emeritus, Bona Terra the Man in the DesertHuman Ecology in Deserts and Drylands through Time; Drought, Food Security and Disaster Contingency Planning; Ancient Desert Agriculture, Rural Archaeology and Comparative Bedouin Anthropology; The Catastrophic Santorini Eruption in the Eastern Mediterranean Region; Radiocarbon Dating and Chronology of the Ancient Near East during the Bronze and Iron Ages. |
 | Prof. Georgy Burde, Emeritus Professor, Environmental Physics Research Interests: Fluid dynamics (current interests: water waves, hydrodynamic stability); Applications of symmetry based methods to differential equations; Soliton dynamics |
 | Prof. David Faiman, Emeritus Professor, Solar Energy faiman@bgu.ac.ilSolar radiation measurement; Characterization of concentrator photovoltaic systems; Investigation of (vanadium redox) storage batteries |
 | * Production of nanomaterials using highly concentrated solar radiation * Design of optics for concentrating solar collectors. Selective coatings |
 | Prof. Constantin Freidin, Professor Emeritus, Bona Terra the Man in the Desertfreidin@bgu.ac.ilDevelopment of new technological processes for cement; Concrete and concrete-like materials; Utilization of industrial waste in manufacturing of concrete and other building materials. |

| Prof. Gordon M. Jeffrey, Emeritus Professor, Environmental Physics & Solar EnergyResearch Interests: Nanomaterial synthesis by highly concentrated solar and ultra-bright lamp light; physics and characterization of ultra-efficient solar cells; advanced solar concentrator optics; radiometry and illumination optics; bio-inspired systems. |
 | Prof. Gideon Kressel, Emeritus Professor, Bona Terra the Man in the DesertAgnation in Middle Eastern societies; Transition of Bedouin (nomadic pastoralists) into static pastoralism; Villages for shepherds; Livestock breeding and marketing; Regression in socialist economy and cooperation in Israel's rural sector; The kibbutz and the moshav. |
 | Prof. Abraham Kudish, Emeritus Professor, Solar Energy akudish@bgu.ac.ilMeasurement and analysis of visible solar radiation; Measurement and analysis of UVB and UVA solar radiation; Conversion ofsolar to thermal energy; Solar desalination |

| Prof. Yael Lubin, Professor Emerita, Desert Ecology Arachnid ecology and behavior, Social evolution, Sexual selection, Agroecosystems, Invasive species |

| Prof. Zvi Offer, Emeritus Professor, Environmental Physics offer@bgu.ac.ilMeteorology-geomorphology; Combined relationships between the meteorological parameters, relief morphometry and airborne particles in the Negev Desert (deflation, erosion, transport, sedimentation, composition, aerosols, atmospheric pollution); Practical applications |
 | Prof. Berry Pinshow, Professor Emeritus, Desert EcologyPhysiological ecology; ergy and water exchange between animals and the environment; ysiology of thermoregulation and osmoregulation in desert animals - especially birds, bats and rodents; rrow architecture: How are burrows "designed", through natural selection on their builders to suite the builder's physiological needs, thus becoming become part of the organisms "extended physiology". |
 | Prof. Leonid Prigozhin,
Emeritus Professor, Environmental PhysicsMathematical modeling; Variational and free boundary problems; Numerical methods; Granular mechanics and Aeolian sand transport; Applied superconductivity. |
 | Rubinstein Isaak, Emeritus Professor, Environmental PhysicsResearch Interests: Physico-chemical hydrodynamics; membrane electrochemistry; electrokinetics in micro-nano fluidics; concentration polarization in charge selective ionic systems. |
 | Dr. Moshe Schwartz, Retired, Bona Terra the Man in the DesertPolitical sociology; Economic sociology; The social organization and political economy of cooperative agricultural settlements in Israel; Agricultural R&D organizations; The political economy of Israel; The political economy of agriculture in Africa; Agricultural settlement projects in the developing world; Human contributions to desertification; The political economy of natural resource management. |

| Dr. Shenbrot Georgy, Researcher Grade A, Retired, Desert Ecology
Research Interests: Community and population ecology of desert animals (small mammals, lizards);Biogeography of arid zones; Taxonomy of small mammals (Rodentia, Insectivora) and lizards (Agamidae); Conservation ecology, protection of rare species.

| Prof. Yair Zarmi, Emeritus Professor, Environmental PhysicsEnvironmental physics; Nonlinear dynamics (solitons and their interactions, wave phenomena in nature); Physical aspects of algal biomass production |
 | Prof. Amos Zemel , Emeritus Professor, Environmental PhysicsResearch Interests: The efficient management of natural resources; optimization under uncertainty; the methodology of dynamic optimization.