Y. Tsur and A. Zemel (2018) A comprehensive framework for optimal management of water resources. Global Water Forum. September 11, 2018.
Y. Tsur and A. Zemel (2018) Water policy guidelines: A comprehensive approach. Water Resources and Economics. 23:1-13 doi:10.1016/j.wre.2018.01.005.
Y. Tsur and A. Zemel (2017) Coping with multiple catastrophic threats. Environmental and Resource Economics 68:175-196 doi:10.1007/s10640-017-0144-5.
Y. Tsur and A. Zemel (2017) Steady state properties of multi-state economic models. Canadian Journal of Economics 50:506-521, doi:10,1111/caje.12267.
Y. Tsur and A. Zemel, Policy tradeoffs under risk of abrupt climate change.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 132B:46-55 (2016)
Y. Tsur and A. Zemel, The management of fragile resources: A long term perspective. Environmental and Resource Economics (2016) 65:639--655.
A. Zemel, Adaptation, mitigation and risk: An analytic approach. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 51:133-147 (2015)
S. Smulders, Y. Tsur and A. Zemel. Uncertain climate policy and the Green Paradox. In: Dynamic Optimization in Environmental Economics, eds. E. Moser, W. Semmler, G. Tragler and V.M. Veliov. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Chapter 7, pp. 155-168. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-54086-8_7. (2014)
Y. Tsur and A. Zemel Steady state properties in a class of dynamic models. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 39:165-177. doi:10.1016/j.jedc.2013.11.009. (2014)
Y. Tsur and A. Zemel. Dynamic and stochastic analysis of environmental and natural resources. in: Handbook of Regional Science, eds. M.M. Fischer and P. Nijkamp. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Chapter 47, pp. 929-949. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-23430-9_51. (2013)
De Zeeuw, A. and Zemel, A. Regime shifts and uncertainty in pollution control Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 36: 939-950 (2012)
Zemel, A.. Precaution under mixed uncertainty: Implications for environmental management Resource and Energy Economics 34: 188-197 (2012)
Smulders, S., Tsur, Y. & Zemel, A. . Announcing climate policy: Can a green paradox arise without scarcity? Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 64: 364-376 (2012)
Tsur, Y. and Zemel, A.. On the dynamics of competing energy sources Automatica 47: 1357-1365 (2011)
Tsur Y. and Zemel A.. Endogenous discounting and climate policy. Environmental and Resource Economics 44: 507-520 (2009)
Lavee, D., Regev, U. and Zemel, A.. The effect of recycling price uncertainty on municipal waste management choices Journal of Environmental Management 90: 3599-3606 (2009)
Shani, U., Tsur, Y., Zemel, A. and Zilberman, D. . Irrigation production functions with water-capital substitution Agricultural Economics 40: 55-66 (2009)
Tsur Y. and Zemel, A.. Regulating environmental threats. Environmental and Resource Economics. 39: 297-310 (2008)
Tsur, Y. and Zemel, A.. Towards endogenous recombinant growth Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 31: 3459-3477 (2007)
Tsur, Y. and Zemel, A.. Bio-economic resource management under threats of environmental catastrophes. Ecological Research 22: 431-438 (2007)
Tsur Y. and Zemel, A.. On the dynamics of knowledge-based economic growth Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 135: 101-115 (2007)