The Institute will encourage publication in leading newspapers with the help of incentive mechanisms and assistance to cover publication costs (page charges, open access) of leading articles published in leading scientific press in which the Institute's name is explicitly mentioned.
'Leading article' - an article published in a newspaper ranked by the ISI in the top 10% in the general scientific field in which the research took place or in general scientific newspapers considered leaders in the research field in which the article was published.
- The support will be at a maximum level of $1000 per leading article, as reimbursement of proven advertising expenses.
- The support will be conditioned on the submission of requests for support from other sources at the university (as far as such exist).
- The support will cover costs that will not be covered by other sources.
- Support will be granted only after final acceptance of the article for publication.
- The Institute's total budget for this purpose will be limited to $5000 per year, on a "first come, first served" basis.
- The institute will grant a loan for the purpose of publishing a leading article by researchers who are unable to finance the publication from other sources (for example, the Rector's office or the grant detailed in section A).
- Applicants will declare that they are unable to finance the cost of publication from their research budgets.
- The loan will be repaid immediately upon receipt of a new research budget.
Grants and loans will not be awarded automatically and will be reviewed individually by the institute's executive committee.
Requests for support should be sent to the institute's secretariat.