ZOOM lectures from the 2023-2024 academ​ic year:​​

​Religion and Politics


ZOOM lectures from the 2022-2023 academic year:​​

​Religion and the Natural Environment​



ZOOM lectures from the 2021-2022 academ​ic year:​​

Rethinking Center and Periphery in the Abrahamic Religions​​

» פרופ' מיכל בר-אשר סיגל: מידול קשרים בין יהודים ונוצרים בתלמוד הבבלי: שאלות של מרכז ופריפריה​​

»  Dr. Kanan Kitani: "The Changing Faces of the Christians in Japan​"

» Prof.  Katell Berthelot- "Jews and their Roman Rivals: Pagan Rome's Challenge to Israel " BOOK EVENT​

»  Research workshop with PhD students from Gutenberg University of Mainz: Byzantium and the Euro-Mediterranean Cultures of War. Exchange, Differentiation and Reception 

» International Conference: "The Status of Converts in Jewish Communities and Jewish Thought, from Biblical Times to Contemporary Israel​"​

​» ד"ר אסף תמרי: "עיר המקובלים? צפת במאה השש-עשרה כמרכז וכפריפריה"​​ 

»  Frédéric Brenner: "Jewishness - Otherness - Performance, A Photographic Reflection"

»  Dr. Leonardo Cohen: "Narratives of Suffering, Failure and Martyrdom: Early Modern Catholicism Confronting the Adversities of History " - BOOK EVENT

​» ​Dr. Björn Bentalge: "Supplementary Centers and the Creation of Sacred Realms in Early Modern Arabic Literature"

​» ​Dr. Uri Z. Shachar: “A Pious Belligerence​” - BOOK EVENT

» Prof. Emeritus Richard Bulliet: "The Farthest Periphery: Islam and Christianity in the Spanish Philippines​"​

» ​Dr. Yaniv Fox: "Between Town and Village: Center and Periphery in Early Medieval Saints' Lives​"

» מיכל ארלי​​ך: "מגורואים פאן-הודים לגורואים מקומיים: ביסוס סמכות, רווחה, וקדושה בקהילות דבקים בפריפריה של דלהי​"

» פרופ' ישי רוזן-צבי: "מגוי קדוש לגוי של שבת – האחר של היהודים: קווים לדמותו​" . *אירוע ספר*

» Prof. Jill Hicks​-Keeton: "Who Owns the Bible? Judaism and Christianity at D.C.’s Museum of the Bible​"

» ​פרופ' נמרוד הורביץ: "האם יש מרכז? אתוס ​הביקורת הדתית של החנבלים בבגדאד הימי ביניימית"

» ד"ר גיל פישהוף​​: "חקר האמנות בממלכת ירושלים הצלבנית (1187-10​​​​99): תפישות מרכז ופריפריה כנקודת מוצא מוטה אידיאולוגית​​"​

» ​​פר​ופ' יורם בילו: "בין מרכז ופריפריה: תובנות משני מחקרים אתנוגרפיים​"​

ZOOM lectu​​​res from​​ the 2020-2021 aca​demic year:​​

The Role and Function of Material Forms and Objects​​​​ in the Abrahamic Religions​

» ​ד"ר דפנה ניסים: "הסקולרי והמקודש באיור "הפטרון מתפלל למריה​ וישו" בספר השעות של לוואל​​​​"​

» ד"ר אסתר יוהס​: "לוח השויתי: בין רוח וחומר, בין נוכחות והנכחה​"

» Prof. Ephraim Kanarfogel: “Brothers from Afar​” - Book Event

» Annual Conference 2021: R​itual Objects in the Medieval Middle East​ - a BGU 4-day Workshop

» Dr. Rainer Josef Barzen: "Taqqanot Qehillot Shum​" Book Launch

»​ Prof. Nimrod Hurvitz (with Christian Sahner, Uriel Simonsohn & Luke Yarbrough): "Conversion to Islam in the Premodern Age, A Sourcebook​"- Book Launch

» Prof. Bi​rgit Meyer: "Religion, Material Culture and the Question of the Fetish​"​

» ד"ר רונ​ה ש' אבישר-לואיס: "החיפו​​​​ש אחר האלוהים: לשאלת זיהוי הפולחן בממצא הארכאולוגי​​"

» פרופ' רחל מילש​​טיין: "ביטויים סופיים באמנות ארצות האסלאם​"​

» ד"ר ​שלמה גוזמן כרמלי: "טקסט​ כחפץ, טקסט ככלי: על המטריאליות של כתבי הקודש​"

» Prof. Magda Teter: ”Blood Libel: On the Trail of an Antisemitic Myth” book​ launch.

» ​פרופ' אפרים שהם-​שטיינ​ר: “​​Jews and Crime in Medieval Europe​​" ער​ב ​השקת ספר.

» Professor Emerita Caroline Walker Bynum: “Absence as Pr​esence: The Footprint as Devotional Object​

» פרופ' עמוס מגד: "שימוש בקמיעות בקר​ב נשים חד-הוריות במקסיקו במאה ה-16".​

» Prof. David Morgan: "The Hist​ory of Wands as Tools of Enchantment​".

» ​פרופ' מי​כ​​אל ש​נקר: "א​​יקונוגרפיה דת​ית בדת הזורואסטרית".

​Lectures from the 2019-2020 ​academic ye​​ar

Violence and its Justification in the Abrahamic Faiths​

(Su​bscribe to ​CSoC's youtube channel​​)

» Prof. Nimrod H​​​urvitz - Jihadis Also Cry: Emotions, Culture and Apocalypse in the Isis Milieu (in Hebrew).

» Dr. Tamar Rotman​ - ​Catholics, Arians, and Identity construction in the works of Gregory of Tours​ (in Hebrew).

» Prof. Sara Offenberg - Converting the Knight: Justified Violence in Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts​ (in Hebrew)​​

» Ofer Zalzberg​​ - ​Diplomatic Compromise, Religious Non-Negotiability and Religiously Motivated Violence​​

» Dr. Daniel M. ​​Herskowitz​ -​ Karl Barth and Nostra Aetate: New Evidence from the Second Vatican Council

» Naaman Tal - Negev Beduins and the Green Patrol

Follow our YouTube​ channel by clicking HERE.​​

For videos up until Oct. 2018​​-2019, click HERE:

University of ​Oxford's Seminar on the Abrahamic Faiths joined CSoC in their Ben-Gurion in the Negev campus for a 3 day international workshop on our mutual theme "Sacred Space" in the three religions, June 2019.​


 Promo for our new online Course - Reading Conversion


Twenty-seven world-renowned specialists, of the Center for Studies of Conversion and Inter-Religious Encounters (I-Core) in Ben-Gurion University of the Negev will guide you through the learning process, providing a broad historical, cultural and religious background for the texts. The experts help you to gain an understanding of the period in which the texts were written, and the events and ideas that the texts influenced. To sign up, click here​.


On Jewish-Christian Disputation in the European Middle Ages         


The seminar (in English) was given by Prof. Piero Capelli from Ca' Foscari University of Venice, as part of the activity in the Center for the study of Conversion and Inter-Religious Encounters at BGU (June 12th, 2018).


Launch event of a new book by Prof. Ram Ben-Shalom         


The event (in Hebrew) took place as part of the activity in the Center for the study of Conversion and Inter-Religious Encounters at BGU (May 16th, 2018).



Launch event of a new book by Dr. Sarina Chen         


The event (in Hebrew) took place as part of the activity in the Center for the study of Conversion and Inter-Religious Encounters at BGU (April 10th, 2018).



Parted Ways: Heresy in Early Patristic and Early Rabbinic Literature


The seminar (in English) was given by Prof. Adiel Schremer from Bar Ilan University, as part of the activity in the Center for the study of Conversion and Inter-Religious Encounters at BGU (March 20th, 2018).



The Last Step of Jacob Frank's Odyssey for the True Religion


The seminar (in English) was given by Dr. Shinichi Yamamoto as part of the activity in the Center for the study of Conversion and Inter-Religious Encounters at BGU (March 6th, 2018).



The Latin Talmud - Session 3


 Participants: Chair- Harvey Hames, Federico Dal Bo, Isaac Lampurlanés



The Latin Talmud - Session 2


Participants: Chair- Harvey Hames, Óscar de la Cruz, Yakov Z. Mayer, Annabel González, Eulàlia Vernet, Judith Weiss  


The Latin Talmud- Session 1


Participants: Harvey Hames, Alexander Fidora, Ulisse Cecini




Visit our old YouTube Channel​ here, for videos up until Oct. 2018.





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