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Abramovich, S. and Keller, G., 2002. High stress upper Maastrichtian Paleoenvironment: Inference from Planktic foraminifera in Tunisia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 178(3-4), 145-164
Abramovich, S., Keller, G., Adatte, T., Stinnesbeack, W., Hottinger, L., Stuben, D., Berner, Z., Ramanivosoa, B. and Randriamanantenasoa, A., 2002. Age paleoenvironment of the Maastrichtian-Paleocene of the Mahajanga Basin, Madagascar: a multidisciplinary approach. Marine Micropaleontology 47(1-2), 17-70
Abramovich, S., Keller, G., Stuben, D. and Berner, Z., 2003. Characterization of late Campanian and Maastrichtian planktic foraminiferal depth habitats and vital activities based on stable isotopes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 202, 1-29
Abramovich, S. and Keller, G.,2003 Planktic foraminiferal response to the latest Maastrichtian abrupt warm event: A case study from midlatitude Atlantic Site 525A. Marine Micropaleontology 48(3-4), 225-249
Stuben, D., Kramar, U., Berner Z., Leosson M. A., Meudt, M., Keller, G., Abramovich, S., Adatte, T., Hambach, U. and Stinnesbeck. W., 2003. Late Maastrichtian Paleoclimatic and Paleoceanographic changes inferred from Ca/Sr and stable isotopes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 199, 107-127
Adatte, T., Keller, G., Stuben, D., Harting, M., Kramar, U., Stinnesbeck, W., Abramovich, S., and Benjamini, Ch. (in press) Late Maastrichtian and K/T paleoenvironment of the eastern Tethys (Israel): mineralogy, trace element and platinum group elements, biostratigraphy, and faunal turnovers
Abramovich, S., Benjamini, Ch., and Almogi-Labin, A. and Adatte, T (in Prep). Paleoenvironments of the Negev (Israel) in the Maastrichtian: Faunal, mineralogical and geochemical evidence for change in the ocean.