Fresco N, Tzelgov J, & Shmuelof L. (2022). How can caching explain automaticity?. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1-14.
Joubran K, Bar-Haim S, & Shmuelof L.(2022). The functional and structural neural correlates of dynamic balance impairment and recovery in persons with acquired brain injury. Scientific reports, 12(1), 7990.
Handelzalts S, Koren Y, Goldhammer N, Yeshurun-Tayer A, Parmet Y, Shmuelof L , & Bar-Haim S. (2021) Insights into Motor Performance Deficits After Stroke: An Automated and Refined Analysis of the Lower-Extremity Motor Coordination Test (LEMOCOT). Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 18(1), 1-10.
Raichin A, Shkedy Rabani A, & Shmuelof L (2021). Motor skill training without online visual feedback enhances feedforward control. Journal of Neurophysiology, 126(5), 1604-1613.
Joubran K, Bar-Haim S, Shmuelof L. (2021). Dynamic balance recovery in chronic Acquired Brain Injury participants following a perturbation training. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 44(4), 350-357.
Avni I, Meiri G, Michaelovski A, Menashe I, Shmuelof L, Dinstein I. (2021). Basic oculomotor function is similar in young children with ASD and typically developing controls. Autism Research, 14(12), 2580-2591.
Jossinger S, Mawase F, Ben-Shachar M, Shmuelof L.(2020). Locomotor Adaptation Is Associated with Microstructural Properties of the Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle. Cerebellum.
Avraham G, Keizman M, Shmuelof L.(2020). Environmental consistency modulation of error sensitivity during motor adaptation is explicitly controlled. J Neurophysiol. 123(1):57-69.
Gonda S, Shkedy Rabani A, Horesh N, Shmuelof L.(2019). Fast and specific: insights into the acquisition and generalization of motor acuity. J Neurophysiol. 122(6):2354-2363.
Abu-Rmileh A, Zakkay E, Shmuelof L*, Shriki O*.(2019). Co-adaptive Training Improves Efficacy of a Multi-Day EEG-Based Motor Imagery BCI Training. Front Hum Neurosci. 13:362.
* equal contribution.
Avraham G, Leib R, Karniel A, Shmuelof L, Mussa-Ivaldi F and Nisky I. (2017). Running Behind Time – State-Based Delay Representation and Its Transfer from an Ecological Interception Task to Reaching and Tracking.eNeuro.
Avraham G, Mawase F, Karniel A, Shmuelof L, Donchin O, Mussa-Ivaldi FA and Nisky I.(2017). Representation of Delayed Velocity-Dependent Force Field in the Sensorimotor System. Journal of Neurophysiology.
Mawase F, Bar-Haim S, Shmuelof L. (2017). Formation of long-term locomotor memories is associated with functional connectivity changes in the cerebellar-thalamic-cortical network. Journal of Neuroscience 37(2):349-361
Reichenthal M, Avraham G, Karniel A, Shmuelof L. (2016). Target size matters: Target errors contribute to the generalization of implicit visuomotor learning. Journal of Neurophysiology 116: 411-424.
Mawase F, Bar-Haim S,
Joubran K, Rubin L, Karniel A, Shmuelof L. (2016).
Increased adaptation rates and reduction in trial-by-trial variability
in subjects with Cerebral Palsy following a multi-session locomotor adaptation training.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:203.
Vaswani PA, Shmuelof L, Haith A, Delnicki RJ, Huang VS, Mazzoni P, Krakauer JW. (2015). Persistent Residual Errors in Motor Adaptation Tasks: Reversion to Baseline and Exploratory Escape. The Journal of Neuroscience, 35(17), 6969-6977.
Yang J, Shmuelof L, Xiao L, Krakauer JW, Caffo B. (2015). On tests of activation map dimensionality for fMRI-based studies of learning. Frontiers in neuroscience, 9.
Shmuelof L, Krakauer JW.( 2014) Recent insights intro perceptual and motor skill learning. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:683.
Shmuelof L, Yang J, Caffo B, Mazzoni P, Krakauer JW. (2014) The neural correlates of learned motor acuity. Journal of Neurophysiology: jn. 00897.2013.
Mawase F, Shmuelof L, Bar-haim S, Karniel A. (2014) Savings in locomotor adaptation task explained by dual-rate context-dependent learning process. Journal of Neurophysiology 111: 1444-54.
Shmuelof L, Huang V, Haith A, Delnicki RJ, Mazzoni P, Krakauer JW. (2012) Overcoming motor “forgetting” through reinforcement of learned actions. Journal of Neuroscience 32: 14617-14621.
Shmuelof L, Krakauer J, Mazzoni P. (2012) How is a motor skill learned? Change and invariance at the levels of task success and trajectory control. Journal of Neurophysiology 108: 578:594.
Shmuelof L, Krakauer JW. (2011) Are we ready for a natural history of motor learning? Neuron 72: 469-76. Review.
Eisenberg M, Shmuelof L, Vaadia E, Zohary E. (2011) The Representation of Visual and Motor Aspects of Reaching Movements in the Human Motor Cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 31:12377-12384.
Eisenberg M#, Shmuelof L#, Vaadia E, Zohary E. (2010) Functional Organization of Human Motor Cortex: Directional Selectivity for Movement. Journal of Neuroscience 30: 8897-8905. # - equal contribution.
Shmuelof L, Zohary E. (2008) Mirror-image representation of action in the anterior parietal cortex. 2008. Nature Neuroscience 11: 1267-1269.
Shmuelof L, Zohary E. (2007) Watching others' actions: Mirror representations in the parietal cortex. The Neuroscientist 13: 667-672. Review.
Shmuelof L, Zohary E. (2006) A mirror representation of others' action in the human anterior parietal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 26: 9736-9742.
Shmuelof L, Zohary E. (2005) Dissociation between ventral and dorsal fMRI activation during object and action recognition. Neuron 47:457–470.