Upon Arrival Information

The current academic calendar is made available to you here (in Hebrew).
At the entrance to the University campus, malls and large public places, a security guard will perform a cursory bag check
or wave a security wand. It takes only a moment and is done for your safety.
When you arrive at the main BGU campus, bring a copy of your entrance permit (received at passport control) to the visa coordinator. Please check the visa stamp on your passport and make sure not to exceed your visa. In case you identify an irregularity, please visit the Visa Department at the International Office so that it can be dealt with. Carry a copy of your visa and passport at all times.
The Office of International Academic Affairs regularly holds orientation sessions. Please come to the front desk in Building 72, floor 5 1/2 (five and a half), room 566, in order to find out when the next scheduled orientation program is being held. Joining an orientation program is a great way to meet other international students / researchers and get to know the
One of the first things you want to do after arriving is getting an Israeli SIM card and phone plan. To compare the different plans, click here. Most of the providers have an English website on which you can order the plan of your choice. At the end of the process, you will have to go to one of their shops in order to receive your SIM card.
Jewish religion and traditions impact daily life. Shabbat is a weekly Jewish observance lasting about 25 hours, from sundown on Friday to just after sundown on Saturday. It is a time of rest, and observant Jews will not work, spend money or use electricity. Most University gates and stores are closed and public transportation is down from Friday afternoon until Saturday evening. For more details about public transportation in Israel on Shabbat, see “Transportation in Israel.” Several other Holidays also follow the same rules as Shabbat – for your consideration, a list of all public Holidays is available here.
Both traditional Jewish and Muslim cultures have very specific gender roles. If you are a man, do not touch a religious
woman and vice versa (this includes handshakes).
Be smart in the sun: stay in the shade as much as possible, wear a hat, use sunscreen on a daily basis and drink lots of water. Please do not underestimate the danger – you are in the desert. Also: Sandstorms are a normal part of life in any desert. They occur once every few months all year round. If it ever looks foggy, close all your windows and doors or your home will be covered with dust!