January 2008
Introductory notes
The live germplasm collection of Pistacia at BIDR consists of accessions of 7 species out of the 11 species in the genus.
This web site provides a picture (Pictures taken during June-July, 2007) and information about each accession.
We aim to have accessions of all the species of Pistacia represented in the collection.
Each accession is presented by three numbers.
The first is the plot number (there are five plots, numbered 1-5, and two plots labeled A and B).
The second is the row number in the plot, and the third is the tree number in the row.
Instructions to view an accession
Each accession in a Plot/Row (1.1; 1.2; etc.) can be seen in an album containing an image and a short description.
Only for plot 1, there is additional data on phenology, height, trunk and canopy diameters,
shown in Plot Data Sheets.
Contact for further information: Prof. Avi Golan (Goldhirsh), avigolan@bgu.ac.il
Preparation of data for presentation: Ms. Ahuva Vonshak
Website design and webmaster: Ms. Ayelet Erez-Lachs
We greatly appreciate all our colleagues around the Mediterranean basin and Turkmenistan
who assisted in seed collection for the establishment of the Pistacia germplasm collection at BIDR.
The technical assistance of Dr. Vladimir Kostiukovsky is greatly appreciated.
The collection was established by partial support of the European Commission
and under Grant No._TA-MOU-98-CA17-028
funded by the U.S.-Israel Cooperative Development Research Program,
Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade, U.S. Agency for International Development.
The collection is maintained with partial support by Asia Science & Technology Ltd.
1.1 Plot Data Sheets 1.1. Album 
1.2 Plot Data Sheets 1.2. Album
1.3 Plot Data Sheets 1.3. Album
1.4 Plot Data Sheets 1.4. Album
1.5 Plot Data Sheets 1.5. Album
1.6 Plot Data Sheets 1.6. Album
1.7 Plot Data Sheets 1.7. Album
1.8 Plot Data Sheets 1.8. Album
1.10 Plot Data Sheets 1.10. Album
1.13 Plot Data Sheets 1.13. Album
1.14 Plot Data Sheets 1.14. Album