2027 | Aram Yakoby | Ph. D. | Time dependent behavior of geological hydrogen storage capacity
2025 | Avishai Bronner | M.Sc. | Modeling tunnel stability in Karstic terrain using the numerical DDA method
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2025 | Ron Gilad | M.Sc. | Mechanical behavior of Mt. Sopus chalks for geological waste storage
2023 | Aviv Arieli | M. Sc. | Fault roughness and induced seismicity
2023 | Eli Heyman | Ph. D. | Laboratory investigations of geological materials subjected to high impact loads (Tentative title) (Jointly with Prof. Oren Sadot, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, BGU).
2023 | Eliaz Ishay | M. Sc. | Sliding instabilities in rock interfaces
2023 | Michal Haziz | M. Sc. | Geomechanical characterization of the Hazeva Fm. (Jointly with Dr. Shmulik Pinkert, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, BGU)
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2022 | Doron Morad | Ph. D. | Influence of shear rate on roughness evolution in rock joints. (Jointly with Dr. Amir Sagy, Geological Survey of Israel). Recipient of the 2021 Asaf Gur Memorial award for outstanding PhD thesis. Postdoc: U. C. Santa Cruz
2021 | Aram Yaa’kobi | M. Sc. | Analytical and numerical investigation of deep underground openings for geological radioactive waste disposal in Yamin Plane. (Jointly with Dr. Shmulik Pinkert, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, BGU). PhD: BGU.
2021 | Tom Gabrieli | M. Sc. | Architectural and Geometrical Properties of Faults: Case Studies in the Dead Sea Basin (Jointly with Dr. Amir Sagy, Geological Survey of Israel). PhD: BGU.
2021 | Yair Gordin | Ph. D. | Remote Detection of Thermal Maturation in Source-Rocks Using Seismic Anisotropy. (Jointly with Prof. Harold Vinegar, BGU and Dr. Anat Canning, Emerson – Paradigm Geophysical).
2019 | Dekel Levi | M. Sc. | Creep potential of Clay soil in coastal plain of southern Israel. (Jointly with Dr. Ronnie Kamai, Dept. of Structural Engineering, BGU)
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2019 | Omri Shitrit | Ph. D. | Poroelasticity of organic rich chalks. (Jointly with Prof. Shimon Feinstein and Prof. Harold Vinegar, BGU). Recipient of the 2016 Asaf Gur Memorial award for outstanding PhD thesis.Selected as author of one of the “best papers” by the 50th US Rock Mechanics conference scientific committee - ARMA.
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2018 | Nahum Kazaz | M. Sc. | | |
2018 | Yuval Keissar | M. Sc. | Numerical study of the thermally-induced wedging ratcheting mechanism with 3DEC. (Jointly with Dr. Dagan Bakun-Mazor, Sami Shamoon College of Engineering). PhD: UC Berkeley. Yuval Keissar MSc
2016 | Aviran Feldheim | M. Sc. | Physical modeling of the wedging-ratcheting mechanics. (Jointly with Dr. Dagan Bakun-Mazor, Sami Shamoon College of Engineering).
Aviran Feldheim MSc
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2015 | Nir Badt | M. Sc. | Role of normal stress constraints on roughness evolution through shear (jointly with Dr. Amir Sagy, Geological Survey of Israel). PhD: Brown University. Nir Badt MSc.
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2015 | Omri Shitrit | M. Sc. | Mechanical and petrophysical behavior of oil shale formations from the Judean Plains, Israel (Jointly with Prof. Shimon Feinstein, BGU and Dr. Harold Vinegar, IEI)
2015 | Ravit Zelig | M. Sc. | Numerical modeling of wave propagation through discontinuous media with implications to rock bursts.
Ravit Zelig MSc. | |
2013 | Gony Yagoda-Biran | Ph. D. | Seismic Hazard Analysis using the Numerical DDA Method. Recipient of the 2013 Asaf Gur Memorial award for outstanding PhD thesis. Recipient of the 2011 American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA) Applied Rock Mechanics Research Award (jointly with Y. Hatzor and R. Kamai).
2013 | Guy Davidesko | M. Sc. | Evolution of surface roughness through shear (jointly with Dr. Amir Sagi, Geological Survey of Israel). Guy Davidesko MSc.
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2013 | Ksenia Bisnovat | M. Sc. | Mechanical and petrophysical behavior of oil shale formations from the Judean Plains, Israel (Jointly with Prof. Shimon Feinstein, BGU).
Ksenia Bisnovat MSc.
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2013 | Yael Rosenthal | M. Sc. | Deducing seismic risk from structural failures in masonry arches below the old city of Jerusalem.
Yael Rosenthal MSc.
2012 | Elchannan Livne | M.Sc. | Evaluation of the liquefaction potential along the Dead-Sea western shores – Regional screening and geotechnical analysis of two boreholes (Jointly with Dr. Amos Salomon, GSI).
Elchanan Livne MSc.
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2012 | Yuval Tal | M. Sc. | Modeling the excavation sequence with the numerical Manifold Method (NMM). PhD: MIT Postdoc: Caltech. Faculty position: BGU.
Yuval Tal MSc.
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2011 | Dagan Bakun-Mazor | Ph .D. | Environmentally controlled, multi scale, dynamic behavior of rock masses. (Jointly with Prof. Steven Glaser, UC Berkeley). Faculty position: SCE. Dagan Bakun-Mazor Ph.D
2011 | Omer Biran | M. Sc. | Rate and State friction experiments in direct shear. (Jointly with Dr. Alon Ziv, BGU, now at TAU).
Omer Biran MSc.
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2009 | Ilia Wainshtein | Ph. D. | A model for bearing capacity of pile/rock interfaces based on direct shear tests, in situ load tests, and numerical analyses. Senior Geotechnical Engineer: Wood Corporation, Canada. Ilia Wainshtein Ph.D.
PPT Presentation
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2008 | Dagan Bakun-Mazor | M. Sc. | Modeling mechanical layering in discontinuous rock masses for deformation analysis. Recipient of the 2008 Asaf Gur Memorial award for outstanding MSc. Thesis. PhD: BGU. | 
2008 | Gabriele Monacis | M. Sc. | Discrete element modeling of jointed beams (Jointly with Professor Giovanni Barla, Politecnico di Torino). Thesis submitted to Dept. of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Politecnico di Torino.
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2008 | Gony Yagoda-Biran | M. Sc. | Seismic hazard estimation along eastern margins of sea of Galilee by back analysis of seismically induced natural and structural failures. (Jointly with Drs. R. Amit and O. Katz, Geological Survey of Israel). Recipient of the 2008 Geological Society of Israel award for outstanding MSc. Thesis. | |
2006 | Itay Orian | M. Sc. | |
2006 | Ronnie Kamai | M. Sc. | Estimation of historical seismic ground-motions of structural failures in archeological sites. (Jointly with Dr. S. Marco, Tel Aviv University). Recipient of the 2005 Geological Society of Israel award for outstanding MSc. thesis. Recipient of the 2011 American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA) Applied Rock Mechanics Research Award (jointly with Y. Hatzor and G. Yagoda Brian). | |
2005 | Carola Eirmermacher | M. Sc. | | 
2005 | Dikla Hadad | M. Sc. | Comparison between lattice-preferred orientation of calcite (LPO) and mechanical anisotropy in chalks. (Jointly with Prof. H. Kish, BGU)
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2005 | Shlomy Manor | M. Sc. | | |
2004 | Ilia Wainshtein | M. Sc. | |
2004 | Michael Tsesarsky | Ph. D. | Stability of underground openings in stratified and jointed rock.
Postdoc: Technion. Faculty position: BGU. Tsesarsky_PhD
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2001 | Boaz Saltzman | M. Sc. | Possible correlation between mechanical layer's joint spacing and its rock mechanical properties. (Jointly with Prof. Y. Eyal, BGU)
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1999 | Michael Tsesarsky | M. Sc. | Stability of underground openings in jointed chalks: a case study from the bell-shaped caverns, Bet-Guvrin national park. Recipient of the 2000 Geological Society of Israel award for outstanding MSc. Thesis. Ph.D: BGU. | |
1997 | Alon Zur | M. Sc. | Influence of texture and grain size on ultimate strength of dolomites.
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1997 | Eli P. Heyman | M. Sc. | Mechanical behaviour of Mt. Sedom rock salt. Recipient of the 1998 Israel Mineral Science and Engineering Association award for outstanding MSc. Thesis. Ph.D: BGU. | 
1997 | Moshe Levine | M. Sc. | Slope stability analysis by back calculation of plane failure in Arad open pit mine.
1997 | Ron Benari | M. Sc. | Stability of underground openings in jointed chalky rock: a case study from Tel Beer-Sheva national park
1996 | Ehud Gavish | M. Sc. | Evaluation of empirical classification methods (Q, RMR) for tunneling in bedded rock: lessons from the Giloh tunnels, Jerusalem. (Jointly with Dr. Y. Arkin, Geological Survey of Israel)
Ehud Gavish MSc.
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