Researcher's Name
Prof. Sigal Abramovichsigalabr@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Global Changes, Oceanography
Prof. Nurit Agamagam@bgu.ac.ilFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Micrometeorology, heat and mass transfer across the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum


Dr. Gilad Antlergiladantler@gmail.comDepartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Environmental Geochemistry, Stable Isotopes, Bio-geochemical cycles, Chemical Oceanography
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Prof. Shai Arnonsarnon@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology
Hydrology, Water Quality in Streams, Movement of Pollutants in the Environment
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Prof. Chris Arnuscharnusch@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology
Chemistry Materials
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Dr. Gilboa Aryearyeg@bgu.ac.ilFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Soil and Water


Prof. Maya Bar-Sadanbarsadan@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Chemistry
Development of Functional Materials Used to Produce Alternative Fuels in a Sustainble way
Prof. Avraham Beerbeera@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology

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Prof. Ronen Berkovichberkovir@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Chemical Engineering

​Surface phenomena, pollutant suspension, biophysics, nanotribology

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Dr. Anat Bernsteinanatbern@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology
Degradation Processes of Organic Pollutants in the Environment​
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Prof. Dan Blumbergblumberg@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Geography and Environmental Development
Remote Sensing and Geomorphology
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Dr. Yuval Bonehbonehyuv@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences
The Mantle Flow and Dynamics Associated with the Earth's Tectonic Evolution
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Prof. Asher Brennerbrenner@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Water technologies


Prof. Ofer Dahanodahan@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology
Dr. Daniel Fuksdfuks@bgu.ac.il Department of Bible Studies, Archeology and the Ancient Near East


Prof. Jiwchar Ganorganor@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Environmental Geochemistry, Rock-Water Reactions
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Dr. Ilya Gelfandigelfand@bgu.ac.ilFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Biochemistry, Systemic Ecology

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Prof. Liran Gorengorenl@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Landscape Evolution, Fluvial Geomorphology, Flow in Porous Media, Landslides

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Prof. Roi Granotrgranot@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences

​Magnetic field, plate tectonics

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Dr. Avner Grossavnergro@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Geography and Environmental Development
Climate Change, Biogeochemical cycles, tropical forests
Prof. Amit Grossamgross@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology
Water and Environmental Sciences
Prof. Moshe Herzbergherzberg@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology
Desalination and Water Treatment, Microbial Biofilms
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Prof. Idan Hodhodi@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Chemistry
Design of Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Materials for Sustainable Energy
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Prof. Raz Jelinekrazj@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Chemistry
Nanotechnological Materials, Thin Surfaces and Films, Sensors and Biological Membranes
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Dr.  Ronni Kamairkamai@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Seismic Hazards and Soil Mechanics
Prof. Alexey Kamishnykamyshny@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Environmental Chemistry, Biochemistry, Oceanography
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Prof. Arnon Karnielikarnieli@bgu.ac.ilFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Remote Sensing, Climate Change, Image Processing
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Prof. Ron Kasherkasher@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology
Desalination and Water Treatment, Polymer Membranes
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Prof. Itzhak Katrakatra@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Geography and Environmental Development
Soil Erosion, Dust Storms
Prof. Yaron Katzirykatzir@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Geology, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Isotope Geochemistry


Prof. Chen Keasarkeasar@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Computer Science
Spatial Ecology, Biodiversity, Agroecology, Ecoinformatics


Dr. Oz Kiraozkira@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Sustainable Agriculture, Air Pollution, Environmental Sensing


Dr. Dilia Kooldkool@bgu.ac.ilDept. of Geography and Environmental Development

Evaporation, heat &water transport, energy balance, water balance ​

Prof. Ariel Kushmaroarielkus@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Biotechnology Engineering
Microbial Ecology, Biological Decomposition of Pollutants, Environment, Sewage Treatment
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Prof. Naftali Lazarovitchlazarovi@bgu.ac.ilFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Dryland Agriculture, Soil Science, Irrigation,


Dr. Elad Levintallevintal@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Environmental Hydrology and Microbiology

​Gas, Water, and Biogeochemical Cycles at the Land-Atmosphere Interface

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Prof. Shimrit Mamantiroshs@bgu.ac.ilEarth and Planetary Image

Satellite technologies & application (remote sensing, GIS, OSINT) environmental ​​

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Prof. Ehud Meronehud@bgu.ac.ilAlexandre Yersin Department of Solar Energy and Environmental Physics
Mathematical Models in Landscape and Community Ecology, Desertification, Evolutionary Dynamics

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Dr. Oded Nirodni@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Desalination & Water Treatment
Water Treatment Processes, Desalination and Resource Recycling
Dr. Leah Orlovskyorlovsky@bgu.ac.ilThe Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research
Remote Sensing for Desertification Studies, Changes in Land Cover and Land Use, Impacts of Climate Change, Environment and Society


Prof. Doron Pappopappod@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Chemistry
Organic Chemistry, Green Chemistry
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Dr. Shmulik Pinkertpinkerts@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Soil Engineering, Geotechnics

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Dr. Avner Ronenavnerr@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Desalination & Water Treatment
Water and wastewater treatment, electrically conducting membranes, micropollutants
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Dr. Roiy Sayagroiy@bgu.ac.ilThe Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research
Ice Sheet Dynamics

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Prof. Menny Shalommennysh@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Chemistry
Photoelectrochemistry, Hydrogen Production, Electrochemistry, Two-Layer Materials

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Prof. Arnon Shlomishlomi@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Wireless and satellite communication, free space optics, environmental monitoring

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Dr. Tomer Shushitomershu@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Business Administration

​Risk management, extreme scenarios, environmental financial risks, environmental physics


Prof. Orit Sivanoritsi@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Chemical Oceanography

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Prof. Tal Svoraytsvoray@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Geography and Environmental Development
Ecohydrology, Soil Degredation, Geo-informatics, Environmental Psychology
Prof. Refael Tadmor​tadmor@gmail.comDepartment of Mechanical Engineering
Taking Control of Marine Pollution

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Prof. Michael Tsesarskymichatse@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Modification of Engineering Properties of Soil by Bacterial Activity


Dr. Tuvia Turkeltaubtuviat@bgu.ac.ilZuckerberg Institute for Water Research

​Surface and subsurface hydrology​

Prof. Noam Weisbrodweisbrod@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology
Prof. Yossi Weizmannyweizmann@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Chemistry
Nanotechnology, Materials, Nucleic Acids Strucutres


Dr. Hezi Yizhaq yiyeh@bgumail.bgu.ac.ilNewman Information Center for Desert Research and Development

​Aeolian geomorphology, ecohydrology, vegetation patterns in desert areas, impact of climate change on the resilience of ecosystems, non-linear dynamics​

Prof. Mikhail Zubkovzubkovmi@bgu.ac.ilFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands

​Microbial ecophysiology, biogeochemistry, oceanography