
  • "3D nanoplasmonic structure for ultrahigh enhanced SERS with less variability, polarization independence, and multimodal sensing applied to picric acid detection", Anand M. Shrivastav, Mohammad Abutoama, and Ibrahim Abdulhalim; Nanoscale Advances, 6, 5681-5693 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1039/D4NA00387J

    "Evolutionary Optimized, Monocrystalline Gold Double Wire Gratings as a Novel SERS Sensing Platform", Amro O. Sweedan, Mariela J. Pavan, Enno Schatz, Henriette Maaß, Ashageru Tsega, Vered Tzin, Katja Höflich, Paul Mörk, Thorsten Feichtner, Muhammad Y. Bashouti; Nano Micro Small; Volume20, Issue35 (2024);  https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.202311937


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    "3D plasmonic hot spots network via gold decorated deep micro-porous silicon exhibiting ultrahigh- SERS enhancement with application to explosives detection", Neetika Singh, Anand M. Shrivastav, Nipun Vashistha and Ibrahim Abdulhalim Sensors & Actuators 2023, 374, 132813 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2022.132813


    "Nanocomposite Coatings for the Prevention of Surface Contamination by Coronavirus", E. Toledo, *S. Dim, A. Edri, Y. Greenshpan, A. Ottolenghi, N. Eisner, S. Tzadka, A. Pandey, H. Ben Nun, G. Le Saux, A. Porgador, and M. Schvartzman; PLoS ONE 17(8):e0272307 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0272307


    "Antibody-functionalized nanowires: a tuner for the activation of T cells", V. Bhingardive, A. Kossover, M. Iraqi, B. Khand, G. Le Saux, A. Porgador, and M. Schvartzman; Nano Lett. 21, 4241−4248 2021; https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c00245


    "Templated Assembly of Nanoparticles into continuous arrays", N, Ostrovsky, G. Le Saux, U.Argaman, I− T. Chen, T. Chen, C.-H. Chang, G. Makov, M. Schvartzman; Langmuir, 37, 9098-9110, (2021) https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.1c01188

    "Resonant Grating without a Planar Waveguide Layer as a Refractive Index Sensor",Sivan Isaacs, Ansar Hajoj, Mohammad Abutoama, Alexander Kozlovsky, Erez Golan and Ibrahim AbdulhalimSensors 2019, 19(13), 3003; https://doi.org/10.3390/s19133003

    "Surface plasmon enhanced SWIR absorption at the ultra n-doped substrate/PbSe nanostructure layer interface", Vladimir Wittenberg, Michael Rosenblit, and Gabby Sarusi, Infrared Physics & Technology, Volume 84, August 2017, Pages 43-49 

  • "Feasibility study of SWIR light absorption enhancement in PbS and PbSe nano-structure layers using surface plasmon polariton" Nimrod Nissim, Michael Rosenblit, and Gabby Sarusi, AIP Advances, Vol.7, Issue 3 1 March 2017

  • "All-optical design for inherently energy-conserving reversible gates and circuits"
    Eyal Cohen, Shlomi Dolev and Michael Rosenblit
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  • "Optical state machine and nano spheres"
    Eyal Cohen, Shlomi Dolev, Michael Rosenblit
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  • "Magnetic-film atom chip setup with 10µm period lattices of magnetic Microtraps", V.Y.F. Leung, D.R.M. Pijn, H. Schlatter, L. Torralbo-Campo, A. La Rooij, G.B. Mulder, J. Naber,M.L. Soudijn, A. Tauschinsky,C. Abarbanel, B. Hadad, E. Golan, R. Folman, and R.J.C. Spreeuw; arXiv.org > physics > arXiv:1311.4512 (2013)

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  • "Optical solver of combinatorial problems: nanotechnological approach", Eyal Cohen, Shlomi Dolev, Sergey Frenkel, Boris Kryzhanovsky, Alexandr Palagushkin, Michael Rosenblit, and Victor Zakharov, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 30, 1845 (2013)

  • "Effect of diffusion coating of Nd on the corrosion resistance of biodegradable Mg implants in simulated physiological electrolyte", Galit Levy, Eli Aghion;
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  • "Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of Electron Spectral Structure beyond the Known Signal Electron Peak", Alon Givon, Eitan Tiferet, German R. Castro, Juan Rubio-Zuazo, Erez Golan, Ilan Yaar and Itzhak Orion; J. Chem. Chem. Eng. 7 (2013) 601-605

  • "A Nano-Optics Vector Matrix Multiplier for Implementing State Machines"
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  • "Optical Solver of Combinatorial Problems: Nano-Technological Approach"
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  • "2Long-Range Order in Electronic Transport through Disordered Metal Film" S. Aigner, L. Della Pietra, Y. Japha, O. Entin-Wohlman, T. David, R. Salem, R. Folman, and J. Schmiedmayer Science 319, 1226 (2008).

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  • "Design of microcavity resonators for single-atom detection" M. Rosenblit, P. Horak, E. Fleminger, Y. Japha, and R. Folman J. Nanophoton. 1, 011670 (2007), Special issue.

  • "Ultracold large finite system"
    Joshua Jortner and Michael Rosenblit
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  • "Simultaneous optical trapping and detection of atoms by microdisk resonators"
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  • "Electron bubbles in helium clusters. I. Structure and energetics" Michael Rosenblit and Joshua Jortner , J. Chem. Phys. 124, 194505 (2006)

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  • Provisional, 61/704574:  "Ultrafast graphene diode". Inventors: Arcady Gershanik , Erez Golan

  • US Patent No. 7,466,889 "TUNABLE MICRO DISK RESONATOR" Inventors: Michael Rosenblit, Ron Folman

  • Provisional., BGU-P-041-PCT, “BILAYER GRAPHENE DIODE”,  Inventors: Erez Golan, Arcady Gershanik

  • Provisional., 0-13-251(BGU-P-043-USP), “MULTI-SPECTRAL ANTI-REFLECTIVE SUB-WAVELENGTH STRUCTURE FOR OPTICAL DEVICES”, Inventors: Michael Rosenblit, Erez Golan
