Equipment Specifications
X-ray source: Sealed Tube Cu-Ka 0.154nm), Genix 3D, with integrated monochromator.
Detector: Pilatus 300k
The use of the Pilatus detector provides the following advantages over existing SAXS detectors (gas, image plate and CCD):
- Low background on par with (or better than) gas-detectors due to individual Photon counting capability with rejection of noise and cosmic radiation.
- A very fine detector resolution (172 microns).
- A high detection efficiency at 8 keV.
- A very high maximum pixel count rate (2 million counts per second per pixel).
- No damage to the detector if hit by the primary beam in the laboratory.
Q range: 0.003 to 3A-1.
Collimation system: contains 3 pinholes.
Optional samples holders: Ambient Multiple Holder Plate, Thermostated Capillary Holder (-30?C to 220?C), Thermostated Sandwich Holder (-190?C to 300?C) and the Shear Cell for GISAXS.
Sample Viewer by Internal camera, enable to focus the beam to the center of the sample, crucial for low quantities.
Vacuum Pumping System
Instrument server (controlling all components and the measurements)
Instrument control client (for controlling the instrument server remotely)
Software for data analysis and reduction: SAXSGUI 2D or 1D scattering pattern curves can be extracted.
All operations are done under Vacuum.
Automated motorization of collimator, sample positioning, and the detector.
Means that:
- The motorization of the pinholes allows the system to automatically
- change between different pinhole configurations
- optimize the intensity in the beam without user interaction
- The motorization of the detector and associated beam stop allows for both
- automated alignment of the beam stop in the beam
- automatically shifting the position of the detector to acquire additional data in different q-range (a total q-range of 2E-3 ?-1 to ~3?-1 is possible)2