Publications on Migrants by Center's Members and Students
Allwood, M., Ghafoori, B., Salgado, C., Slobodin, O., Kreither, J., Waelde, L. C.,Larrondo, P., & Ramos, N. (2022). Identity-based hate and violence as trauma: Current research, clinical implications, and advocacy in a globally connected world. Journal of Traumatic Stress , 35(2), 349-361.
Amzaleg, M., Elias, N. and Kali, Y. (2015). Adoption of online network tools by minority students: The case of students of Ethiopian origin in Israel. Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning, 11, 291-312
Amzaleg, M., Elias, N. and Kali, Y. (2019). The role of online study-groups in the integration of students of Ethiopian origin within the Israeli studential culture. Hagira: Israel Journal of Migration, 9. Special issue on “Immigration in Education" (in Hebrew)
Arnot , M., Pinson , H. & Candappa , M. (2009) Compassion, caring and justice: teachers' strategies to maintain moral integrity in the face of national hostility to the 'non-citizen', Educational Review, Vol. 61:249-264.
Arnot , M., Pinson , H. and Candappa , M. (2009) Compassion, caring and justice: teachers' strategies to maintain moral integrity in the face of national hostility to the 'non-citizen', Educational Review, Vol. 61:249-264.
Arnot , M., Pinson, H. and Candappa, M. (2013) The education rights of asylum-seeking and refugee children within the neo-liberal state and inclusive school in the UK, in: H.B. Holmarsdottir, and H. Biseth (Eds) Human Rights and Education in the Field of Comparative Education Volume II, Rotterdam: Sense Publication, pp. 13-29)
Candappa , M., Arnot , M., & Pinson , H. (2014) 'I don't know how you can say 'no' to them really': Citizen students negotiating the social morality of asylum, in: L. Chisholm and V. Deliyianni, (Eds.) Changing Landscapes of Childhood and Youth in Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge Publishing Scholars. Pp. 208-230.
Caspi, D. & Elias, N. (2011). Don't patronize me: Media by and for minorities. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 34(1), 62-82.
Cohen, A. & Moreno, A. (2017). Revisiting Morocco from Israel and Argentina: Contrasting Narratives about the 'Trip Back' Among Jewish Immigrants from Northern Morocco, Journal of Jewish Identities. 10 (2): 173-197
Devine, D., Bunar, N. & Pinson, H. (2023). Migration and Education. Book Series. Routledge, Francis & Taylor
Elias, N. (2008). Coming home: Media and returning diaspora in Israel and Germany. New York, SUNY Press.
Elias, N. (2011). Between Russianness, Jewishness and Israeliness: Identity patterns and media uses of the FSU immigrants in Israel. Journal of Jewish Identities, 4(1), 93-102.
Elias, N. (2011). Russian-speaking Immigrants and their media: Still together? Special issue: Twenty years together: the 'Great Aliya' and Russian Israelis in the mirror of social research. Israel Affairs, 17 (1), 73-89.
Elias, N., Amzaleg, M. and Kali, Y. )2019(. “Beforehand we didn't talk at all": Contribution of online study groups to the social and academic integration of immigrant students. Research on Education and Media, 11(2), 101-107
Elias, N. & Kemp, A. (2010). The New Second Generation: Non-Jewish Olim, Black Jews and Children of Migrant Workers in Israel. Israel Studies, 15(1), 73-94
Elias, N. & Khvorostianov, N. (2010). "People of the Book": Book reading by the FSU Immigrant adolescents in Israel. The Journal of Children and Media, 4(3), 316-330.
Elias, N. & Lemish, D. (2011). Between three worlds: Host, homeland, and global media in the lives of Russian Immigrant families in Israel and Germany. Journal of Family Issues, 20(10), 1-29.
Elias, N., Lemish, D. & Khvorostianov, N. (2011) Britney Spears Remained in Russia: Dynamics of Musical Preferences in the Integration of Immigrant Adolescents, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 37:1, 61-77
Elias, N. & Lerner, J, (2012). Narrating the double helix: The Immigrant-professional biography of a Russian journalist in Israel. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 13(1), Art. 15
Elias, N. & Lerner.J. (2012). The rise and fall of the Russian-speaking journalist in Israel. In: M. LeVin & G. Shafir (Eds). Struggle and survival in Palestine/Israel. Oakland, CA, University of California Press. pp. 306-317
Elias, N. & Lerner, J. (2016). “Post-Soviet Immigrant religiosity beyond the Israeli national religion". In Z. Gitelman (Ed.), The New Jewish Diaspora: Russian-speaking immigrants in the United States, Israel and Germany. New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers University Press.
Feldman, J. (2002). Israel-diaspora relations the morning after: How will peace change relations between Israel and the Jewish communities in the diaspora? In The morning after: An era of peace - Not a utopia, Jerusalem: Carmel, Harry Truman Institute for the Advancement of Peace, Hebrew University, pp. 477-519.
Feldman, J. (2010). Between the death pits and the flag: Youth voyages to Holocaust Poland and the performance of Israeli national identity. New York, Berghahn Press
Feldman, J. (2011). Abraham the settler, Jesus the refugee: Contemporary conflict and Christianity on the road to Bethlehem, History and Memory, 23(1): 62-96.
Feldman, J. (2016). A Jewish guide in the Holy Land: How Christian pilgrims made me Israeli, Bloomington, IN, University of Indiana Press.
Feldman, J. & A. Peleikis (2014). Performing the hyphen: Engaging German-Jewishness at the Jewish Museum, Berlin. Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, 23(2), pp. 43-59.
Gal, S. (2019). Risk and Protective Factors for the Mental Health Consequences of Childhood Political Trauma (Argentina 1976–1983) among Adult Jewish Argentinian Immigrants to Israel. McGill University (Canada) ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
Gal, S. (2020).Childhood Experiences of Anti-Semitism in Argentina (1976–1983): Stories of Trauma, Resilience, and Long-Term Outcome. In: H. S. Moffic et al. (eds.), Anti-Semitism and Psychiatry,
Gal, S. (2021). “Israel is not Switzerland”: The Impact of Political Violence in Israel on Historically Traumatized Argentinian Immigrants. Int. Migration & Integration 22, 1009–1030.
Gal, S. (2021) When Participants’ Childhood Trauma Becomes Mine: Looking at Countertransference in Narrative Research, in El Shaban, A (Ed.), Overcoming Fieldwork Challenges in Social Science and Higher Education Research. IGI Global, p24
Gerber, N. & Moreno, A. (accepted). The Trajectories of Separation: Global Migration, Disciplinary Boundaries, and the Isolated Histories of Mizraḥim, AJS Review- The Journal of Association of Jewish Studies.
Kagan, M., Pinson, H. & Schler, L. (2019) No policies and no politics: Israeli teachers, asylum seeker pupils, and remobilized strategies of avoidance and depoliticization, Race Ethnicity and Education, 25(1), 73-91.
Khvorostyanov, N. (2016) “Thanks to the Internet, We Remain a Family": ICT Domestication by Elderly Immigrants and their Families in Israel, Journal of Family Communication, 16:4, 355-368,
Khvorostianov, N. (2023). “Is everyone alive?”: Smartphone use by Ukrainian refugee children. New Media & Society, 0(0), 1-17
Khvorostianov, N. (2023). “Always in my hands…”: The use of Smartphones by Ukrainian refugee children. Mifgash: Journal of Social-Educational Work, 55, 201-214. ) Hebrew).
Khvorostyanov, N., Elias, N. (2015). 'Leave us alone!': Representation of social work in the Russian immigrant media in Israel. International Social Work, 60 (2), 409-422.
Khvorostyanov, N., Elias, N. & Nimrod, G. (2012). 'Without it I'm nothing': The Internet in the lives of older immigrants. New Media & Society, 14(4), 583-599.
Khvorostyanov, N. & Remennik, L. (2017). "By helping others we help ourselves". Volunteering and social integration of ex-Soviet immigrants in Israel. Voluntas, 28, 355
Khvorostianov, N. and Remennik, L. (2015). Immigration and Generational Solidarity: Elderly Soviet Immigrants and their Adult Children in Israel. Journal of Intergenerational Relations, Special Issue on Immigrant Families, 13 (1), 34-50.
Knaifel, E. (2022). Acculturation as a Two-Way Process: Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Israel: In: Ben-Porat et al, (Eds), Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Israel.
Knaifel, E. (2021). Immigrant Caregivers: The Double Burden Experience of Immigrants Caring for a Family Member with Severe Mental Illness. Community Mental Health Journal, 58, 606-617.
Knaifel. E. (2021). Cultural competence in multi-family psychoeducation groups: The experiences of Russian-speaking immigrant mothers of adults with severe mental illness. Transcultural Psychiatry
Knaifel, E. & Mirsky, J. (2015). Interplay of identities: A narrative study of self-perceptions among mentally ill immigrants from the former Soviet Union. Transcultural Psychiatry, 52(1), 74-95.
Knaifel, E. & Mirsky, J. (2015). Rehabilitation in the context of migration: immigrants from the former Soviet Union in psychiatric rehabilitation in Israel. Society and Welfare, 35(1), 4-22. (Hebrew)
Knaifel, E., Youngman, R. & Neter, E. (2023). Immigrant generation, acculturation, and mental health literacy among former Soviet Union immigrants in Israel. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 69(3) 724–734
Lerner, J. (2011). "Russians" in Israel as a post-Soviet Subjects: Implementing civilizational repertoire. Israel Affairs, 17(1):21-37.
Lerner, J. (2015). Russians in the Jewish state: blood, identity and national bureaucracy. Ethnologie Francaise, 45(2), 363- III
Lerner, J. (2017) “Mixed Jew - it's like being half pregnant": Russian-Jewish mixedness in the bureaucratic encounter with the Jewish State, Journal of Israeli History, 36:2, 271-289,
Lerner, J. & Feldhay. R. (2012). 'Russians' in Israel: the Pragmatic of Culture in Migration" (Hebrew). Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv: The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute and Hakibbutz Hameuhad, pp. 437.
Lerner, J. & Preter, V. (2023). Life in comparison: The regime crisis in Israel through the eyes of refugees from the dictatorship in Russia [Hebrew]. Israeli Sociology, 24(2), 242-230.
Lerner, J. Rappaport, T., Lomsky-Feder, E. (2008). The Ethnic Script in Action: The Regrounding of Russian Jewish Immigrants in Israel. Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
Lerner , J. & Stephenson S. (2024). From moral indignation to affective citizenship: Public shaming of celebrity emigration from Russia during the war against Ukraine, American Behavioral Scientist (special issue on “Morality in Political and Public Debates. What is Beyond Moral Framing?”)
Mirsky, J. (2005). Israelis: Migration stories. Jerusalem: Tzivonim, pp 192. (Hebrew)
Mirsky, J. (2008). The use of narrative analysis and psychoanalytic exploration of group processes in multicultural training. Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 5(1):2-15.
Mirsky, J. (2011). Narratives and meanings of migration. New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 175.
Mirsky J. (2011). Working through counter-transference blocks in cultural-competence training. Psychoanalytic Social Work, 18(2), 136-148.
Mirsky J. (2012). Social deviance among immigrant adolescents – lessons from Israel. Anales de Psycologia, 28(3), 675-682.
Mirsky, J. (2012). In praise of cultural-competence training for mental health professionals . Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, 49(3), 227-234.
Mirsky, J. (2013). Getting to know the piece of fluff in our ears: Expanding practitioners' cultural self-awareness. Social Work Education. The International Journal, 32 (5), 626-638.
Mirsky, J., Hayek, R. & Shmuel, N. (forthcoming October 2023). Developing cultural competence through children’s literature in training educational and psycho-social professionals. Creative Education. 14(10), 1893-1906.
Mirsky, J. & Peretz, Y. (2006). Maturational opportunities in migration – separation individuation perspective. Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 3(1): 51-64.
Mirsky, J. & Rubinstein, L, (2015). Transnational teaching and learning in child and youth welfare. Padova, Italy, CLEUP.
Moreno, A. (2012). De-Westernizing Morocco: Pre-Migration Colonial History and the Ethnic-Oriented Self-Representation of Tangier's Natives in Israel, Quest- Issues in Contemporary Jewish History. 4: 67-85
Moreno, A. (2015). Inappropriate' Voices from the Past: Contextualizing Narratives from the First Group Tour of Olim from Northern Morocco to their Former Hometowns , European Journal of Jewish Studies. 9: 52–68
Moreno, A. (2016). Moroccan Jewish Emigration to Latin America: the State of Research and New Directions, Hesperis-Tamuda. 51 (2): 123-143
Moreno, A. (2019). The Ingathering of the Jewish (Moroccan) Diaspora: Zionism and Global Hometown Awareness among Spanish-Moroccan Jews in Israel, European Judaism 52 (2):143-155
Moreno, A. (2020). Hisul, 'Aqira, Hagira: The Semantics of Jewish Migration from Arab Countries in Israel's Academic and Popular Discours [Hebrew] . Zion 85: 107-125
Moreno, A. (2020(. Beyond the Nation-state: A Network Analysis of Jewish Emigration from Northern Morocco to Israel. International Journal of Middle East Studies (IJMES) 52(1):1- 21
Moreno, A. (2020 .(Research Builds a Community: How Spanish Moroccan Jews Created their Ethnic-Diasporic Space in Israel] in (eds.) Ofir Abu, Tanya Zion-Waldoks, Through Israeli Eyes: Images, Representations, and Boundaries of the Jewish World. Ben-Gurion Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism, Sde Boker Campus 2020: 224-254
Moreno, A. (2021). A Re-Examination of the Connection Between Zionism and Migration: The case of Spanish Morocco.[Hebrew] El Prezente: Studies in Sephardic Culture , 14-15:119-145
Moreno, A. (2022). Expanding the Dimensions of Moroccan (Jewish) Migration: perspectives from Venezuela. Journal of North African Studies. 29(3), 527-554 .
Moreno, A. (2024). Entwined Homelands, Empowered Diasporas: Hispanic Moroccan Jews and their Globalizing Community, Bloomington, Indiana University Press
Moreno, A. & Karkason, T. (2023). Repositioning Ethnicity and Transnationalism: Community Resilience Strategies among the Non-migratory Segment of Turkish Jewry. Societies 13(7),161;
Moreno, A. & Karkason, T. (2023 .(A transnational millet in the Jewish state: A Judeo-Spanish diaspora between Israel and Turkey, 1948–1958 .Nations and Nationalism. 29(3), 1093-1111.
Peleikis, A. &. Feldman, J. (2013). The shop as mirror of the museum: Exhibition objects, souvenirs and identity practices in Jewish Museum Berlin and in Yad Vashem - in Kultur all inclusive: Identität, Tradition und Kulturerbe im Zeitalter des Massentourismus, Burkhard Schnepel, Felix Girke, Eva-Maria Knoll (Hg.), Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, pp. 309-342.
Pinson , H. & Arnot , M. (2007). Sociology of education and the wasteland of refugee education (Review Essay) British Journal of Sociology of Education Vol.28:399-407
Pinson , H. & Arnot M. (2010). Local conceptualisations of the education of asylum-seeking and refugee students: from hostile to holistic models. International Journal of Inclusive Education. Vol. 14(3): 247-267.
Pinson, H, Arnot, M. & Candappa, M. (2010/2019) Education, Asylum and the Non-Citizen Child: The politics of compassion and belonging London: Palgrave Macmillan [a paperback edition available 2019],
Pinson , H., Arnot , M., Candappa, M . (2014) Seeking asylum in schools, in: B. Anderson and M. Keith, (Eds.) Migration: The COMPAS Anthology. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Pinson, H & Arnot, M. (2020) Wasteland revisited: defining an agenda for a sociology of education and migration. The 40th anniversary special issue of the British Journal of Sociology of Education Vol.41(6):830-844.
Pinson, H., Bunar, N., Devine, D. (forthcoming December 2023). Research Handbook on Migration and Education. Elgar Handbooks in Education. Elgar Publishing.
Plotkin-Amrami, G. (2008). From Russianness to Israeliness through the Landscape of the Soul: Therapeutic discourse in practices of Immigrant absorption of 'Russian' adolescents. Social Identities, 14(6):739-763.
Plotkin Amrami, G. (2012). Psychology absorbs newcomers in Israel: Therapeutic discourse in the process of "Homecoming". In J. Lerner and R. Feldhay (eds.) Russians in Israel: The pragmatics of culture in migration, pp. 293-317. Jerusalem, Van-Leer Institute Press. (Hebrew)
Plotkin Amrami, G. (2013). Between national ideology and Western therapy: On the emergence of a new 'Culture of Trauma' following the 2005 forced evacuation of Jewish Israeli settlers. Transcultural Psychiatry, 50 (1): 47-63.
Plotkin Amrami, G. (2013). Between politics and therapy, between criticism and pity: Debates among mental health practitioners over the experience of the disengagement from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Israeli Sociology, 15 (1): 98-121 (Hebrew).
Plotkin Amrami, G. (2015). Denial or faith: Therapy versus Messianism in preparing for the evacuation of Israeli settlements." Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 46 (4): 414-430.
Plotkin Amrami, G. & Brunner, J. (2015). Making up 'National Trauma' in Israel – From collective identity to collective vulnerability. Social Studies of Science, 45(4): 525-545.
Plotkin Amrami, G. & Kiper, G. (2020) 'Good residents' for themselves: psychological screening and cultural imagination of future citizenship in contemporary Israel, Citizenship Studies, 24:1, 111-129.
Preter V. and Lerner J. (2024). Class rivalry in ethno-national migration: Soviet intelligentsia vs. the Russian middle class in Israel. Social Identities(Published online: 31 Jul 2024)
Rosen, I. (2004) Hungarian Jewish Women Survivors Remember the Holocaust – an Anthology of Life Histories, Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America.
Rosen, I. (2008). Sister in Sorrow – Life Histories of Female Holocaust Survivors from Hungary, Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
Rosen, I. (2011) Saul of Saul – The Life, Narrative, and Proverbs of a Transylvanian-Israeli Grandfather, Proverbium Supplement Series vol. 31, Burlington, Vermont: Vermont University Press.
Rosen, I. (2014). Fragments of a Hungarian Past in the Literature of 1.5 and Second-Generation Austro-Hungarian Immigrants in Israel. Hungarian Cultural Studies. e-Journal of the American Hungarian Educators Association, Volume 7 (2014):
Rosen, I. (2015). The Poetry of 1.5 and Second-Generation Israelis of Hungarian Origin. Hungarian Cultural Studies. e-Journal of the American Hungarian Educators Association, Volume 8 (2015).
Rosen I. (2021). The Literature of 1.5 and Second-Generation Austro-Hungarian Immigrants in Israel [Hebrew]. From the Carpathian Basin to the Mediterranean – The Stories of Hungarian Speakers in Israel. Ed. Anna Szalai. Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó, 508-516 (9. pp)
Rosen I. (2021). "The Poetry of 1.5 and Second-Generation Israelis of Hungarian Origin" [Hebrew]. Always Hungarian – Hungarian Jewry throughout the Vicissitudes of the Modern Era – Community and Heritage Series [Hebrew and English]. Eds. Guy Miron, Shlomo Spitzer, Anna Szalai. Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 165-189 (25 pp.)
Rosen, I. (2021). The Shaddely-Babbelies – A Memoir of Growing up in a Jerusalem-Hungarian Family, Amazon.
Rosen I. (2023). "A Decent Man, If Only He Were Not Jewish - The Representations of Jews in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Hungarian Proverb Collections" [Hebrew], Mikan, Journal for Hebrew Literary Studies vol. 24, 191-207 (17 pp.)
Rosen, I. (2023). The image of the old country in Hungarian cooking books in Israel. [Hebrew] Yeda-Am, A Forum for Jewish Folklore, 49(86-87), 188-200.
Rubinstein, L., Mirsky, J. & Slonim-Nevo, V. (2022). Family adjustment processes among immigrants from the Former Soviet Union: A longitudinal Research. Hagira, 13, 1-28. [Hebrew]
Shein, J & Mirsky, J. (2020). "Parenting is hard work. The experience of yesterday is not relevant to today…": The experiences of parenthood among mothers immigrants from the former Soviet Union. Educational Counselling. 22:144-162. (Hebrew)
Shomron B. & Tirosh, N. (2021). Contemporary Migrants and Media Capabilities – Understanding Communication Rights in International Migration Policies. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(17), 4040-4057
Shukrun, R. & Moreno, A. (forthcoming) .Rethinking Moroccan Transnationalism: Sephardism, Decolonization, and Activism Between Israel and Montreal, American Jewish History, 107(2/3), 659-688.
Slobodin, O. (2018). “Out of time": A temporal view on identity change in trailing spouses. Time and Society, 28(4), 1489-1508.
Slobodin, O., & Cohen, O. (2020). A culturally-competent approach to emergency management: What lessons can we learn from the COVID-19? Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 12(5), 470–473.
Slobodin, O. & De Jong, JTVM (2015). Mental health interventions for traumatized asylum seekers and refugees: What do we know about their efficacy? International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 61(1), 17-26
Slobodin, O. & De Jong, JTVM. (2015). Family interventions in traumatized immigrants and refugees: A systematic review. Transcultural Psychiatry, 52(6), 723-742.
Slobodin, O, Ghane, S. & De Jong, JTVM. (2018). Developing a culturally sensitive mental health intervention for asylum seekers in the Netherlands: A pilot study
Intervention: Journal of Mental Health and Psychological Support in Conflict Affected Areas 16(2), 86-94.
Slobodin, O., Icekson, T., Herman, L. & Vaknin, O. (2021). Perceived Discrimination and Motivation to Pursue Higher Education in Ethiopian-Origin Students: The Moderating Role of Ethnic Identity. Frontiers in Psychology,
Slobodin, O. & Ziv-Beiman, S. (2021) “Keeping Culture in Mind": Relational Thinking and the Bedouin Community, Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 31:4, 450-467,
Slobodin O. (2023). Beyond the language barrier: A systematic review of selective mutism in culturally and linguistically diverse children. Transcultural psychiatry, 60(2),313-331.
Slobodin, O.S, Shorer, M., Friedman-Zeltzer, G., & Fennig, S. (2024). Selective mutism in immigrant families: An ecocultural perspective. Transcultural Psychiatry, 61(1), 15-29.
Slobodin, O. (2024). “This is my job now”: Exploring the identity shift of trailing mothers through the lens of feminist mothering. Gender, Work and Organization.
Sternfeld, S. & Mirsky, J. (2014). Psychological perspectives on return migration. International Journal of Intercultural Relationships, 42, 53-64.
Tirosh, N. & Schejter, A. (2017). "Information is Like Your Daily Bread": The Role of Media and Telecommunications in the Life of Refugees in Israel. Hagira- Israel Journal of Migration 7 1-25
Tirosh, N. (2018). Dominant News Frames, Collective Memory and the African Refugees' Protest in Israel. American Behavioral Scientist, 62(4), 405-420.
Tirosh, N. & Gutman, I. (2019). On media, memory and laws: The Israeli 'Law Commemorating the Exile of Jews from Arab Countries and Iran' (2014) as a case study. International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics, 15 (1), 49-67.
Tirosh, N., Bien-Aime, S., Sreenivasan, A. & Lichtenstein, D. (2022). Nationalizing the ‘refugee crisis’: A comparative analysis exploring how elite newspaper in four countries have framed forced migration during the World Refugee Day. Newspaper Research Journal, 43(1), 47-64)
Yachin, M. & Tirosh, N. (2021) “A Line from a Song that Punches You in the Stomach" –Music and the Negotiations of Cultural Memory in Facebook, Popular Music and Society, 44(5), 650-667. .
Zbenovich, C. & Lerner, J. (2013). Vospitanie - eto rabota: Intercultural encounters in educational communication within Russian-speaking families in Israel. Russian Journal of Communication, 5(2):119-140.