​​​​The President's Pillars honor the commitment and leadership of the University's most generous donors and friends, those supporting BGU at the level of $5,000,000 or more. These supporters are recognized at the heart of the Marcus Family Campus, with inscriptions on the arcade traversing the Kreitman Plaza.

To learn more about The President's Pillars and to become a member, please contact the associates office or representative for your country.​




  • Bona Terra Foundation, Switzerland
  • The Schulich Foundation, Canada
    Toni and Stuart Young and Family, United States​


  • Sylvan Adams, Israel
  • Fondation Adelis, Israel
  • Joan W. and Robert H. Arnow, United States
  • Milada Ayrton, Switzerland
    The Azrieli Foundation, Canada and Israel
  • Arnold M. Bengis, United States and United Kingdom
  • Yoda Léon and Luna Benoziyo
  • Dr. Aron Bernstein, Poland and United States
  • Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation, United States
  • Norbert and Hannah Blechner, United States
    • Bona Terra Foundation, Switzerland
  • The Crown and Goodman Families, United States
  • Dr. and Mrs. Heinz-Horst Deichmann, Germany
  • The Helen Diller Family Foundation, United States
  • Dr. David Cos Eisenstein, United States
  • Dr. and Mrs. Paul Feher, France
  • Ruth Flinkman-Marandy and Behrouz Marandy, United States
  • Guilford and Diane Glazer, United States
  • The Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation, United States
  • Goldstein – Goren Family, United States and Italy
  • Lillian and Larry Goodman Foundations, United States
  • The Guzik Family Foundation, United States
  • Helmsley Charitable Trust, United States
  • Manya Igel, United Kingdom
  • The Kahn Foundation, Israel
  • Harold Irving Korn, M.D. and May Elting Korn, United States
  • Daniel E. Koshland, Jr., United States
  • Irene and Hyman Kreitman, United Kingdom
  • Lorry I. Lokey, United States
  • President's Pillars.jpg

  • Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation, United States
  • Dr. Howard W. and Lottie R. Marcus, United States
  • Cyndi and Max Mintzberg, Canada 
  • Marco and Louise Mitrani, United States
  • Ilana & Martin Moshal, Australia 
  • Keren Moshe, Switzerland
  • Negev Foundation
  • Helen Nichunsky, United States
  • Edgar D. de Picciotto, Switzerland
  • Richard and Jeanne Pratt, Australia
  • Rashi Foundation
  • The Marc Rich Foundation, Switzerland
  • Eric F. and Lore Ross, United States
  • The Schulich Foundation, Canada
  • The Skirball Foundation, United States
  • Samuel and Helene Soref Foundation, United States
  • Zoltan Toman, United States
  • Elsa Weinberg, Israel
  • Carole and Marcus Weinstein, United States
  • Anita and Henry Weiss, United States
  • Wolfson Family Charitable Trust and Wolfson Foundation, United Kingdom
  • Toni and Stuart Young and Family, United States
  • Suzanne M. Zlotowski, United Kingdom
  • Roy J. Zuckerberg Family Foundation​​​