D Bidermann photo SQ.jpgDanièle Bidermann, along with her late husband Maurice z"l, has been deeply involved with Ben-Gurion University since its establishment. Moshe Prywes, the first President of the University, was Maurice's cousin, and Maurice organized the first French Friends of BGU in the 1970s.

Over the years, both Danièle and Maurice actively contributed to the betterment of Israel through different organizations. Their support for the country and its initiatives has been unwavering. When Maurice passed away in 2020, he left behind a legacy of philanthropy and commitment to the development of Israel.

In honor of her late husband and their shared passion for the University, Danièle has recently re-launched BGU France. The primary objective of the organization is to provide assistance and support to the University, its ongoing projects, and initiatives. BGU France aims to foster collaborations, raise funds, and create awareness about the University's work amongst individuals and organizations across France. Under her leadership and the collective efforts of the dedicated executive team Danièle has started to assemble, BGU France aspires to contribute meaningfully to the University's mission and help it achieve its goals.

Danièle is Vice Chair of the University's Global Development Committee. Her deep connection to BGU and her dedication to supporting Israel, have led her to make already commendable contributions to the advancement of higher education and research in Israel and the Negev. She can't wait to continue.

 She divides her time between Paris, New York, and Marrakech.