Researcher's Name
General Area

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Prof. Shimon Rachmilevitch - Head of the Goldman Sonnenfeldt School of Sustainability and Climate Changershimon@bgu.ac.ilAgriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Plant Ecophysiology
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation


Prof. Uri Abduabdu@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Life Sciences

​Sustainability in agriculture (poultry), a genetic mechanism for determining color in chickens, species invasion

Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
Prof. Sigal Abramovichsigalabr@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Global Changes, Oceanography
Water, Air and Earth


Dr. Muhammad Abu Tailakhabutaila@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Nursing

​Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases and Ethnic Differences​

Health and Environment
Prof. Nurit Agamagam@bgu.ac.ilFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Micrometeorology, heat and mass transfer across the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum
Water, Air and Earth
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Prof. Nurit Alfasinurital@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Geography and Environmental Development
Urban Planning, Urban Dynamics
Policy, Management and Planning
Prof. Lital  Alfontaalfontal@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Life Sciences
Synthetic Environmental Biology
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation


Dr. Gilad Antlergiladantler@gmail.comDepartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Environmental Geochemistry, Stable Isotopes, Bio-geochemical cycles, Chemical Oceanography
Water, Air and Earth
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Prof. Shai Arnonsarnon@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology
Hydrology, Water Quality in Streams, Movement of Pollutants in the Environment
Water, Air and Earth
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Prof. Chris Arnuscharnusch@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology
Chemistry Materials
Water, Air and Earth
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Dr. Gilboa Aryearyeg@bgu.ac.ilFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Soil and Water
Water, Air and Earth

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Prof. Nurit Ashkenazinurita@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Materials Engineering
Bio-Derived Electronics
Engineering and Energy

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Prof. Nir Avieliavieli@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Sociology & Anthropology
Human, Society and Environment

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Dr. Nir Baraknirbarak@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Politics and Government
Politics and Environmental Philosophy, Urban Politics, Political Theory
Human, Society and Environment
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Prof. Simon Baraksimon@bgu.ac.ilFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Plant Molecular Responses to Environmental Stresses
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation

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Dr. Shirli Bar-Davidshirlibd@bgu.ac.ilThe Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research
Nature Conservation, Genetics of Nature Conservation
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation


Prof. Hillel Bar-Gerabargera@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Industrial Engineering & Management
Policy, Management and Planning


Prof. Maya Bar-Sadanbarsadan@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Chemistry
Development of Functional Materials Used to Produce Alternative Fuels in a Sustainble way
Water, Air and Earth

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Prof. Edo Bar-Zeevedobarzeev@gmail.comThe Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology
Aquatic Microbiology
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
Prof. Dudy Bar-Zvibarzvi@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Life Sciences
Plant Genetic and Biochemistry, Response to Stress
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation


Dr. Muhammad BashoutiBashouti@bgu.ac.ilAlexandre Yersin Department of Solar Energy and Environmental Physics
Semiconductors, Devices, Sensors
Engineering and Energy
Prof. Avraham Beerbeera@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology
Water, Air and Earth
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Dr. Yaniv Belhassenyanivbel@bgu.ac.ilHotel and Tourism Management
Touristification and Commercialization of Natural and Cultural Resources, Spirituality and Pilgrimage, Sustainable Management, Pedagogy and Critical Thinking
Human, Society and Environment

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Prof. Orit Ben Zvi Assarafntorit@bgu.ac.ilScience & Technology Education
Developing Skills of Systemic Thinking, Environmental Education, Learning in Informal Environments such as Science Museums and Zoos
Human, Society and Environment
Prof. Eran Ben-Eliabenelia@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Geography and Environmental Development
Transportation and Travel Behavior
Human, Society and Environment
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​Prof. Ben-zvi Anat​anatbz@bgu.ac.il​Department of Life Sciences​
​Impact of life history on control and operation of quality control systems and stress responses
​Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation​

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Prof. Yoella Bereby-Meyeryoella@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Psychology

​​Risk, decision-making under conditions of uncertainty, behavioral economics​

Human, Society and Environment
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Dr. Oded Berger-Talbergerod@bgu.ac.ilThe Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research
Animal behavior and nature conservation
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation

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Prof. Ronen Berkovichberkovir@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Chemical Engineering

​Surface phenomena, pollutant suspension, biophysics, nanotribology

Water, Air and Earth; Engineering and Energy

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Prof. Sigal Bermansigalbe@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Industrial Engineering & Management
Robotics, motor control, intelligent systems engineering
Engineering and Energy
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Dr. Anat Bernsteinanatbern@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology
Degradation Processes of Organic Pollutants in the Environment​
Water, Air and Earth
Prof. Natalya (Natasha) Bilenkonatalya@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Public Health
Public Health, Environmental Epidemiology
Health and Environment
Dr. Michal Birkenfeldbirkemic@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Bible studies, Archeology and the Ancient Near East
Prehistoric archaeology, The Early Neolithic of the southern Levant, Transition to Agriculture/Horticulture & Desert exploitation.
Human, Society and Environment
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Prof. Dan Blumbergblumberg@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Geography and Environmental Development
Remote Sensing and Geomorphology
Water, Air and Earth
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Dr. Yuval Bonehbonehyuv@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences
The Mantle Flow and Dynamics Associated with the Earth's Tectonic Evolution
Water, Air and Earth


Prof. Amos Bouskilabouskila@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Life Sciences
Predator-Prey Interactions, Reptile and Mammal Ecology, Mathematical Models for Decision Making in Animals, Conservation, Reintroduction
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
Prof. Orna Braun-Lewensohnornabl@bgu.ac.ilConflict Management & Resolution Program
Conflict anagement and esolution
Human, Society and Environment
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Prof. Asher Brennerbrenner@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Water technologies
Water, Air and Earth
Dr. Alex Brodskyalexbrod@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Building Behavior Under Extreme Conditions
Engineering and Energy
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Prof. Daniel Chamovitzpresident@bgu.ac.ilPresident of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Plant Science
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
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Dr. Chen Cohenchencohe@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Public Policy and Management
Green Building, Recycling, Green Energy
Policy, Management and Planning
Dr. Odaya Cohenodeyac@bgu.ac.ilRecanati School for Community Health Professions
Emergency preparedness and response
Health and Environment
Prof. Julie Cwikeljcwikel@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Social Work
Coping with Ecological Disasters, Chernobyl, Social Epidemiology of Climate Change, Biogas and Ecological Innovation
Human, Society and Environment


Prof. Ofer Dahanodahan@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology
Water, Air and Earth
Prof. Nadav Davidovitchnadavd@bgu.ac.ilHealth Policy and Management
Epidemiology, Health Policy, Health and Environment
Health and Environment
Dr. Jeff Dodickjeff.dodick@gmail.comBusiness Administration
Designing and Evaluating Business Models and Policy to Support Circular Economy
Policy, Management and Planning
​Dr. Eran Edri​edrier@bgu.ac.il​Department of Chemical Engineering
​Materials and devices for renewable energy
​Engineering and Energy
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Prof. Evyatar Erellerell@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Geography and Environmental Development
Green Building, Urban Microclimate
Engineering and Energy
Prof. Aaron Faitfait@bgu.ac.ilFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Food Security, Fruit and Seed Quality, Plant Stress Response, Grapevine Wine, Metabolism, Metabolomics
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
Dr. Daniel Fuksdfuks@bgu.ac.il Department of Bible Studies, Archeology and the Ancient Near East


Water, Air and Earth
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Prof. Erez Galerezgal@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Sustainability, Green Building, Computational Mechanics, Multi-Scale analysis
Engineering and Energy
Prof. Jiwchar Ganorganor@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Environmental Geochemistry, Rock-Water Reactions
Water, Air and Earth
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Prof. Yaakov Garbygarb@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Sociology & Anthropology
Environmental Studies, STS, Social Analysis of the Environment
Human, Society and Environment


Prof. Yaniv Gelbsteinyanivge@bgu.ac.ilMaterials Engineering

​Alternative energy for converting heat to electricity (thermoelectricity) and converting chemical energy (hydrogen) to electricity and vice versa

Engineering and Energy
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Dr. Ilya Gelfandigelfand@bgu.ac.ilFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Biochemistry, Systemic Ecology
Water, Air and Earth
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Dr. Itamar Giladiitushgi@bgu.ac.ilThe Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research
Ecology, Spatial Ecology, Dispersal, Conservation
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
Prof. Osnat Gillorgilloro@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology
Microbial Ecology
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation

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Prof. Liran Gorengorenl@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Landscape Evolution, Fluvial Geomorphology, Flow in Porous Media, Landslides
Water, Air and Earth
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Prof. Gideon Grafigggrafi@gmail.comFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Plant Stress Response
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation

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Prof. Roi Granotrgranot@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences

​Magnetic field, plate tectonics

Water, Air and Earth

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Dr. Rafi Grosglikrafig@post.bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Sociology & Anthropology
Sociology and Anthropology
Human, Society and Environment
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Dr. Avner Grossavnergro@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Geography and Environmental Development
Climate Change, Biogeochemical cycles, tropical forests
Water, Air and Earth
Prof. Amit Grossamgross@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology
Water and Environmental Sciences
Water, Air and Earth
Prof. Ofer Hadarhadar@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Video Image Analysis, Deep Neural Networks, Video Compression
Engineering and Energy
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Dr. Hadas Hawlenahadashaw@bgu.ac.ilThe Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research
Ecology and Evolution of host-parasite interactions,
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
Prof. Moshe Herzbergherzberg@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology
Desalination and Water Treatment, Microbial Biofilms
Water, Air and Earth
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Prof. Idan Hodhodi@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Chemistry
Design of Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Materials for Sustainable Energy
Water, Air and Earth
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Dr. Shabtai Isaacisaacsh@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Construction anagement
Policy, Management and Planning
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Prof. Raz Jelinekrazj@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Chemistry
Nanotechnological Materials, Thin Surfaces and Films, Sensors and Biological Membranes
Water, Air and Earth
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​Dr. Baraban Joshua​jbaraban@bgu.ac.il​Department of Chemistry
​Spectroscopy of reactive molecules
​Engineering and Energy


​Dr. Tehila Kalagy​ kalagy@bgu.ac.il​Department of Public Policy and Management
​Exploring Minority Policy in a Multidisciplinary Perspective / Culturally Adapted Public Policy
​Policy, Management and Planning
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Dr.  Ronni Kamairkamai@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Seismic Hazards and Soil Mechanics
Water, Air and Earth

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Dr. Nina Kamennayaninaka@bgu.ac.ilFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Ecology, Physiology and Biotechnology of Cyanobacteria
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
Prof. Alexey Kamishnykamyshny@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Environmental Chemistry, Biochemistry, Oceanography
Water, Air and Earth


​Prof. Alina Karabchevsky​alinak@bgu.ac.il​School of Electrical and Computer Eng
Green energy
Engineering and Energy​
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Prof. Arnon Karnielikarnieli@bgu.ac.ilFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Remote Sensing, Climate Change, Image Processing
Water, Air and Earth
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Prof. Ron Kasherkasher@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology
Desalination and Water Treatment, Polymer Membranes
Water, Air and Earth

Prof. Khalil Kashkushkashkush@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Life Sciences
Genetics and Genomics of Populations, Transposons, Biodiversity of Wild Wheat
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation


Prof. David Katoshevskidavidk@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Air Quality, Aerosel Dynamics, Particles Deletion from Air and Water, Burning Processes
Engineering and Energy
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Prof. Itzhak Katrakatra@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Geography and Environmental Development
Soil Erosion, Dust Storms
Water, Air and Earth
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Prof. Eugene Katzkeugene@bgu.ac.ilThe Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research
Solar Energy
Engineering and Energy
Prof. Yaron Katzirykatzir@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Geology, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Isotope Geochemistry
Water, Air and Earth


Prof. Chen Keasarkeasar@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Computer Science
Spatial Ecology, Biodiversity, Agroecology, Ecoinformatics
Water, Air and Earth
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Prof. Inna Khozin-Goldbergkhozin@bgu.ac.ilFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Sustainable Production of Microalgal Biomass and Products on Waste Resources, Mechanisms and Deployment of Luxury P Uptake, Developing Natural Sustainable Treatments and Dietary Supplements
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
Prof. Moshe Kiflawimkiflawi2@gmail.comDepartment of Life Sciences
Ecology, Marine Environments, Reef fishes
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation


Dr. Oz Kiraozkira@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Sustainable Agriculture, Air Pollution, Environmental Sensing
Water, Air and Earth
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Prof. Meidad Kissingermeidadk@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Geography and Environmental Development
Sustainability Science, Environmental Policy, Envirionental Modeling and Accounting
Policy, Management and Planning
Prof. Itai kloogikloog@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Geography and Environmental Development
Environmental Epidemiology, Exposure Assessment
Health and Environment


Prof. Tehila Kogutkogut@bgu.ac.ilSchool of Education

​Pro-social behavior, decision-making​​

Human, Society and Environment


Dr. Max KoltonMaxKolton@bgu.ac.ilFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Microbial Ecology of Drylands Ecosystems
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation


Dr. Dilia Kooldkool@bgu.ac.ilDept. of Geography and Environmental Development

Evaporation, heat &water transport, energy balance, water balance ​

Water, Air and Earth

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Prof. Carmi Korineckorine@bgu.ac.ilThe Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research
Ecological Physiology, Agroecology, Urban Influences, Biodiversity and Alternative Energies, Desert Mammals, Bats
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
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Prof. Burt Kotlerkotler@bgu.ac.ilMarco and Louise Mitrani Department of Desert Ecology
Evolutionary ecology
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
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Prof. Boris Krasnovkrasnov@bgu.ac.ilThe Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research
Ecology, Evolution, mammal Zoology, Mcroecology
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
Prof. Ariel Kushmaroarielkus@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Biotechnology Engineering
Microbial Ecology, Biological Decomposition of Pollutants, Environment, Sewage Treatment
Water, Air and Earth
Prof. Mark Lastmlast@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Software and Information Systems Engineering
Data Sciences
Engineering and Energy
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Prof. Naftali Lazarovitchlazarovi@bgu.ac.ilFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Dryland Agriculture, Soil Science, Irrigation,
Water, Air and Earth
Prof. Gunnar Lehmanngunnar.lehmann@gmail.comDepartment of Bible studies, Archeology and the Ancient Near East
Archaeology, Social Complexity and Decision Making in Past Pre-Industrial Societies
Human, Society and Environment


Dr. Elad Levintallevintal@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Environmental Hydrology and Microbiology

​Gas, Water, and Biogeochemical Cycles at the Land-Atmosphere Interface

Water, Air and Earth
Prof. Amalia Levylamalia@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Public Health
Environmental Epidemiology
Health and Environment
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Prof. Yotam Lurieyotam@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Management
Applied Ethics, Environmental Ethics and Theories of Sustainability
Human, Society and Environment
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Dr. Tamar Makovmakovt@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Management
Industrial Ecology, Sustainable Consumption, Sharing Sustainable Food Systems, Economy, Circular Economy
Policy, Management and Planning

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Prof. Shimrit Mamantiroshs@bgu.ac.ilEarth and Planetary Image

Satellite technologies & application (remote sensing, GIS, OSINT) environmental ​​

Water, Air and Earth
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Prof. Ofer Mardermardero@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Bible studies, Archeology and the Ancient Near East
Archeology, Prehistoric, Issues Related to the Past Climate, Changes that Took Place during the Pleistocene, Adaptation of Man to the Environment
Human, Society and Environment

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Dr. Itay Marienberg-Milikowskymarienbe@post.bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Hebrew Literature
Hebrew Literature, Digital Humanities, Environmental Humanities, Literary Theory
Human, Society and Environment
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​Prof. Michael Meijler​meijler@bgu.ac.il​Department of Chemistry
​Chemical communication between species, and their effects on various habitats/ecosystems​
​Water, Air and Earth
Prof. Isaac Meirsakis@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Sustainable Planning, Green Building, Energy and Building, Intra-structural Environmental Quality, LCA
Engineering and Energy
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Prof. Ehud Meronehud@bgu.ac.ilAlexandre Yersin Department of Solar Energy and Environmental Physics
Mathematical Models in Landscape and Community Ecology, Desertification, Evolutionary Dynamics
Water, Air and Earth
Prof. Dan Mishmardmishmar@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Life Sciences
Genetics, Genomics and Evolution of Mitochondria
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
Prof. Itzhak Mizrahiimizrahi@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Life Sciences
Microbial Ecology
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation


Prof. Simon Moransimone@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Management

​Decision making, trust, ethical behavior, pro-social behavior​​

Human, Society and Environment
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Prof. Jacob Moran-Giladgiladko@post.bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Health Systems Management
One Health, Clinical Microbiology, Waterborne Pathogens, Metagenomics of Wastewater, Antimicrobial Resistance, Advanced Genomics, Epidemiology
Health and Environment

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Dr. Oded Nirodni@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Desalination & Water Treatment
Water Treatment Processes, Desalination and Resource Recycling
Water, Air and Earth

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​Prof. Dorit Nitzandoritni@bgu.ac.il​​Department of Public Health
​Prevention, preparedness and emergency response, One health (human health, animal and plant health, environmental health)​
​Health and Environment


Prof. Victor Novackvictorno@clalit.org.ilJoyce & Irving Goldman Medical School
Health and Environment
Dr. Lena Novacknovack@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Public Health
environmental epidemiology, biostatistics, human biomonitoring, heavy metals
Health and Environment

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Prof. Ariel Novoplanskyanovopla@bgu.ac.il- Marco and Louise Mitrani Department of Desert Ecology
Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology, Evolution
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
Dr. Leah Orlovskyorlovsky@bgu.ac.ilThe Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research
Remote Sensing for Desertification Studies, Changes in Land Cover and Land Use, Impacts of Climate Change, Environment and Society
Water, Air and Earth

Prof. Ofer Ovadiaoferovad@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Life Sciences
Evolution, Community Ecology, Biodiversity, Conservation
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation


Prof. Doron Pappopappod@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Chemistry
Organic Chemistry, Green Chemistry
Water, Air and Earth


​Dr. Tarin Paz-Kagan​tarin@bgu.ac.il​Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
​Remote sensing of soil and plant​
​Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation

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Prof. David Pearlmutterdavidp@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Geography and Environmental Development
Urban microclimate, Energy efficiency in the built environment
Policy, Management and Planning

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Prof. Alva Peledalvpeled@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Alternative Building Materials, Green Building
Engineering and Energy


Dr. Shai Pilosofpilos@post.bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Life Sciences
Ecology, Evolution, Biological Networks
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
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Dr. Shmulik Pinkertpinkerts@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Soil Engineering, Geotechnics
Water, Air and Earth
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​Prof. Gilad Ravid​ rgilad@bgu.ac.il​Department of Industrial Engineering & Management
​Information systems, computer-mediated communication, social networks, agriculture
​Engineering and Energy
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Prof. Aviad Razaviadraz@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Sociology and Anthropology
Organizational Sociology
Human, Society and Environment
​Prof. Oren Regev​oregev@bgu.ac.il​Department of Chemical Engineering
​Polymer composite, thermal management, electron microscopy
​Engineering and Energy

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Dr. Ido Regevregevid@bgu.ac.ilThe Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research
Environmental Physics, Granular Materials, Wetting and Dehydration, Plant Growth
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
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Prof. Raziel Riemerrriemer@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Industrial Engineering & Management
Creating Energy From the Movement of People, Decision-Making Tools For Steps to Reduce Carbon, Waste and Other Refugees
Engineering and Energy

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Dr. Yodan Roféyrofe@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Geography and Environmental Development
Urban Planning, Urban Design, Sustainable Development
Policy, Management and Planning


Dr. Uri Rolluriroll@bgu.ac.ilMarco and Louise Mitrani Department of Desert Ecology
Conservation Science, Spatial Ecology, Macroecology
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation

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Dr. Avner Ronenavnerr@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Desalination & Water Treatment
Water and wastewater treatment, electrically conducting membranes, micropollutants
Water, Air and Earth

Prof. Zeev Ronenzeevrone@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology
Environmental Microbiology
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
Prof. Steven Rosenrosen@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Archaeology
Prehistory, Desert adaptations in the past, mobile pastoralism, environmental archaeology
Human, Society and Environment


Prof. Mosi Rosenboimmmm@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Management

Behavioral economics and financial decision making​

Human, Society and Environment
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Dr. Benyamin Rosentalrosentab@post.bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Microbiology and Immunology
Comperative Immunology
Health and Environment

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Prof. Stav Rosenzweigstavro@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Management
Consumer Behavior, Marketing and Business Strategy
Policy, Management and Planning
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​Prof. Tirza Routtenberg​tirzar@bgu.ac.il​​School of Electrical and Computer Eng
​Signal processing and optimization with power grid applications and energy systems
Engineering and Energy​

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Prof. Ofir Rubinorubin@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Public Policy and Management
Energy economics; Environmental Economicsl and Energy policy; Rural development
Policy, Management and Planning


Prof. Amir Sagisagia@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Life Sciences
Molecular Physiology of Aquatic Crustacea, Sustainable Aquaculture, Biological Control
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation

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Prof. Moshe Sagigizi@bgu.ac.ilFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Acclimatization of Lopite Plants, Aging in Plants, halophytes plants
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation


Prof. Orly Saridorlysa@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Social Work

​Mental and physical health, Crohn's, fertility problems, stress, resources​​​

Human, Society and Environment
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Dr. Roiy Sayagroiy@bgu.ac.ilThe Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research
Ice Sheet Dynamics
Water, Air and Earth
Prof. Lynn Schlerlynnsch@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Politics and Government
African Studies
Human, Society and Environment
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Dr. Michal Segolimsegoli@bgu.ac.ilThe Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research
Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology of Insects, Biological Control
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
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Prof. Merav Seifanseifan@bgu.ac.ilThe Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research
Plant Ecology, Plant-Animal Relationships, Grazing, Pollination
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation


Prof. Danit Shahardshahar@bgu.ac.ilSchool of Public Health
Sustainable and healthy diet, Environmental Footprint, exposure to contaminants
Health and Environment

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Prof. Menny Shalommennysh@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Chemistry
Photoelectrochemistry, Hydrogen Production, Electrochemistry, Two-Layer Materials
Water, Air and Earth

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Dr. Amir Shanishaniam@bgu.ac.ilHotel & Tourism Management
Tourism, Ethics, Environment
Human, Society and Environment

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Dr. Stav Shapirastavshap@bgu.ac.ilSchool of Public Health
Preparedness and Response to Emergencies and Disasters, Vulnerable Populations in Routine and Emergency
Health and Environment

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Prof. Andrei Sharfasharf@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Computer Science

Geometry processing, visual computing, deep learning, shape modeling​

Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
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Prof. Nadav Shasharnadavsh@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Life Sciences
Marine Ecology, Sensory Ecology, Conservation and Restoration of Marine Environments
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation

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Prof. Arnon Shlomishlomi@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Wireless and satellite communication, free space optics, environmental monitoring
Water, Air and Earth

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Dr. Assaf Shmerlingassafs@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Building Reconstruction for Earthquak
Engineering and Energy
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​Dr. Eyal Shochat​eyal.shochat1@gmail.com​Department of Life Sciences
​Anthropogenic effects on biodiversity​​
​Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation

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Dr. Tomer Shushitomershu@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Business Administration

​Risk management, extreme scenarios, environmental financial risks, environmental physics

Water, Air and Earth; Human, Society and Environment
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Prof. Yaron Sitritsitrit@bgu.ac.ilFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Desert Mycorrhizal Fungi, Fruit Ripening, CAM Plants
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation


Prof. Orit Sivanoritsi@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Chemical Oceanography
Water, Air and Earth

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Prof. Tal Svoraytsvoray@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Geography and Environmental Development
Ecohydrology, Soil Degredation, Geo-informatics, Environmental Psychology
Water, Air and Earth
Prof. Refael Tadmor​tadmor@gmail.comDepartment of Mechanical Engineering
Taking Control of Marine Pollution
Water, Air and Earth
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Prof. Noemi Tel-Zurtelzur@bgu.ac.ilFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Plant Science, Cytogenetics and Plant Genetics, Physiology, New Crops, Fruit trees
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
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Dr. Naama Teschnernaamate@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Geography and Environmental Development
Environmental Policy, Agroecology Climate and Energy policy
Policy, Management and Planning


Prof. Eran Treistererant@cs.bgu.ac.ilComputer Science

​Scientific computing, machine learning, physics and computational geophysics​

Engineering and Energy

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Prof. Michael Tsesarskymichatse@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Modification of Engineering Properties of Soil by Bacterial Activity
Water, Air and Earth


Dr. Tuvia Turkeltaubtuviat@bgu.ac.ilZuckerberg Institute for Water Research

​Surface and subsurface hydrology​

Water, Air and Earth
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Dr. Vered Tzinvtzin@bgu.ac.ilAlbert Katz Department of Dryland Biotechnologies
Plant-Insect Interaction, plant metabolism, plant molecular biology, chemical ecology
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
​Dr. Netta Vidavsky​nettav@bgu.ac.il​Department of Chemical Engineering
​Mineralization and formation processes​
​Engineering and Energy

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Prof. Iris Visoly-Fisheririsvf@bgu.ac.ilThe Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research
Materials and devices for solar energy conversion and storage
Engineering and Energy

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Dr. Tamar Wainstockwainstoc@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Public Health
Prenatal and Environmental Epidemiology
Health and Environment
Prof. Noam Weisbrodweisbrod@bgu.ac.ilThe Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology
Water, Air and Earth
Prof. Yossi Weizmannyweizmann@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Chemistry
Nanotechnology, Materials, Nucleic Acids Strucutres
Water, Air and Earth

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Dr. Asaf Ya’akobovitzassafyaa@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Mechanical Engineering

​Nanomaterials, electromechanical nano- and microsystems, monitoring the medical condition of plants​

Engineering and Energy

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Prof. Havatzelet Yahelyahelh@bgu.ac.ilThe Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism
Law, Historical Geography
Human, Society and Environment

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Prof. Yitzhak Yitzhakyytshak@bgu.ac.ilElectro-Optics and Photonics Unit
Computer Vision, Image Processing
Engineering and Energy


Dr. Hezi Yizhaq yiyeh@bgumail.bgu.ac.ilNewman Information Center for Desert Research and Development

​Aeolian geomorphology, ecohydrology, vegetation patterns in desert areas, impact of climate change on the resilience of ecosystems, non-linear dynamics​

Water, Air and Earth
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​Prof. Fany Yuval​fanyuval@bgu.ac.il​Department of Public Policy and Management
​Management and public policy at the national and municipal level​
​Policy, Management and Planning
Prof. Michele Zaccaimzaccai@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Life Sciences
Plant Sciences
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
Prof. Dina Zilbergdzilberg@bgu.ac.ilFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Fish Farming​
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation


Prof. Yaron Ziv yziv@bgu.ac.ilDepartment of Life Scien​ces
Spatial Ecology, Biodiversity, Conservation, Agroecolgy, Restoration Ecology
Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation
Prof. Mikhail Zubkovzubkovmi@bgu.ac.ilFrench Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands

​Microbial ecophysiology, biogeochemistry, oceanography

Water, Air and Earth