| Prof. Shimon Rachmilevitch - Head of the Goldman Sonnenfeldt School of Sustainability and Climate Change | rshimon@bgu.ac.il | Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands | | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |

| Prof. Uri Abdu | abdu@bgu.ac.il | Department of Life Sciences | Sustainability in agriculture (poultry), a genetic mechanism for determining color in chickens, species invasion
| Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Sigal Abramovich | sigalabr@bgu.ac.il | Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Global Changes, Oceanography | Water, Air and Earth |

| Dr. Muhammad Abu Tailakh | abutaila@bgu.ac.il | Department of Nursing | Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases and Ethnic Differences
| Health and Environment |
 | Prof. Nurit Agam | agam@bgu.ac.il | French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands | Micrometeorology, heat and mass transfer across the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Nurit Alfasi | nurital@bgu.ac.il | Department of Geography and Environmental Development | Urban Planning, Urban Dynamics | Policy, Management and Planning |
| Prof. Lital Alfonta | alfontal@bgu.ac.il | Department of Life Sciences | Synthetic Environmental Biology | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Dr. Gilad Antler | giladantler@gmail.com | Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Environmental Geochemistry, Stable Isotopes, Bio-geochemical cycles, Chemical Oceanography | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Shai Arnon | sarnon@bgu.ac.il | The Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology | Hydrology, Water Quality in Streams, Movement of Pollutants in the Environment | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Chris Arnusch | arnusch@bgu.ac.il | The Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology | | Water, Air and Earth |
| Dr. Gilboa Arye | aryeg@bgu.ac.il | French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands | | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Nurit Ashkenazi | nurita@bgu.ac.il | Department of Materials Engineering | | Engineering and Energy |
| Prof. Nir Avieli | avieli@bgu.ac.il | Department of Sociology & Anthropology | | Human, Society and Environment |
| Dr. Nir Barak | nirbarak@bgu.ac.il | Department of Politics and Government | Politics and Environmental Philosophy, Urban Politics, Political Theory | Human, Society and Environment |
 | Prof. Simon Barak | simon@bgu.ac.il | French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands | Plant Molecular Responses to Environmental Stresses | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Dr. Shirli Bar-David | shirlibd@bgu.ac.il | The Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research | Nature Conservation, Genetics of Nature Conservation | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Hillel Bar-Gera | bargera@bgu.ac.il | Department of Industrial Engineering & Management | | Policy, Management and Planning |
| Prof. Maya Bar-Sadan | barsadan@bgu.ac.il | Department of Chemistry | Development of Functional Materials Used to Produce Alternative Fuels in a Sustainble way | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Edo Bar-Zeev | edobarzeev@gmail.com | The Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology | | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Dudy Bar-Zvi | barzvi@bgu.ac.il | Department of Life Sciences | Plant Genetic and Biochemistry, Response to Stress | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Dr. Muhammad Bashouti | Bashouti@bgu.ac.il | Alexandre Yersin Department of Solar Energy and Environmental Physics | Semiconductors, Devices, Sensors | Engineering and Energy |
| Prof. Avraham Beer | beera@bgu.ac.il | The Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology | | Water, Air and Earth |
%20(1).jpg) | Dr. Yaniv Belhassen | yanivbel@bgu.ac.il | Hotel and Tourism Management | Touristification and Commercialization of Natural and Cultural Resources, Spirituality and Pilgrimage, Sustainable Management, Pedagogy and Critical Thinking | Human, Society and Environment |
| Prof. Orit Ben Zvi Assaraf | ntorit@bgu.ac.il | Science & Technology Education | Developing Skills of Systemic Thinking, Environmental Education, Learning in Informal Environments such as Science Museums and Zoos | Human, Society and Environment |
| Prof. Eran Ben-Elia | benelia@bgu.ac.il | Department of Geography and Environmental Development | Transportation and Travel Behavior | Human, Society and Environment |
| Prof. Ben-zvi Anat | anatbz@bgu.ac.il | Department of Life Sciences | Impact of life history on control and operation of quality control systems and stress responses | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |

| Prof. Yoella Bereby-Meyer | yoella@bgu.ac.il | Department of Psychology | Risk, decision-making under conditions of uncertainty, behavioral economics
| Human, Society and Environment |
| Dr. Oded Berger-Tal | bergerod@bgu.ac.il | The Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research | Animal behavior and nature conservation | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |

| Prof. Ronen Berkovich | berkovir@bgu.ac.il | Department of Chemical Engineering | Surface phenomena, pollutant suspension, biophysics, nanotribology
| Water, Air and Earth; Engineering and Energy |
| Prof. Sigal Berman | sigalbe@bgu.ac.il | Department of Industrial Engineering & Management | Robotics, motor control, intelligent systems engineering | Engineering and Energy |
.jpg) | Dr. Anat Bernstein | anatbern@bgu.ac.il | The Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology | Degradation Processes of Organic Pollutants in the Environment
| Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Natalya (Natasha) Bilenko | natalya@bgu.ac.il | Department of Public Health | Public Health, Environmental Epidemiology | Health and Environment |
| Dr. Michal Birkenfeld | birkemic@bgu.ac.il | Department of Bible studies, Archeology and the Ancient Near East | Prehistoric archaeology, The Early Neolithic of the southern Levant, Transition to Agriculture/Horticulture & Desert exploitation. | Human, Society and Environment |
| Prof. Dan Blumberg | blumberg@bgu.ac.il | Department of Geography and Environmental Development | Remote Sensing and Geomorphology | Water, Air and Earth |
| Dr. Yuval Boneh | bonehyuv@bgu.ac.il | Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | The Mantle Flow and Dynamics Associated with the Earth's Tectonic Evolution | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Amos Bouskila | bouskila@bgu.ac.il | Department of Life Sciences | Predator-Prey Interactions, Reptile and Mammal Ecology, Mathematical Models for Decision Making in Animals, Conservation, Reintroduction | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Orna Braun-Lewensohn | ornabl@bgu.ac.il | Conflict Management & Resolution Program | Conflict anagement and esolution | Human, Society and Environment |
| Prof. Asher Brenner | brenner@bgu.ac.il | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | | Water, Air and Earth |
| Dr. Alex Brodsky | alexbrod@bgu.ac.il | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Building Behavior Under Extreme Conditions | Engineering and Energy |
.jpg) | Prof. Daniel Chamovitz | president@bgu.ac.il | President of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Dr. Chen Cohen | chencohe@bgu.ac.il | Department of Public Policy and Management | Green Building, Recycling, Green Energy | Policy, Management and Planning |
 | Dr. Odaya Cohen | odeyac@bgu.ac.il | Recanati School for Community Health Professions | Emergency preparedness and response | Health and Environment |
| Prof. Julie Cwikel | jcwikel@bgu.ac.il | Department of Social Work | Coping with Ecological Disasters, Chernobyl, Social Epidemiology of Climate Change, Biogas and Ecological Innovation | Human, Society and Environment |
| Prof. Ofer Dahan | odahan@bgu.ac.il | The Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology | | Water, Air and Earth |
 | Prof. Nadav Davidovitch | nadavd@bgu.ac.il | Health Policy and Management | Epidemiology, Health Policy, Health and Environment | Health and Environment |
| Dr. Jeff Dodick | jeff.dodick@gmail.com | Business Administration | Designing and Evaluating Business Models and Policy to Support Circular Economy | Policy, Management and Planning |
| Dr. Eran Edri | edrier@bgu.ac.il | Department of Chemical Engineering | Materials and devices for renewable energy | Engineering and Energy |
| Prof. Evyatar Erell | erell@bgu.ac.il | Department of Geography and Environmental Development | Green Building, Urban Microclimate | Engineering and Energy |
| Prof. Aaron Fait | fait@bgu.ac.il | French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands | Food Security, Fruit and Seed Quality, Plant Stress Response, Grapevine Wine, Metabolism, Metabolomics | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Dr. Daniel Fuks | dfuks@bgu.ac.il | Department of Bible Studies, Archeology and the Ancient Near East | | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Erez Gal | erezgal@bgu.ac.il | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Sustainability, Green Building, Computational Mechanics, Multi-Scale analysis | Engineering and Energy |
 | Prof. Jiwchar Ganor | ganor@bgu.ac.il | Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Environmental Geochemistry, Rock-Water Reactions | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Yaakov Garb | ygarb@bgu.ac.il | Department of Sociology & Anthropology | Environmental Studies, STS, Social Analysis of the Environment | Human, Society and Environment |

| Prof. Yaniv Gelbstein | yanivge@bgu.ac.il | Materials Engineering | Alternative energy for converting heat to electricity (thermoelectricity) and converting chemical energy (hydrogen) to electricity and vice versa
| Engineering and Energy |
| Dr. Ilya Gelfand | igelfand@bgu.ac.il | French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands | Biochemistry, Systemic Ecology | Water, Air and Earth |
| Dr. Itamar Giladi | itushgi@bgu.ac.il | The Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research | Ecology, Spatial Ecology, Dispersal, Conservation | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Osnat Gillor | gilloro@bgu.ac.il | The Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology | | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Liran Goren | gorenl@bgu.ac.il | Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Landscape Evolution, Fluvial Geomorphology, Flow in Porous Media, Landslides | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Gideon Grafi | gggrafi@gmail.com | French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands | | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |

| Prof. Roi Granot | rgranot@bgu.ac.il | Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Magnetic field, plate tectonics
| Water, Air and Earth |
| Dr. Rafi Grosglik | rafig@post.bgu.ac.il | Department of Sociology & Anthropology | Sociology and Anthropology | Human, Society and Environment |
| Dr. Avner Gross | avnergro@bgu.ac.il | Department of Geography and Environmental Development | Climate Change, Biogeochemical cycles, tropical forests | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Amit Gross | amgross@bgu.ac.il | The Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology | Water and Environmental Sciences | Water, Air and Earth |
 | Prof. Ofer Hadar | hadar@bgu.ac.il | Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering | Video Image Analysis, Deep Neural Networks, Video Compression | Engineering and Energy |
| Dr. Hadas Hawlena | hadashaw@bgu.ac.il | The Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research | Ecology and Evolution of host-parasite interactions, | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Moshe Herzberg | herzberg@bgu.ac.il | The Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology | Desalination and Water Treatment, Microbial Biofilms | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Idan Hod | hodi@bgu.ac.il | Department of Chemistry | Design of Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Materials for Sustainable Energy | Water, Air and Earth |
| Dr. Shabtai Isaac | isaacsh@bgu.ac.il | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | | Policy, Management and Planning |
| Prof. Raz Jelinek | razj@bgu.ac.il | Department of Chemistry | Nanotechnological Materials, Thin Surfaces and Films, Sensors and Biological Membranes | Water, Air and Earth |
| Dr. Baraban Joshua | jbaraban@bgu.ac.il | Department of Chemistry | Spectroscopy of reactive molecules | Engineering and Energy |
| Dr. Tehila Kalagy | kalagy@bgu.ac.il | Department of Public Policy and Management | Exploring Minority Policy in a Multidisciplinary Perspective / Culturally Adapted Public Policy | Policy, Management and Planning |
| Dr. Ronni Kamai | rkamai@bgu.ac.il | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Seismic Hazards and Soil Mechanics | Water, Air and Earth |
| Dr. Nina Kamennaya | ninaka@bgu.ac.il | French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands | Ecology, Physiology and Biotechnology of Cyanobacteria | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Alexey Kamishny | kamyshny@bgu.ac.il | Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Environmental Chemistry, Biochemistry, Oceanography | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Alina Karabchevsky | alinak@bgu.ac.il | School of Electrical and Computer Eng | | Engineering and Energy |
.jpg) | Prof. Arnon Karnieli | karnieli@bgu.ac.il | French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands | Remote Sensing, Climate Change, Image Processing | Water, Air and Earth |
 | Prof. Ron Kasher | kasher@bgu.ac.il | The Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology | Desalination and Water Treatment, Polymer Membranes | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Khalil Kashkush | kashkush@bgu.ac.il | Department of Life Sciences | Genetics and Genomics of Populations, Transposons, Biodiversity of Wild Wheat | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. David Katoshevski | davidk@bgu.ac.il | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Air Quality, Aerosel Dynamics, Particles Deletion from Air and Water, Burning Processes | Engineering and Energy |
.jpg) | Prof. Itzhak Katra | katra@bgu.ac.il | Department of Geography and Environmental Development | Soil Erosion, Dust Storms | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Eugene Katz | keugene@bgu.ac.il | The Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research | | Engineering and Energy |
 | Prof. Yaron Katzir | ykatzir@bgu.ac.il | Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Geology, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Isotope Geochemistry | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Chen Keasar | keasar@bgu.ac.il | The Department of Computer Science | Spatial Ecology, Biodiversity, Agroecology, Ecoinformatics | Water, Air and Earth |
.jpg) | Prof. Inna Khozin-Goldberg | khozin@bgu.ac.il | French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands | Sustainable Production of Microalgal Biomass and Products on Waste Resources, Mechanisms and Deployment of Luxury P Uptake, Developing Natural Sustainable Treatments and Dietary Supplements | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Moshe Kiflawi | mkiflawi2@gmail.com | Department of Life Sciences | Ecology, Marine Environments, Reef fishes | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Dr. Oz Kira | ozkira@bgu.ac.il | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Sustainable Agriculture, Air Pollution, Environmental Sensing | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Meidad Kissinger | meidadk@bgu.ac.il | Department of Geography and Environmental Development | Sustainability Science, Environmental Policy, Envirionental Modeling and Accounting | Policy, Management and Planning |
| Prof. Itai kloog | ikloog@bgu.ac.il | Department of Geography and Environmental Development | Environmental Epidemiology, Exposure Assessment | Health and Environment |

| Prof. Tehila Kogut | kogut@bgu.ac.il | School of Education | Pro-social behavior, decision-making
| Human, Society and Environment |
| Dr. Max Kolton | MaxKolton@bgu.ac.il | French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands | Microbial Ecology of Drylands Ecosystems | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |

| Dr. Dilia Kool | dkool@bgu.ac.il | Dept. of Geography and Environmental Development | Evaporation, heat &water transport, energy balance, water balance
| Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Carmi Korine | ckorine@bgu.ac.il | The Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research | Ecological Physiology, Agroecology, Urban Influences, Biodiversity and Alternative Energies, Desert Mammals, Bats | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Burt Kotler | kotler@bgu.ac.il | Marco and Louise Mitrani Department of Desert Ecology | | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Boris Krasnov | krasnov@bgu.ac.il | The Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research | Ecology, Evolution, mammal Zoology, Mcroecology | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Ariel Kushmaro | arielkus@bgu.ac.il | Department of Biotechnology Engineering | Microbial Ecology, Biological Decomposition of Pollutants, Environment, Sewage Treatment | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Mark Last | mlast@bgu.ac.il | Department of Software and Information Systems Engineering | | Engineering and Energy |
| Prof. Naftali Lazarovitch | lazarovi@bgu.ac.il | French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands | Dryland Agriculture, Soil Science, Irrigation, | Water, Air and Earth |
 | Prof. Gunnar Lehmann | gunnar.lehmann@gmail.com | Department of Bible studies, Archeology and the Ancient Near East | Archaeology, Social Complexity and Decision Making in Past Pre-Industrial Societies | Human, Society and Environment |

| Dr. Elad Levintal | levintal@bgu.ac.il | Department of Environmental Hydrology and Microbiology | Gas, Water, and Biogeochemical Cycles at the Land-Atmosphere Interface
| Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Amalia Levy | lamalia@bgu.ac.il | Department of Public Health | Environmental Epidemiology | Health and Environment |
| Prof. Yotam Lurie | yotam@bgu.ac.il | Department of Management | Applied Ethics, Environmental Ethics and Theories of Sustainability | Human, Society and Environment |
| Dr. Tamar Makov | makovt@bgu.ac.il | Department of Management | Industrial Ecology, Sustainable Consumption, Sharing Sustainable Food Systems, Economy, Circular Economy | Policy, Management and Planning |

| Prof. Shimrit Maman | tiroshs@bgu.ac.il | Earth and Planetary Image | Satellite technologies & application (remote sensing, GIS, OSINT) environmental
| Water, Air and Earth |
 | Prof. Ofer Marder | mardero@bgu.ac.il | Department of Bible studies, Archeology and the Ancient Near East | Archeology, Prehistoric, Issues Related to the Past Climate, Changes that Took Place during the Pleistocene, Adaptation of Man to the Environment | Human, Society and Environment |
| Dr. Itay Marienberg-Milikowsky | marienbe@post.bgu.ac.il | The Department of Hebrew Literature | Hebrew Literature, Digital Humanities, Environmental Humanities, Literary Theory | Human, Society and Environment |
 | Prof. Michael Meijler | meijler@bgu.ac.il | Department of Chemistry | Chemical communication between species, and their effects on various habitats/ecosystems | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Isaac Meir | sakis@bgu.ac.il | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Sustainable Planning, Green Building, Energy and Building, Intra-structural Environmental Quality, LCA | Engineering and Energy |
| Prof. Ehud Meron | ehud@bgu.ac.il | Alexandre Yersin Department of Solar Energy and Environmental Physics | Mathematical Models in Landscape and Community Ecology, Desertification, Evolutionary Dynamics | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Dan Mishmar | dmishmar@bgu.ac.il | Department of Life Sciences | Genetics, Genomics and Evolution of Mitochondria | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Itzhak Mizrahi | imizrahi@bgu.ac.il | Department of Life Sciences | | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |

| Prof. Simon Moran | simone@bgu.ac.il | Department of Management | Decision making, trust, ethical behavior, pro-social behavior
| Human, Society and Environment |
 | Prof. Jacob Moran-Gilad | giladko@post.bgu.ac.il | Department of Health Systems Management | One Health, Clinical Microbiology, Waterborne Pathogens, Metagenomics of Wastewater, Antimicrobial Resistance, Advanced Genomics, Epidemiology | Health and Environment |
| Dr. Oded Nir | odni@bgu.ac.il | The Department of Desalination & Water Treatment | Water Treatment Processes, Desalination and Resource Recycling | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Dorit Nitzan | doritni@bgu.ac.il | Department of Public Health | Prevention, preparedness and emergency response, One health (human health, animal and plant health, environmental health) | Health and Environment |
| Prof. Victor Novack | victorno@clalit.org.il | Joyce & Irving Goldman Medical School | | Health and Environment |
| Dr. Lena Novack | novack@bgu.ac.il | Department of Public Health | environmental epidemiology, biostatistics, human biomonitoring, heavy metals | Health and Environment |
| Prof. Ariel Novoplansky | anovopla@bgu.ac.il | - Marco and Louise Mitrani Department of Desert Ecology | Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology, Evolution | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Dr. Leah Orlovsky | orlovsky@bgu.ac.il | The Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research | Remote Sensing for Desertification Studies, Changes in Land Cover and Land Use, Impacts of Climate Change, Environment and Society | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Ofer Ovadia | oferovad@bgu.ac.il | Department of Life Sciences | Evolution, Community Ecology, Biodiversity, Conservation | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Doron Pappo | pappod@bgu.ac.il | Department of Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Green Chemistry | Water, Air and Earth |
| Dr. Tarin Paz-Kagan | tarin@bgu.ac.il | Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands | Remote sensing of soil and plant | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. David Pearlmutter | davidp@bgu.ac.il | Department of Geography and Environmental Development | Urban microclimate, Energy efficiency in the built environment | Policy, Management and Planning |
| Prof. Alva Peled | alvpeled@bgu.ac.il | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Alternative Building Materials, Green Building | Engineering and Energy |
| Dr. Shai Pilosof | pilos@post.bgu.ac.il | Department of Life Sciences | Ecology, Evolution, Biological Networks | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Dr. Shmulik Pinkert | pinkerts@bgu.ac.il | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Soil Engineering, Geotechnics | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Gilad Ravid | rgilad@bgu.ac.il | Department of Industrial Engineering & Management | Information systems, computer-mediated communication, social networks, agriculture | Engineering and Energy |
| Prof. Aviad Raz | aviadraz@bgu.ac.il | Department of Sociology and Anthropology | | Human, Society and Environment |
 | Prof. Oren Regev | oregev@bgu.ac.il | Department of Chemical Engineering | Polymer composite, thermal management, electron microscopy | Engineering and Energy |
| Dr. Ido Regev | regevid@bgu.ac.il | The Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research | Environmental Physics, Granular Materials, Wetting and Dehydration, Plant Growth | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Raziel Riemer | rriemer@bgu.ac.il | Department of Industrial Engineering & Management | Creating Energy From the Movement of People, Decision-Making Tools For Steps to Reduce Carbon, Waste and Other Refugees | Engineering and Energy |
| Dr. Yodan Rofé | yrofe@bgu.ac.il | Department of Geography and Environmental Development | Urban Planning, Urban Design, Sustainable Development | Policy, Management and Planning |
| Dr. Uri Roll | uriroll@bgu.ac.il | Marco and Louise Mitrani Department of Desert Ecology | Conservation Science, Spatial Ecology, Macroecology | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Dr. Avner Ronen | avnerr@bgu.ac.il | The Department of Desalination & Water Treatment | Water and wastewater treatment, electrically conducting membranes, micropollutants | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Zeev Ronen | zeevrone@bgu.ac.il | The Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology | Environmental Microbiology | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Steven Rosen | rosen@bgu.ac.il | Department of Archaeology | Prehistory, Desert adaptations in the past, mobile pastoralism, environmental archaeology | Human, Society and Environment |

| Prof. Mosi Rosenboim | mmm@bgu.ac.il | Department of Management | Behavioral economics and financial decision making
| Human, Society and Environment |
 | Dr. Benyamin Rosental | rosentab@post.bgu.ac.il | Department of Microbiology and Immunology | | Health and Environment |
| Prof. Stav Rosenzweig | stavro@bgu.ac.il | Department of Management | Consumer Behavior, Marketing and Business Strategy | Policy, Management and Planning |
 | Prof. Tirza Routtenberg | tirzar@bgu.ac.il | School of Electrical and Computer Eng | Signal processing and optimization with power grid applications and energy systems | Engineering and Energy |
| Prof. Ofir Rubin | orubin@bgu.ac.il | Department of Public Policy and Management | Energy economics; Environmental Economicsl and Energy policy; Rural development | Policy, Management and Planning |
| Prof. Amir Sagi | sagia@bgu.ac.il | Department of Life Sciences | Molecular Physiology of Aquatic Crustacea, Sustainable Aquaculture, Biological Control | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Moshe Sagi | gizi@bgu.ac.il | French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands | Acclimatization of Lopite Plants, Aging in Plants, halophytes plants | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |

| Prof. Orly Sarid | orlysa@bgu.ac.il | Department of Social Work | Mental and physical health, Crohn's, fertility problems, stress, resources
| Human, Society and Environment |
.jpg) | Dr. Roiy Sayag | roiy@bgu.ac.il | The Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research | | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Lynn Schler | lynnsch@bgu.ac.il | Department of Politics and Government | | Human, Society and Environment |
| Dr. Michal Segoli | msegoli@bgu.ac.il | The Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research | Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology of Insects, Biological Control | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Merav Seifan | seifan@bgu.ac.il | The Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research | Plant Ecology, Plant-Animal Relationships, Grazing, Pollination | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Danit Shahar | dshahar@bgu.ac.il | School of Public Health | Sustainable and healthy diet, Environmental Footprint, exposure to contaminants | Health and Environment |
| Prof. Menny Shalom | mennysh@bgu.ac.il | Department of Chemistry | Photoelectrochemistry, Hydrogen Production, Electrochemistry, Two-Layer Materials | Water, Air and Earth |
| Dr. Amir Shani | shaniam@bgu.ac.il | Hotel & Tourism Management | Tourism, Ethics, Environment | Human, Society and Environment |
| Dr. Stav Shapira | stavshap@bgu.ac.il | School of Public Health | Preparedness and Response to Emergencies and Disasters, Vulnerable Populations in Routine and Emergency | Health and Environment |

| Prof. Andrei Sharf | asharf@bgu.ac.il | The Department of Computer Science | Geometry processing, visual computing, deep learning, shape modeling
| Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Nadav Shashar | nadavsh@bgu.ac.il | Department of Life Sciences | Marine Ecology, Sensory Ecology, Conservation and Restoration of Marine Environments | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Arnon Shlomi | shlomi@bgu.ac.il | Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering | Wireless and satellite communication, free space optics, environmental monitoring | Water, Air and Earth |
| Dr. Assaf Shmerling | assafs@bgu.ac.il | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Building Reconstruction for Earthquak | Engineering and Energy |
 | Dr. Eyal Shochat | eyal.shochat1@gmail.com | Department of Life Sciences | Anthropogenic effects on biodiversity | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |

| Dr. Tomer Shushi | tomershu@bgu.ac.il | Department of Business Administration | Risk management, extreme scenarios, environmental financial risks, environmental physics
| Water, Air and Earth; Human, Society and Environment |
 | Prof. Yaron Sitrit | sitrit@bgu.ac.il | French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands | Desert Mycorrhizal Fungi, Fruit Ripening, CAM Plants | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Orit Sivan | oritsi@bgu.ac.il | Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Tal Svoray | tsvoray@bgu.ac.il | Department of Geography and Environmental Development | Ecohydrology, Soil Degredation, Geo-informatics, Environmental Psychology | Water, Air and Earth |
 | Prof. Refael Tadmor | tadmor@gmail.com | Department of Mechanical Engineering | Taking Control of Marine Pollution | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Noemi Tel-Zur | telzur@bgu.ac.il | French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands | Plant Science, Cytogenetics and Plant Genetics, Physiology, New Crops, Fruit trees | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Dr. Naama Teschner | naamate@bgu.ac.il | Department of Geography and Environmental Development | Environmental Policy, Agroecology Climate and Energy policy | Policy, Management and Planning |
| Prof. Eran Treister | erant@cs.bgu.ac.il | Computer Science | Scientific computing, machine learning, physics and computational geophysics
| Engineering and Energy |
| Prof. Michael Tsesarsky | michatse@bgu.ac.il | Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Modification of Engineering Properties of Soil by Bacterial Activity | Water, Air and Earth |

| Dr. Tuvia Turkeltaub | tuviat@bgu.ac.il | Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research | Surface and subsurface hydrology
| Water, Air and Earth |
| Dr. Vered Tzin | vtzin@bgu.ac.il | Albert Katz Department of Dryland Biotechnologies | Plant-Insect Interaction, plant metabolism, plant molecular biology, chemical ecology | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Dr. Netta Vidavsky | nettav@bgu.ac.il | Department of Chemical Engineering | Mineralization and formation processes | Engineering and Energy |
| Prof. Iris Visoly-Fisher | irisvf@bgu.ac.il | The Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental & Energy Research | Materials and devices for solar energy conversion and storage | Engineering and Energy |
| Dr. Tamar Wainstock | wainstoc@bgu.ac.il | Department of Public Health | Prenatal and Environmental Epidemiology | Health and Environment |
| Prof. Noam Weisbrod | weisbrod@bgu.ac.il | The Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology | | Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Yossi Weizmann | yweizmann@bgu.ac.il | Department of Chemistry | Nanotechnology, Materials, Nucleic Acids Strucutres | Water, Air and Earth |

| Dr. Asaf Ya’akobovitz | assafyaa@bgu.ac.il | Department of Mechanical Engineering | Nanomaterials, electromechanical nano- and microsystems, monitoring the medical condition of plants
| Engineering and Energy |
| Prof. Havatzelet Yahel | yahelh@bgu.ac.il | The Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism | Law, Historical Geography | Human, Society and Environment |
| Prof. Yitzhak Yitzhaky | ytshak@bgu.ac.il | Electro-Optics and Photonics Unit | Computer Vision, Image Processing | Engineering and Energy |

| Dr. Hezi Yizhaq | yiyeh@bgumail.bgu.ac.il | Newman Information Center for Desert Research and Development | Aeolian geomorphology, ecohydrology, vegetation patterns in desert areas, impact of climate change on the resilience of ecosystems, non-linear dynamics
| Water, Air and Earth |
| Prof. Fany Yuval | fanyuval@bgu.ac.il | Department of Public Policy and Management | Management and public policy at the national and municipal level | Policy, Management and Planning |
| Prof. Michele Zaccai | mzaccai@bgu.ac.il | Department of Life Sciences | | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Dina Zilberg | dzilberg@bgu.ac.il | French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands | | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Yaron Ziv | yziv@bgu.ac.il | Department of Life Sciences | Spatial Ecology, Biodiversity, Conservation, Agroecolgy, Restoration Ecology | Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation |
| Prof. Mikhail Zubkov | zubkovmi@bgu.ac.il | French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands | Microbial ecophysiology, biogeochemistry, oceanography
| Water, Air and Earth |