Investigate and delve into problems, as well as solutions, in the fields of environment, sustainability and climate changes
The school serves as a center for cross-disciplinary academic teaching and research on critical issues of climate change and sustainability, while developing and initiating innovative fields that will advance the boundaries of these fields, critical to human survival in the future.
Graduate students at the school will enjoy access to more than 150 researchers occupied in environmental fields from various angles, a considerable part of them engaging in interdisciplinary research. This is a critical mass of eminent researchers in fields in which Ben-Gurion University of the Negev is world-renowned, fields whose integration is necessary to solve environmental challenges: nature preservation, desertification, ecology, oceanography, water resources and desalination, public health, alternative and renewable energy, environmental education, sustainable construction, urban planning, pollution prevention, cyber and infrastructure information protection, information systems and geo-informatics and the like.
The school will offer a variety of graduate study tracks for students from Israel and abroad, based on a multidisciplinary and integrative approach. It provides students with a wide variety of tools for developing and promoting practical and sustainable solutions to global climate change, in an international research framework that combines varied perspectives from leading fields of research, at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
Upon completion of their studies, the school will train the graduates for diverse jobs in the various aspects of sustainability, such as science, planning, policy, management and economics, in Israel and abroad. Graduates will be able to join a variety of organizations engaged in the field of sustainability and environmental development, such as entrepreneurial organizations, non-profit organizations, public and private organizations, and of course also as the next generation of experts and leaders in the field of sustainability and climate change.
* As of academic year 2022/2023, it is not yet possible to register for a master's degree within the school