Shani Arusi Biomedical Engineering
Prof. Ilana Nisky
Development of asymmetric bimanual controller for bimanual teleoperation
Raz Beck Software and Information Systems Engineering
| Prof. Roni Stern & Prof. Amir Shapiro | Multi-Agent Path Planning for Robotic Applications with Real Time Constraints
Itay Coifman Industrial Engineering & Management
| Prof. Raziel Riemer
| Computer Perception of Athletes Technique Using Computer Vision
Matan Coronel Mechanical Engineering
| Prof. David Zarrouk
| Overcoming Obstacles Using a Highly Reconfigurable Robot
Stav Danino Computer Science
| Dr. Igal Bilik
| Sensing for Autonomous Robots in Indoor Environments
Nitsan Davidor Biomedical Engineering
| Prof. Ilana Nisky
| A Bimanual Haptic Simulator for Optimizing Skill Acquisition in Epidural Analgesia
Nir Dgani
Electrical Engineering
| Dr. Igal Bilik
| Studying sensorimotor behavior using artificial neural networks
Elias Goldsztejn Computer Science
| Prof. Ronen Brafman
| Autonomous Robots in Social Navigation
Netanel Karsanti Mechanical Engineering
| Prof. David Zarrouk
| Development of collaborative robotic platforms for precision agriculture utilizing machine learning, advanced computer vision, and ROS integration
Hanna Kossowski Lev Biomedical Engineering
| Prof. Ilana Nisky
| Errors in Long-Term Robotic Surgical Training
Maya Krakovski Engineering & Management
| Prof. Yael Edan & Dr. Simona Bar Haim
| Adaptive Feedback for a Personalized Robotic Trainer
Shikhar Kumar Industrial Engineering & Management
| Prof. Yael Edan
| Understandable Robots
Ludmir Pollack Brain and Cognitive Sciences
| Prof. Lior Shmuelof
| Creating an sEMG-based assistive device to enhance the motor function of severely impaired stroke patients
Jonathan Morag Information Systems Engineering
Prof. Ariel Felner
Multi Agent Path Finding (MAPF) in the context of robotic warehouses
Yoav Noah Brain & Cognitive Sciences
| Prof. Oren Shriki
| Optimizing Long-Term Learning in Real-Time Brain-Computer Interface Systems
Tomer Siboni Mechanical Engineering
| Prof. David Zarouk
| Development of a Reconfigurable Robot Featuring Advanced Autonomy and Sim-to-Real Integration
Yotam Ashkenazi Computer Science
Prof. Shlomi Dolev
Self-Stabilization Swarms in Spite of Byzantine Robots using Deterministic, Randomized and Quantum Algorithms
Ori Fartook Industrial Engineering & Management
Prof. Tal Oron-Gilad
Emotional Support Drone
Avi Cohen

Prof. David Zarouk
Implementation of Reinforcement Learning on a reconfigurable serial robot for optimal motion planning and for minimum energy consumption
Shmulik Edelman
Prof. Amir Shapiro
Hyper Redundant Articulated Robot for NDT of Closed Complex Structures
Viviane Herdel Industrial Engineering & Management
Dr. Jessica Cauchard
Emotion Elicitation, Capture, and Influences in Human-Drone Interaction
Arseni Pertzovskiy
Industrial Engineering & Management |
Prof. Roie Zivan
Hardware Implementations of Distributed Constraint Optimization Algorithms
Dan Rouven Suissa
Computer Science |
Prof. Ronen Brafman
Theory and Algorithms of Collaborative Intelligence for Robotics
Or Wertime
Computer Science |
Prof. Ronen Brafman
The Autonomous robot operating system- a robot-development and operating system that uses AI planning, automated monitoring, and machine learning
Ela Pincu
Prof. Tal Oron-Gilad |
What does this robot look like? Industrial Design Tools to Improve Human-SAR Attachment |
Daniel Polyakov |
Prof. Oren Shriki
Dynamic Brain-State Modeling: from consciousness to brain-computer interfaces for robotic control
Shimon Regev
Dr. Shai Arogeti
Design frameworks for multi-objective controllers with applications to autonomous vehicles