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David Wettstein, Ph.D.,
Dea​n of the Faculty of Humanities an​d Social Sciences, BGU. (e​x-officio). ​

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Julia Mirsky, Ph.D.,
Professor Emerita ​in the Department of Social Work and a Clinical Psychologist. She is the Chair of the Center (in pr​​ocess) for Research and Education on Migrants' Lives (MigLives) and has headed the international Erasmus+ project for Developing Modernized Curricula on Migrants Lives (DEMO). Her research focuses on the migration experiences of adults, adolescents and children and she supervises numerous Ph.D. and MA students. She is the author of over 60 papers in international peer-reviewed journals and of a number of books, among them Narratives and Meanings of Migration

Jackie Feldman, Ph.D.,

​Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. He has researched Holocaust memory and commemoration, pilgrimage and tourism, Christian pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and Jewish-Israeli youth voyages to Poland. He heads the Rabb Center for Holocaust Studies at BGU and has worked as a licensed guide for Holy Land Christian pilgrims. He is currently working on a project on Holocaust memory in a digital age and is beginning research on the image of the homeland and the promised land among second-generation descendants of Algerian Jews.​

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Julia Lerner, Ph.D.,
Senior lecturer at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Her research interests are in the fields of anthropology of knowledge and migration. At the intersection of these fields, she explores people's relocation and translation of ideas, both in post-Soviet Russia and in the Russian-speaking collective in Israel. Currently she is involved in several cross-cultural ​​research projects on emotionalization of ​​​​​​​​​culture in public and private domains, while contexts of migration stay at the heart of her concern with processes of ‘cultural translation’. ​​

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Halleli Pinson, PhD., 
Associate Professor at the Department of Educat​ion at BGU. She is a political sociologist of education and is interested in citizenship education in conflict-ridden societies, minority education, and education and forced migration. More broadly, she focuses on the changing role of schooling in the age of global change. She is the co-author of Education, Asylum and the 'Non-Citizen' Child, and a co-editor of Citizenship, Education and Social Conflict. 

Galia Plotkin Amrami, Ph.D., 
Senior lecturer in the Department of Education at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Her research focuses on the knowledge and practice of mental health experts in the areas of education, immigration, trauma, and resilience, from anthropological and historical perspectives. She explores interactions between professional discourse, cultural narratives, national ethos and religion, and social factors influencing the appearance of new categories of mental disorders and new professional practices. Her current research deals with interrelations between medicalization of education, stigma, and subjectivity within school and family settings.​
