​​​​Gal, Sigalit, Post Doc
Immigration narratives of immigrants from Argentina: reflections of childhood adversity. Department of Social Work​

Kara-Ivanov (Yishai), Rachel, Ph.D.Candidate ​
Translation in immigration and psychotherapy - the experiences of Russian-speaking immigrant therapists in Israel, Department of Sociology and Anthropology

​Katzauer, Varda, M.A.
The Israeli digital nomad - making home in a mobile global world. Department of Sociology and Anthropology

​Makhani-Belkin​, Tova, Ph.D.Candidate
Becoming Baha'i in the multi-ethnic European context. Department of Sociology and Anthropology

​Preter, Varvara, Ph.D.Candidate 
From Putin to Israel: Ethnography of new Russian immigrants in Israel. Department of Sociology and Anthropology

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