Call for Applications for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev is offering ten competitive grants for international PhD students that will come to BGU for one year during their studies.
Potential candidates must have completed at least one year of studies toward their PhD degree by the time of application.
The grant will sum up to 80K NIS for the year (~ 22K US$).​
​Students may come for periods shorter than one year (and grant will be reduced accordingly), however students coming for a whole year will be prioritize​ed.
10 Scholarships will be offered on a competitive basis in all fields to whom will come to BGU starting October/November 2024. 
Application process is done by each Faculty/Institution​ who will then send applicants to BGU committee's selection.

Decisions will be published by end of June 2024 while expected arrival of students is October/November 2024.

The scholarship criteria are as follows:

A.    The student is enrolled in a doctoral degree program at an accredited institution of higher education from North America or Western Europe. ​The program will be open to students from all academic disciplines.
B.    The student has completed their first year of doctoral studies successfully.
C.    The student is not a citizen or a resident of Israel

 Interested students should contact a BGU potential advisor.

 Application is done to by the BGU Faculty and must include:

·       Applicants CV
·       Research plan including the specifics of the part which will be conducted at BGU (reason for wanting to come to BGU)
·       Letter of recommendation from advisor at home U​niversity.

Please follow specific application deadline published by your faculty.

Sandwich​ Doctorate call​ (Hebrew only​)​