​Get to know our IS-PEC fellows!

A Q&A with Dr. Joshua Porat-Dahlerbruch:

joshua pic.jpgTell us a bit about your background and current position:

I completed my PhD, MS, and BSN at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing. I'm currently serving as a Postdoctoral Fulbright Fellow and beginning a new role as a tenure-stream assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing on April 1, 2023. ​

What projects related to IS/KT are you currently working on?

​​I'm currently working on projects related to the integration of nurse practitioners into the Israeli healthcare system, developing a nurse practitioner integration model, and desirable attributes of theories, models, and frameworks for implementation strategy design in healthcare.

What is the one IS/KT project/question you would tackle if you had unlimited resources and a dream team of collaborators?

My ideal research would be: How does the advancement of nurse practitioner integration affect the outcomes of patients receiving care from nurse practitioners? What are some macro- meso- and micro-level policy interventions to improve the integration of nurse practitioners into health systems?

 What has your time at IS-PEC taught you about KT/IS?

Implementation science is complex. There is never one straightforward answer to solving issues of implementation. As such, it is critical to develop theories, models, and frameworks to help describe and/or explain these complexities and help researchers understand methods for investigating implementation issues. 

We wish Josh lots of success at the University of Pittsburgh!

Enjoyed getting to know Josh? ​Read more about our IS-PEC fellows here.