Ariel Handel is the director of the Lexicon for Political Theory project, and the codirector of the Minerva Humanities Center at Tel Aviv University. Published numerous journal papers and book chapters on issues of space, politics, power and violence. Handel is the editor-in-chief of The Political Lexicon of the Social Protest (Hakibutz Hameuchad, 2012), and the co-editor of Normalizing Occupation: Making of the Jewish Settlements in the West Bank (Indiana University Press, 2017), and of a special issue of Theory and Crticism, presenting new researches on the Jewish settlements in the West Bank.
Chen is a town planner and geographer. His work focuses on social and cultural geographies, working with communities, qualitative methodologies, spatial activism and social movements, feminist and queer geographies and identity politics. Chen graduated his MSc in the Town and Regional planning program at the Technion where he wrote his thesis on the perceptions and needs of LGBT people in the urban space of Tel-Aviv. He wrote his PhD in the department of Geography and Human environment and the PECLAB (Planning with Communities for the Environment) at Tel-Aviv University, Israel and his PhD research titled "Spatial Activism: Perspectives of Body, Identity and Memory" was conducted under the supervision of Prof. Tovi Fenster. Chen published some journal papers and book chapters in Hebrew, Italian and English and co-edited special issue of Hagar - Studies in Culture, Polity and Identities on gender and geography. He is currently a post-doctoral fellow in the department of Politics and Government in Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Research Fellow in Minerva center for the Humanities in Tel-Aviv University. Selected Publications | |
Dan Tamir is a lecturer at the Department of Politics and Government at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and at the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies. He is a Research Fellow at Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History at the Hebrew University and at the Department of Environmental Studies at the University of Zürich. Tamir completed his B.A. studies in Islam and Middle Eastern Studies at the Hebrew University, his M.Sc. at the Department of Environmental Studies at the University of Zürich and his Ph.D. at the university's History Department. Tamir specialises in political and environmental history. His fields of research include fascism and movements of the extreme right, the role of the environment in violent conflicts, introduction of species, peak oil and the collapse of complex societies. Tamir has been a reporter and an editor at the foreign news desk of the daily newspaper Haaretz; he is one of the founders of the Israeli Humanities Network and serves today as one of its co-editors.
Dr. Iddo Nevo serves as a Senior Teacher in the Department of Administration and Public Policy in Sapir College. He also serves as an Adjunct Lecturer in the Department of Politics and Government at Ben-Gurion University, in the Department of Political Science at the The Hebrew University and in the Wingate Institute. | 
Dr. Itay Snir wrote his dissertation at the Department of Philosophy, Tel Aviv University. His main areas of interest are political theory, philosophy of education and history of ideas. He is a member of the "Lexicon Group" at The Minerva Humanities Center, Tel Aviv University, and co-editor of Mafte'akh: Lexical Review of Political Thought. He teaches at the Departments of Politics and Government and the Department of Education at Ben-Gurion University, The Open University, The Interdisciplinary Center and The Faculty of Arts at Beit-Berl College (Ha'Midrasha). |
Dr. Menachem Ratson acquired his education in political science department at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research focuses on Jewish political thought in relation to its influence on modern Western political thought (Political Hebraism). Dr. Ratson focuses on the major Jewish thinkers such as Maimonides, Isaac Abravanel, Abraham Ibn Ezra and more. Central theme of Jewish political thought relates to the question what is the appropriate form of government: monarchy, or a theocracy which means freedom, anarchy and rejection of human government. His research shows that the basic principles such as the sanctity of liberty and "Natural Law" as a universal moral system that restricts any regime, principles that are the foundations of Western liberal democracy, rooted in Jewish sources, particularly the Bible. This is especially evident in the writings of the social contract theorists Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. | 
Dr. Shani Bar-On Maman studies the social history of labour in Mandatory Palestine and the Israeli state. Her work sheds light on the emergence of labour relations, the labour market, and the labour process, alongside workers' struggles and strikes. Her book “Weaving Community: Labour in Ofakim, 1955-1981" (Eshkolot Library, Magnes, 2013, in Hebrew) explores the way in which geography, class, and ethnicity became interrelated in Israeli society. She teaches at the department of Politics and Government at Ben-Gurion University and the department of Public Administration & policy at Sapir college. | 
Senior lecturer in Ben Gurion University and Tel Hai College, where he has until recently been head of the department of education. Dr. Seltenreich studied for BA and MA degrees in Tel Aviv University and for PhD in Université de Nantes in France. Dr. Seltenreich specializes in aspects cultural history, particularly in cultural encounters, from a diversity of angles such as masculinity, narratives or history of emotions. In the last years he focused on influences of European cultures, and particularly in the educational domain, on Hebrew and Arab societies in pre-state Israel. He actually leads a research about individuals in Hebrew mobilized society in pre-state Israel. His book People from here: education and educators in Galilee moshavot (1882-1939) is due to appear soon in Yad Ben Zvi. He has recently finished another book: Secularism, Education, and Emotions: Cultural Tensions in Hebrew Palestine (1882-1926). |
Major fields of interest: Political and social history of modern Middle East; Modern Egypt (1798 and on): politics, culture and society; Left-wing movements in the Arab World; Left-wing movements in Israel; The Arab-Israeli conflict (focusing on the Palestinian issue); Marxism and Neo-Marxism: ideology, methodology and praxis. An article of mine, Al-Mubtassaroon (The Premature Ones), review of a critical book regarding the New-Left-oriented student revolt in Egypt, 1972, and how that protest was contained by the Sadat regime, was published in 2000 in Jama'a journal, issued by the Chaim Herzog Center at Ben Gurion University of the Negev.
Dr. Arie Krampf Dr. Arie Krampf is a senior lecturer in international relations and political economy at the School of Government and Society at the Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yafo. His research and teaching areas include political economy of Israel, political economy of the European monetary integration, and the formation of international monetary and financial regimes. Dr. Krampf was a research fellow at the KFG the Transformative Power of Europe at the Frei Universitaet Berln, at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science and at the Davis Institute for International Relations , Hebrew University. He is an active board member a t the Israeli Association for Study of European Integration and a board member of the Israeli Association for International Studies.
Selected Publications:
Krampf, Arie. 2018. The Israeli Path to Neoliberalism: The State, Continuity and Change. Routledge. Krampf, Arie. 2016. “From Transparency to Ambiguity: The Impact of the ECB's Unconventional Policies on the EMU." Journal of European Integration 38 (4):455–71.
Krampf, Arie, and Barbara Fritz. 2015. “Coping with Financial Crises: Explaining Variety in Regional Arrangements." Contemporary Politics 21 (2):117–26.
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