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ZIWR Weekly Seminar 27/11/2024: Go with the flow: the effect of groundwater velocity on dissolution trapping in geologic CO2 storage by Dr. Ravid Rosenzweig11/27/2024 10:40 AMNo
ZIWR Weekly Seminar 26/6/2024 : Shaked Stein6/26/2024 12:01 PMNo
​​We are looking for a research group manager with a background in hydrological and environmental processes.1/14/2024 6:30 PMNo​​We are looking for a research group manager with a background in hydrological and environmental processes.
AttachmentStudent Opportunities11/16/2023 11:36 AMNo
2024 International Water Summit at ZIWR8/29/2023 2:06 PMYes​Registration to the Water Summit has opened!
ZIWR Weekly Seminar 1/6/2022: Eyal Geisler, PhD Seminar5/30/2022 12:40 PMNo
ZIWR Weekly Seminar: April 6th, 2022 at 13:15 Via Zoom: "Irrigation with reclaimed wastewater – global and regional research approaches" Dor Fridman4/3/2022 1:44 PMNo
ZIWR Weekly Seminar 22/12/2021 at 13:15 Prof. Hans-Curt Flemming1/4/2022 11:32 AMNo
Weekly seminar 5/1/2022 at 13:15- Prof. Helle Ploug via Zoom1/4/2022 11:20 AMNo
Weekly Seminar 08/12/2021 Phd Seminar via Zoom- Yang Yang: “Biofilm Formation and Biofouling on Ultra-Filtration Membranes by Natural Anaerobes from an Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor"12/8/2021 12:16 PMNo
Weekly seminar 24/11/2021- Dr. Dilia Kool a tenure track candidate- ":Invisible water - the role of atmospheric water vapor in desert hydrology" 11/22/2021 7:35 PMNo
​פרופסור עמית גרוס מחפש דוקטורנט/ית בנושא חקלאות מים11/21/2021 11:32 AMNo
ZIWR weekly Seminar 3/11/2021: Recovery, environmental quality and reuse of phosphate minerals mined from wastewater-Professor Ashaki Rouff 11/2/2021 3:41 PMNo
Special ZIWR weekly Seminar: June 23, at 13:15 via ZOOM: 9:22 AMNo
Weekly seminar June 9th, 2021- Resuscitation of arid soil communities during hydration-desiccation cycles- Capucine Baubin6/7/2021 12:11 PMNo
May 25th: Fifth Annual Symposium on Water in Israel and the Middle East, & CoWERC Water-Energy Innovation.5/23/2021 3:15 PMNo
ZIWR Weekly Seminar 12/5/2021 at 13:15 "Low-pressure volume retarded osmosis for removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances": Alicia Kyoungjin An5/9/2021 1:35 PMNo
ZIWR Weekly Seminar: 21/4/2021 at 17:00 : "Integrating Systems of Potable Water Reuse and Desalination" Amy E. Childress4/18/2021 10:55 AMNo
דרוש/ה עובד/ת לפי שעות11/30/2020 3:01 PMNo
​ZIWR Weekly Seminar Wednesday, December 2nd 2020 at 13:15 :Counter-ion condensation in ion-exchange membranes: Impact on transport properties Jovan Kamcev*11/26/2020 10:40 AMNo
Weekly seminar 11/11/2020- Charles De Lannoy McMaster University11/10/2020 4:59 PMNo
האם נגיף הקורנה שורד במים?9/3/2020 1:17 PMNo
דרוש/ה תלמיד/ה לתואר שני:7/8/2020 9:03 AMNo
Post-doctoral Position Offered at BGU7/1/2020 3:19 PMNo
Congrats to Shlomit Peled for giving an excellent talk at the 65th Israel Physical Society Annual Meeting, IPS 2020, this year at the Weizmann Institute.3/5/2020 9:24 AMNo
ZIWR Weekly Seminar: 15/1/2020 at 13:15 "Evaporation from porous media" Tamir Kamai1/9/2020 3:27 PMNo
ZIWR Weekly Seminar January 8th, 2020: "To be or not to be planktonic? Self-suppression of biofilm in cyanobacteria"- Rakefet Schwarz The Mina & Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University1/5/2020 8:57 AMNo
Weekly Seminar Nov 6th, 2019- "Microbes in the Sky: Health Effects, Distribution and Geodiversity" Naama Lang-Yona, Weizmann Institute of Science10/29/2019 8:48 AMNo
Special Seminar 11/9/19: An industrial perspective on the fouling and cleaning challenge in the food and biotech industry" Frank Lipnizki Department of Chemical Engineering, Lund University, Sweden9/11/2019 1:19 PMNo
Special Seminar: 31/7/19 "Controlled surface or pore functionalization of polymer-based membranes for improved or novel separation performances" ​Mathias Ulbricht 7/15/2019 11:53 AMNo
Weekly Seminar June 19th: OBIAL OMICS - FEEDSTOCKS FOR BIOENGINEERING NOVEL ENZYMES/ Paula Istvan6/12/2019 3:25 PMNo
Weekly Seminar June 5th: Diversity and functions of protists in rice field soils/ Jun Murase5/30/2019 2:22 PMNo
PhD Seminar: May 15th Inbal Zaibel5/14/2019 9:58 AMNo
Special Seminar May 12th: 10 am at the seminar room5/7/2019 2:27 PMNo
Special Seminar May 12th: 10 am at the seminar room5/7/2019 2:27 PMNo
ZIWR Weekly Seminar April 3rd: Victor Yashunsky- Self-Organization in Tissues: Active Nematic Materials3/28/2019 1:05 PMNo
ZIWR Weekly Seminar Marh 13th: Trait-based modeling of microbial processes in soil- Dr. Holger Pagel3/14/2019 3:07 PMYes
ZIWR Weekly Seminar 9.1.2019: The role of atmospheric conditions and interface properties on gas transport at the Earth-atmosphere boundary- PhD seminar- Elad Levintal1/2/2019 3:36 PMYes
Weekly Seminar: Geochemical controls on Methanogenesis in estuarine and lacustrine sediments- Michal Sela Adler1/1/2019 9:48 AMNo
AttachmentCall for applications: Tenure Track faculty position opening1/1/2019 9:45 AMNo
Weekly Seminar: "Nitrogen Leakiness from Agricultural Activity – What Do We Know and What Can We Do?" Shahar Baram12/25/2018 9:48 AMYes
Beer and Elevator Pitch: Dec. 5th, Kakal bldg.11/18/2018 12:48 PMNo
Beer and Elevator Pitch: Oct. 24th, Kakal bldg.10/11/2018 11:43 AMNo
Beer and Elevator Pitch: Oct 23rd, Kakal bldg.10/10/2018 3:32 PMNo
Marcus Postdoctoral Fellowships in Water Sciences5/24/2018 3:05 PMNo
Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholarships4/10/2018 3:28 PMYes
Beer and Elevator Pitch: March 21st, 13:15, Kakal building3/8/2018 4:15 PMYes
Beer and elevator Pitch: January 17th, 13:15-15:001/7/2018 3:16 PMYes
Beer and Elevator Pitch; Wed., December 13th, 14:3011/21/2017 3:48 PMYes