Books edited:
1. Berger-Tal O., & D. Saltz. (2016). Conservation Behavior: Applying behavioral ecology to wildlife conservation and management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Book chapters:
1. Berger-Tal O., & D. Saltz. (2016). The whys and hows of conservation behavior. In: Conservation Behavior: Applying behavioral ecology to wildlife conservation and management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
2. Berger-Tal O., & D. Saltz. (2016). Behavioral rigidity in the face of rapid anthropogenic disturbances. In: Conservation Behavior: Applying behavioral ecology to wildlife conservation and management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
3. Berger-Tal O., & D. Saltz. (2016). Indirect behavioral indicators. In: Conservation Behavior: Applying behavioral ecology to wildlife conservation and management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Peer reviewed journal articles:
1. Berger-Tal O., & S. Bar-David (2015). Recursive movement patterns: review and synthesis across species. Ecosphere , 6:art149.
2. Berger-Tal O., D.T. Blumstein, S. Carroll, R.N. Fisher, S.L. Mesnick, M.A. Owen, D. Saltz, C.C. St. Claire, & R.R. Swaisgood. (2016). A systematic survey of the integration of behavior into wildlife conservation and management. Conservation Biology 30:744-753.
3. Greggor, A.L., O. Berger-Tal, D.T. Blumstein, A. Lisa, C. Bessa-Gomez, B.F. Blackwell, C.C. St. Clair, K. Crooks, S. de Silva, E. Fernandez-Juricic, S.Z. Goldenberg, S.L. Mesnick, M. Owen, C.J. Price, D. Saltz, C.J. Schell, A.V. Suarez, R.R. Swaisgood, C.S. Winchell, & W.J. Sutherland (2016). Research priorities from animal behaviour for maximizing conservation progress. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, (in press).
Reports, replies, and reviews:
1. Berger-Tal, O. (2015). Review of: Migration, the biology of life on the move, second edition. Quarterly Review of Biology, 90:223.
2. Berger-Tal, O., S. Bar-David, A. Dolev, & D. Saltz (2016). Reintroduction of the Persian fallow deer to the northern region of Israel. In: Soorae, P.S. (ed.) Global Re-introduction Perspectives: 2015. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group. (In Press).
Academic Publications 2015-2020
1. Berger-Tal O.S, K. EmbarT, B.P. KotlerPI, & D. SaltzPI. (2015). Everybody loses:
intraspecific competition induces tragedy of the commons in Allenby’s gerbils.
Ecology, 96:54-61. (11,16 citations [ISI,GS]; IF 4.656; 17/144; Q1).
2. Blumstein D.T, & O. Berger-Tal. (2015). Understanding sensory mechanisms
to develop effective conservation and management tools. Current Opinions in
Behavioral Sciences, 6:13-18.
3. Berger-Tal O., & S. Bar-David. (2015). Recursive movement patterns: review
and synthesis across species. Ecosphere , 6:art 149.
4. Berger-Tal O., D.T. Blumstein, S. Carroll, R.N. Fisher, S.L. Mesnick, M.A.
Owen, D. Saltz, C.C. St. Claire, & R.R. Swaisgood. (2016). A systematic survey
of the integration of behavior into wildlife conservation and management.
Conservation Biology, 30:744-753.
5. Greggor, A.L., O. Berger-Tal, D.T. Blumstein, A. Lisa, C. Bessa-Gomez, B.F. Blackwell, C.C. St. Clair, K. Crooks, S. de Silva, E. Fernandez-Juricic, S.Z. Goldenberg, S.L. Mesnick, M. Owen, C.J. Price, D. Saltz, C.J. Schell, A.V. Suarez, R.R. Swaisgood, C.S. Winchell, & W.J. Sutherland. (2016). Research priorities from animal behaviour for maximizing conservation progress. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 31:953-964.
6. Roll, U., R.A. Correia & O. Berger-Tal. (2018). Using machine learning to disentangle homonyms in large text corpora. Conservation Biology, 32:716-724.
7. Roll, U., T. Iwamura & O. Berger-Tal. (2018). National conservation science conferences as a means of bridging conservation science and practice. Conservation Biology, 32:1200-1202.
8. Berger-Tal, O. & J. Lahoz-Monfort. (2018). Conservation technology: the next generation. Conservation Letters, 11:e12458.
9. Berger-Tal, O., A.L. Greggor, B. Macura, C.A. Adams, A. Blumenthal, A. Bouskila, U. Candolin, C. Doran, K. Gotanda, C. Price, B. Putman, M. Segoli, L. Snijders, B. Wong & D.T. Blumstein. (2018). Systematic reviews and maps as tools for applying behavioral ecology to management and policy. Behavioral Ecology, 30:1-8.
10. Saltz D., O. Berger-Tal, U. Motro, Y. Shkedy, & N. Raanan. (2018). Conservation implications of habituation in Nubian ibex in response to ecotourism. Animal Conservation, 22:220-227.
11. Roll, U. & O. Berger-Tal. (2018). Gritty until proven irritant. What makes a species invasive? Comment on Cassinello (2018). Conservation Letters, 11:e12597.
12. Berger-Tal, O., A.L. Greggor, B. Macura, C.A. Adams, A. Blumenthal, A. Bouskila, U. Candolin, C. Doran, K. Gotanda, C. Price, B. Putman, M. Segoli, L. Snijders, B. Wong & D.T. Blumstein. (2018). Systematic evidence synthesis as part of a larger process: a response to comments on Berger-Tal et al. Behavioral Ecology, 30:14-15.
13. Greenbaum, G., L. Fogarty, H. Colleran, O. Berger-Tal, O. Kolondy & N. Creanza. (2019). Are both necessity and opportunity the mothers of innovations? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 42:e199.
14. Greggor, A.L., D.T. Blumstein, B.B.M. Wong & O. Berger-Tal. (2019).
Using animal behavior in conservation management: a series of systematic reviews
and maps. Environmental Evidence, 8:23.
15. Berger-Tal O., B.B.M. Wong, U. Candolin & J. Barber. (2019). What evidence
Exists on the effects of anthropogenic noise on acoustic communication in animals? A
systematic map protocol. Environmental Evidence, 8:18.
16. Berger-Tal O. & D. Saltz. (2019). Invisible barriers generated by anthropogenic
impacts on inter- and intra-specific interactions. Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society B, 374:20180049.
17. Segev, N., E. Gavish-Regev & O. Berger-Tal. (2019) Sit-and-wait prey: first field observations of scorpions preying on antlions (Neuroptera). Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution, 66:57-62.
18. Berger-Tal O., R.R. Swaisgood, & D.T. Blumstein. (2019). Conservation
translocations: A review of common difficulties and promising directions. Animal
Conservation, 23:121-131.
19. Phipps, W.L., P. Lopez-Lopez, E. Buechley, S. Oppel, E. Alvarez, V.
Arkumarev, R. Bekmansurove, O. Berger-Tal, et al. (2019). Spatial and temporal
variability in migration of a soaring raptor across three continents. Frontiers in
Ecology and Evolution, 7:323.
20. Lehnardt, Y., B.B.M. Wong, & O. Berger-Tal. (2019). Intraspecific variation in
animal responses to anthropogenic noise through long-term monitoring. A comment
on Harding et al. Behavioral Ecology, 30:1514-1515.
21. Vardi, R., C.T. Goulet, G. Matthews, O. Berger-Tal, B.B.M. Wong & D.G. Chapple. (2020). Spatial learning in captive and wild-born lizards: heritability and environmental effects. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 74:23.
22. Efrat, R., O. Hatzofe, & O. Berger-Tal. (2020). Translating large-scale prioritization models for vultures to local-scale decision-making. Conservation Biology, 34:1305-1307.
23. Greggor A., O. Berger-Tal & D.T. Blumstein. (2020). The rules of attraction: the necessary role of animal cognition in explaining conservation failures and successes. Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics, 51:483-503.
25. Geffroy B., B. Sadoul, B.J. Putman, O. Berger-Tal, L.Z. Garamszegi, A.P. Moller & D.T. Blumstein. (2020). Evolutionary dynamics in the Anthropocene: life history and intensity of human contact shape antipredator responses. PLoS Biology, 18:e3000818.
26. Efrat, R., O. Hatzofe, Y. Miller & O. Berger-Tal. (2020). Determinants of survival in captive-bred Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus after their release to the wild. Conservation Science and Practice, 2:e308.
27. Vardi, R., O. Berger-Tal & U. Roll. (2021). iNaturalist insights illuminate COVID-19 effects on large mammals in urban centers. Biological Conservation (Accepted).