Date & Abstract | Speaker | Title |
Nov. 1 
| Tom Gilbert , Centre for GeoGenetics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | "The past, present and future of eDNA" |
Nov. 7
| Sichong Chen, Mitrani Department of Desert Ecology, Ben‐Gurion University | “Latitudinal gradients in seed predation and seed defense” |
Nov. 15
| Inon Scharf, Department of Zoology, Tel‐Aviv University | “Thermal tolerance of flour beetles, their acclimation to unfavorable temperatures and its consequences for fitness” |
Nov. 22
| Austin Dixon, Mitrani Department of Desert Ecology, Ben‐Gurion University | “Tradeoffs of food and safety in contrasting environments: From the deserts of the Mojave and the Negev to the coral reefs of Eilat” |
Nov. 29
| Takuya Iwamura, Department of Zoology, Tel‐Aviv University | “Spatial biology: how to translate biological traits in spatial context” |
Dec. 6
| Lee Koren, The Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar‐Ilan University | “Steroids, sex differences, and fitness strategies” |
Dec. 13
| Sigal Abramovich, Department of Geological & Environmental Sciences, Ben‐Gurion University | “Benthic foraminifera as marine bioindicators” |
Dec. 20
| Bert Boeken, Wyler Department of Dryland Agriculture, Ben‐Gurion University | “Recruitment sites: metaphor or resource? Evidence of competition for sites between annual plants” |
Dec. 27
| Oren Levi, The Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar‐Ilan University | “Some tales about biological clocks and cnidarians” |
Jan. 3
| Ronen Kadmon, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, Hebrew University | “Species diversity: from processes to patterns” |
Jan. 10
| Tamir Klein, Institute of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, ARO Volcani Center | “Drier, hotter, CO2‐richer: Tree growth in an uncertain future” |
Jan 12
| Orr Spiegel, Department of Environmental Science & Policy, University of California, Davis (Special seminar) | "What’s your move? Individual space-use as a link between personality and social networks in animal populations" |
Jan. 17
| Dror Hawlena, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, Hebrew University | “New theoretical framework linking plastic responses to environmental changes and ecosystem functioning via nutrition” |
Jan. 24
| Hugh Lefcort, Gonzaga University, USA | “Carbon dioxide enrichment alters the predator avoidance behavior of both an aquatic snail and a crustacean” |
Feb. 15
| Wayne Getz, Environmental Science, Policy and Management, University of California, Berkley, USA (Special seminar) | “Appropriate Complexity Modeling of Zoonotic Disease: Anthrax, Ebola and Zika” |
March 5
| Berry Pinshow, MDDE (Special seminar) | "How did a young, green physiologist, who dreamed of studying desert animals, land up studying Emperor Penguins in Antarctica? " |
March 7
| Asaf Ben David, M.Sc. student in Tamar Dayan's Lab (The department of Zoology, TA Univ.), is a Tracker and the Author of Israeli Tracks and signs field guide. | Special seminarTracking: ancient skill as a modern scientific tool |