Oct. 29, 2019 
| Arjan Boonman, Tel-Aviv University
| The ultrasonic frog, birds in urban noise and some thoughts on acoustic-based surveys |
Nov. 5, 2019  | Maria Novosolov, Tel-Aviv University | Divide and conquer: Identifying the bioregions for various tetrapod groups |
Nov. 12, 2019  | Victor China, Ben-Gurion University | Hydrodynamic constraints on the feeding mechanism of fish larvae result in mass mortality |
Nov. 19, 2019  | Ruth Rodríguez Pastor, Ben-Gurion University | Ecology of rodent outbreaks and zoonotic diseases: common voles in the farmland of northwest Spain |
Nov. 26, 2019  | Shelby Rinehart, Hebrew University | From individuals to ecosystems: the causes and consequences of predator-prey interactions across habitats |
Dec. 3, 2019  | Monica Mowery, Ben-Gurion University | Invasion in the light of evolution: an integrative approach using two widespread widow spider species |
Dec. 10, 2019  | Ana Trakhtenbrot, Ministry of the Environment | Global biodiversity assessment - from data to action |
Dec. 17, 2019  | Gopal Murali, Ben-Gurion University | Evolutionary ecology of antipredator strategies in motion |
Dec. 24, 2019  | Yuval Itescu, Freie Universität Berlin | Urban island-like systems: insights on biogeography and conservation in the city |
Dec. 31, 2019  | Gili Greenbaum, Department of Biology, Stanford University | Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics in Structured Populations |
Dec. 31, 2019  | Ido Roll, the Technion | Guidance vs. exploration in learning – and guiding to explore. |
Jan. 7, 2020  | Itai van-Rijn, Tel-Aviv University | From lab to web - managing and sharing data with R & Shiny |
Jan. 14, 2020 | Asaf Tzoar, Israel Nature and Parks Authority | A day in the life of a district ecologist |
Jan. 21, 2020  | Viraj Torsekar, Hebrew University | Ecology of predator-prey interactions in the context of reproductive decisions |
Jan. 28, 2020  | Prof. Dieter Ebert, Department of Environmental Sciences, Zoology, University of Basel | Spatial divergences and local adaptation of a freshwater crustacean |