Fall Semester




Oct. 10, 2020 
Zoom meeting

​Amos Bouskila, Ben-Gurion University 

​Different approache​s to modeling foraging and predator-prey games among animals 

​Oct.  27, ​​2020 
at 16:00

Zoom meeting

David Ward, Kent State University, USA 

Why are trees taking over our grasslands? ​

​Nov. 3, 2020 

Zoom meeting

​Sasha Dall, University of Exeter, UK 

​Did cultural transmission evolve because it is Lamarckian?
Join Zoom Meeting

​Nov. 10, 2020 

Zoom meeting

Clare McArthur, University of Sydney, Australia

​Find, visit, quit: what shapes foraging decisions by mammalian herbivores in space and time? ​

​Nov. 17, 2020

Drylands, Deserts, and Desertification Conference

Ecology session: the consequences of wildlife responses to desertification and climate change​

​Nov. 22, 2020 
at 15:00
Zoom Meeting
​Dr. Adam Lampert School of Human Evolution & Social Change, Arizona State University, USA
​Dynamics of Human-Natural Coupled Systems and the Management of Harmful Species

​Nov. 24, 2020 
Zoom Meeting

​Jonathan Tichon, Ben-Gurion University

​Demography, movement, and social structure of the Nubian ibex (Capra nubiana) population of the Judean Desert 

​Dec. 1, 2020 

Zoom Meeting

Christina Richards, University of South Florida, USA and University of Tübingen, Germany

Using genomics approaches to understand mechanisms of response to complex environmental conditions in non-model plants

​Dec. 8, 2020 

Zoom Meeting

Vardit Makover, MDDE
Insights into the defense mechanisms of spider eggs against bacterial invasion.

​Dec. 15, 2020 

Daniel Rubenstein, Princeton University, USA

​Behavioral Ecology and Conservation Biology: People's Reshaping of the Link

​Dec. 22, 2020 

Amit Dolev, Israel Nature and Parks Authority

​Controlling rabies outbreaks in wild canids in Israel: theory and reality

​Dec. 29, 2020 

Shomen Mukherjee, Azim Premji University, India

​Exploring the effects of predator identity and richness in biological control

​Jan. 5, 2021 

​Guy Pe'er, University of Leipzig, Germany

​Butterflies and politics - Or, how can ecologists address the biodiversity crisis? 

​Jan. 12, 2021 

​Adi Domer-Yechezkel, Ben-Gurion University

​Stopover ecology of migrating passerines at desert 

​Spring Semester
Celebrating the careers of Prof. Burt Kotler and Prof. David Saltz​




March 2, 2021 

Claudia Allegrini, MDDE, BenGurion University

The effects of scale-dependent factors on bat communities in pine plantations and the surrounding matrix habitat

March 9, 2021 
*at 16:00

Wayne Getz, UC Berkley, USA 

A dozen years beyond the Getz-Saltz framework for generating and analyzing movement paths on ecological landscapes 

March 16, 2021 

Jan van Gils, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research 

​Global change ecology of migrant shorebirds 

March 23, 2021 

Joel Brown, University of Illinois Chicago, USA

Mechanisms of coexistence in natural and tumor ecosystems

​April 6, 2021 
*at 16:00

Hila Shamon, Smithsonian Conservation Institute, USA ​
​Restoring the Northern Great Plains 

​April 13, 2021 
Ran Nathan, Hebrew University

​High-Throughput Movement Ecology

​April 20, 2021 

​Christopher Dickman, University of Sydney, Australia 
​Predation and community structure in Australian deserts
​april 27, 2021

​Jana Eccard, University of Potsdam, Germany
​Fear and Biodiversity: tri-trophic effects of behaviour on Giving-up diversity 
May 4, 2021 
​Rob Slowtow, University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
​Evidence-based best-practice management for African Elephant 
​May 11, 2021 
​Nancy Huntly, Utah State University, USA
​Understanding biodiversity, from mountains and deserts to people and cancer ​ 
​May 18, 2021 

​​Jorge F. S. Menezes, MDDE, BGU 

​Can Pu​mas protect water sources? Using habitat selection on an umbrella species to de​​sign reserves in Southeast Brazil​

​June 1, 2021 

​Reut Vardi, MDDE, Ben-Gurion University 
​The effects of habitat stability on animal behaviour
​​June 15, 2021  
​Orly Razgour, University of Exeter, UK
​​How can we use genomics to inform biodiversity conservation under global change? 
​June 15, 2021 
Special Seminar 13:00

​Einat Bar-Ziv, MDDE, Ben-Gurion University
​Anthropogenic resources and their effects on carnivores in Israel: community dynamics, movement patterns, and conflict mitigation