Mechanical Engineering Department
Contact details:
Email: moskovid (at)
Phone: +972(0)586563724
Office: 55/221
Key words for expertise:
Quantum topology, quantum information, coloured tangles, noncommutative probability.
Vision for participation in the QI center:
We would like to develop models for fault tolerant self optimizing quantum networks.
Selected (relevant) publications:
- A. Carmi and D. Moskovich
Statistics Limits Nonlocality
(arXiv:1507.07514) - A. Carmi and D. Moskovich
Tales Told by Coloured Tangles
To appear in Int. J. Unconv. Comput. (2016),
(arXiv:1511.04919) - D. Moskovich
An Overview of the State of the Art for Practical Quantum Key Distribution
Preprint; (arXiv:1504.05471) - A. Carmi and D. Moskovich
Tangle Machines
Proc. R. Soc. A (2015) 471 20150111; Conference version: In: Calude, C.S., Dinneen, M.J. (eds.) UCNC 2015, LNCS, vol. 9252, 277-- 289. Springer, Heidelberg.; (arXiv:1404.2862)
- A. Carmi and D. Moskovich
Tangle Machines: Invariants
Submitted for publication; (arXiv:1404.2863)
- A. Carmi and D. Moskovich
Low Dimensional Topology of Information Fusion
In BICT14: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies ACM/EAI, 251--258. (arXiv:1409.5505) - A. Carmi and D. Moskovich
Computing with Coloured Tangles
Symmetry (2015) 7(3), 1289-1332.; (arXiv:1408.2685)