
Mechanical Engineering Department


Contact details:

Email: moskovid (at) post.bgu.ac.il

Phone: +972(0)586563724

Office: 55/221


Key words for expertise:

Quantum topology, quantum information, coloured tangles, noncommutative probability.


Vision for participation in the QI center:

We would like to develop models for fault tolerant self optimizing quantum networks.


Selected (relevant) publications:


  1. A. Carmi and D. Moskovich
    Statistics Limits Nonlocality
  2. A. Carmi and D. Moskovich
    Tales Told by Coloured Tangles
    To appear in Int. J. Unconv. Comput. (2016),
  3. D. Moskovich
    An Overview of the State of the Art for Practical Quantum Key Distribution
    Preprint; (arXiv:1504.05471)
  4. A. Carmi and D. Moskovich 
    Tangle Machines
    Proc. R. Soc. A (2015) 471 20150111; Conference version: In: Calude, C.S., Dinneen, M.J. (eds.) UCNC 2015, LNCS, vol. 9252, 277-- 289. Springer, Heidelberg.; (arXiv:1404.2862)
  5. A. Carmi and D. Moskovich 
    Tangle Machines: Invariants 
    Submitted for publication; (arXiv:1404.2863)
  6. A. Carmi and D. Moskovich 
    Low Dimensional Topology of Information Fusion
     In BICT14: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies ACM/EAI, 251--258. (arXiv:1409.5505)
  7. A. Carmi and D. Moskovich 
    Computing with Coloured Tangles
    Symmetry (2015) 7(3), 1289-1332.; (arXiv:1408.2685)