Name​Advisor/s​Country of Origin​Title of research
Chen Sichong Dr. I. GiladiChinaThe evolution of dispersal traits of annual plants in fragmented landscapes
China Victor

Dr. U. Roll

Prof. Y. Belmaker


​Implement machine learning to ecological study of reef fish species.

Cna'ani AlonDr. M. Seifan &  Dr. V. TzinIsraelUnderstanding the combined visual and chemical signals governing plant-pollinator interactions in desert communities
Cohen CarmitDr. H. HawlenaIsrael 
Fengqun MengDr. M. SegoliChinaThree-party underground symbiosis between a desert plant, a weevil and nitrogen fixing bacteria
Garrido ​Mario Dr. H. HawlenaSpainThe effect of host species diversity on local adaptation and the role that the host immune system plays in this process

Murali Gopal

​Dr. U. Roll

Prof. S. Meiri

Salah Ikram AhmadProf. B. KotlerPalestinian AuthorityDisease Ecology and Epidemiology of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Caused by Leishmania tropica
​​Spiegel Orr ​​Dr. S. Bar-DavidIsrael​​Population and individual level effects of urbanization on the space use and behavior of Nubian ibex
Van der Mescht Luther Prof. B. KrasnovSouth AfricaExperimental evolution of host specificity in ectoparasites
Vidan Enav​Dr. U. Roll​Prioritizing for conservation the Israeli land-vertebrate faun, in light of current and future develoment schemes and climates.
Warburton ElizabethProf. B. KrasnovUSAFitness costs of parasitism in a desert rodent: Reproductive, immunological, and intergenerational effects