מר אלעד קופרברג M.Sc

Fusion of Point Target Detectors on Hyperspectral Data. (Co Advisor S. Rothman)
E-mail: eladku@post.bgu.ac.il

גב' עליזה דרורי PhD

Study of Associations between Spatial Dispersions of Ischemic Heart, Respiratory and Neurological Diseases, and Meteorological, Air Pollution and Socio-Economic Factors in Israel Negev Desert (consulting advisor Dr. S. Livnat)
E-mail: aliza.drory@gmail.com


גב' גפן רונן-אלירז PhD

Recharge potential from a flood event in an arid area (Co Advisors H. Ginat and D. Avraham)
E-mail: gefenre@gmail.com


גב' שמרית ממן PhD

Mobility and stability of the Central Asian ergs, a study by remote sensing and geographic information systems. (Co Advisor H. Tsoar)
E-mail: tiroshs@gmail.com

מר ערן אהל PhD

Spectral Analysis of Multi-Dimensional Images of Eye Retinal
E-mail: erano@bgu.ac.il 


גב' פז קופליק M.Sc

Target Detection in Hyperspectral Images
E-mail: pazku@post.bgu.ac.il


מר אריאל אורפייג M.Sc

Advanced Anomaly Detection Algorithms for Spectral Mixtures Scenarios in Hyperspectral Images
E-mail: arielor@post.bgu.ac.il

חזור                            חזור​