From the Rector - Prof. Chaim Hames

The Rector is the academic head of the university, and as such, is responsible for advancing research and teaching. I work, together with the Senate – composed of professors who are representatives of the various faculties, deans and other senior academic figures – and its elected committees: to develop new areas of research; to enhance and encourage excellence in research; to bring the best and the brightest researchers to the university and promote those who achieve the necessary criteria in research and teaching; to encourage best teaching practices and new and relevant study programs for our students; and to make sure that the byelaws and regulations of the university are upheld.
The Rector is elected to his post by the Senate for a four year term with the possibility of re-election for one more term. The Rector works closely with the President and other senior figures in the administration, as well as with the deans of the faculties, the academic staff and the student union. The Academic Secretary and her staff are an integral part of the Rector's office and together with the Vice Rector and the rest of the staff, we work as a unit to aid the academic staff in their research endeavors and provide all our students with what they need to graduate successfully and meaningfully.
I believe that first and foremost, the university is an academic community where the sum is far more than its parts. When there is an atmosphere of intellectual creativity, the buzz of innovation and interdisciplinarity, meaningful conversation and collective learning, a safe and pleasant space for the exchange of ideas and the broadening of horizons and outreach to the broader community, the sky is the limit! Our goal is to be a leading university in Israel and the world for the good of humanity, and to bring prosperity and quality of life to those near and far.