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Katra, I., Arotsker, L., Krasnov, H., Zaritski, A., Kushmaro, A., Ben-Dov, A. (2014) Richness and diversity in dust stormborne biomes at the Southeast Mediterranean. Scientific Reports 4, 5265; DOI:10.1038/srep05265
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Katra, I., Elperin, T., Fominykh, A., Krasovitov, B., Yizhaq, H. (2016) Modeling of particulate matter transport in atmospheric boundary layer following dust emission from source areas. Aeolian Research 20, 147-156.
Katra, I., Gross, A., Swet, N., Tanner, S., Krasnov, H., Angert, A. (2016) Substantial dust loss of bioavailable phosphorus from agricultural soils. Scientific Reports 6, 24736 DOI: 10.1038/srep24736.
Lämmel, M., Meiwald, A., Yizhaq, H., Tsoar, H., Katra, I., Kroy, K. (2018) Aeolian sand sorting and megaripple formation. Nature Physics 14, 759–765.
Swet, N., Elperin, T., Kok, J., Martin, R., Yizhaq, H., Katra, I. (2019) Can active sands generate dust particles by wind-induced processes? Earth and Planetary Science Letters 506, 371-380.
Katra, I. (2020) Comparison of various dust control products in wind-induced dust emission. Applied Sciences 9, 5204