​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Student's name

DegreeEmail addressSubject of researchDoctoral advisorSecond advisor
​Aharon Adam​MA​aharonad@post.bgu.ac.il​ Using topograp Using topographic data for
 examine the RSL formation mechanisms on mars
​Dan Blumberg​Amit Moshkin
Itai Haviv
Amgad Saleh Hjazin
PhDhijazen85@gmail.comEcological Ecosystem Services at the Arava, Israel, and the adjacent area in JordanPua BarNir Beker
​Amit Assulin
​amitass@post.bgu.ac.il ​
​Micromobility traffic in Tel Aviv
​​Eran Ben Elia

​Amit Kalush
​Flash floods at the Ze'elim Basin outlet: monitoring and modelling
​Dr. Yaron Katzir

Jonathan Laronne

Amitai Refael Shnizik
MAshnizik@post.bgu.ac.il The Building Blocks of the Street: Sensory Experience and Sense of Well-BeingYodan Rofe
​Anat Barkai-Nevo
Co-Housing for the elderly​
​Avinoam Meir

​​​Nurit Alfasi

​Anton Lokshin

​​Avner Gross

​Daniel Palchan (Ariel Uni)

​Ariel Caspi
השלמת תזה​arielcaspi@gmail.com​Public transportation gaps of the elderly​Eran Ben Elia​Hillel Bar Gara
Lena Daicman
​Asher Elbaz
​​Nurit Alfasi

​Atwa Abu-freah


​ aboatia74@hotmail.com

​Indigenous and Uprooted : Space and Identity among Displaced Naqab Bedouins

​​Oren Yiftachel

​Yonathan Ensen
​Avia Perlmuter 
​The Sustainability of Beef and its Alternatives in Israel​
​Meidad Kissinger

​Avital Mitzkin
​The complex effect of vegetation on thermal perception: Real or imaginary?
​Eviytar Erel 
Tal Svoray
​Boaz Fux
​Vegetation response to rainfall variation
​Tal Svoray
​Golan Bell
​Dan Lesser​MA​danless@post.bgu.ac.il​Highly resolved PM pollution monitoring using commercially viable dust sensors​Itai Kloog​Itzhak Katra
​Danielle Ben Shlomo​​MSc​bensdani@post.bgu.ac.il​Visualizing High Resolution Travelers' Spatiotemporal Accessibility Gaps​​Noam Tratinski​Eran Ben Elia
Itzhak Benenson (TAU)
Diana BoginPhDdianakho@post.bgu.ac.ilThe Effect of household characteristics and lifestyle on electricity consumption in Beer Sheva homesMeidad Kissinger​Evyatar Erell
​Doron Azoot
End-of-life problem of solar facilities
​Naama Teschner​

​Eden Skovronek
​MA​edenskov@gmail.com ​Stoichiometric constrains induced by elevated CO2 on soil phosphorus and carbon dynamics in Mediterranean ​​Avner Gross​  Ran Erel (Gilat Agricultural Research Center)
Norit Agam (Sde-Boker)

​Ehud Lavner
​Avner Gross

Ela Romov
MAelarom@post.bgu.ac.ilA comparative view of environmental impact assessments on the landscape aspect of renewable energies.Naama TeschnerShimrit Maman (BGU, Homeland Security institute)
​Elad Shaviv
​eshaviv@nakitech.com ​
​Roles and responsibilities of new players in a decentralized electricity system
​Naama Teschner

​Emilia Tzikman 
​Materials flow analysis of Israel Coffee consumption commodity chain
​Meidad Kissinger​

​Elnatan Golan
​​​Avner Gross

​Erela Hamilton
​Nurit Alfasi

​Hadar Openheim​
​Neighborhoods' dynamics: comparing two antu-adative neighborhood
​​Nurit Alfasi

​Hanna Hennig
PhDhanna.hennig@ufz.deModeling flashfloods from and in arid catchments in the Judean DesertRalf Merz, Univ HalleJonathan Laronne, Christian Siebert, UFZ
​Hillel Adler
​Decarbonization implications on vulnerable households
Naama Teschner​ 

​Huda Abuzaid

The Consequences of Displacement in Colonial Urbanization: Comparative Analysis of Jerusalem
and Hebron
​Oren Yiftachel

Ian HoughPhDhough@post.bgu.ac.iLClimate change, air pollution, and perinatal health: the combined effects of temperature and air pollution in sensitive populationsItai KloogNurit Alfasi
​Idan Magira 
Urban Carbon Footprint Analysis
​​​Meidad Kissinger

Ido Ahron
PhDidoah@tauex.tau.ac.ilPublic benefits and vulnerabilities associated with the adoption of communal technologiesNurit Alfasi 
​Ilay Hanegbi
​Decrease of runoff erosion due to biogenic and physical crusts in Mishor Yamin
​Jonathan Laronne

​​Dr. Yaron Katzir
Noa Belavan
​Inbal Bentsiony
​Form based codes in Israel - an alternative to current landuse planning?​​
​Yodan Rofe

​Inbal Ronay
​MA​inbalron@post.bgu.ac.il​Weed interference effect on the physiology
and reflectance characteristics of corn
​Dan Blumberg​Johnatan Efrat
Hanan Izenberg
​Inbar Shtutman PhD​​shtutmin@post.bgu.ac.il​Analyzing the contribution of integrated pathways to national food system sustainability​​Meidad KissingerNawin Ramnkoti (UBC)​
​Itay Shulner
​Towards an integrated life cycle-based approach of agricultural crops weed management
​Meidad Kissinger

​Ira Dayan
​PhD​​dayanir@post.bgu.ac.il​point target and anomaly detection​Stenly Rotman​​Dan Blumberg
​Irit Porat
​Municipal management and enforcement strategies for urban quality of life: The contribution of municipal inspectors to the public value of major urban streets
​Prof. Fany Yuval, Department of Public Policy and Management

​​Yodan Rofe
​Juan David Guerro
​New ML methods for imorving and scaling up environmental Modeling
​Itay Kloog

Kyle Stark
PhDkyle.stark@student.nmt.eduBedload and suspended sediment dynamics in the sandy-gravel Arroyo e los PiñosDan Cado, NMT, USAJonathan Laronne
​Laurencia Maya Starr
​MA​laurenci.starr@mail.huji.ac.il ​Phosphorus cycle in Medmediterranean forests​Avner Gross
​Lee-el Zaban Strum
​Symbolic Urban Displacement: a Comparative Study of Synagogues in Southern Israel
Oren Yiftachel
​Erez Tzfadia

​Liel Olesya Sharon​MSc​lieloles@post.bgu.ac.il​Reconstruction of transportation trajectory from cellular data using machine learning algorithm​Dan Vilanchick​Eran Ben Elia
​Lior Netzer
​PhD​Liorn@water.gov.il​Physical and chemical processes in infiltration of urban runoff​Meni Ben Hur (Volcani Center)​Itzhak Katra
​Lior Saban
​Sand segregation in aeolian megaripple formation
​​Itzhak Katra

​Hezi Yizhach
​Loc Luong​
​Derivation of the physics of seismic propagation due to bedload
​Assoc Prof. Dan Cadol, NMT
​Prof. Susan Bilek, NMT
Jonathan Laronne
Dr. Jens Turowski, GFZ
​Lonia Friedlander
​PostDoc​friedlal@post.bgu.ac.ilThe use of remote sensing to detect
and monitor areas with trace metal contaminated soil
​Dan Blumberg​Noam Wisbord
Madeline RichardsMScMadeline.Richards@student.nmt.eduRainfall-runoff and transmission losses in the semiarid Arroyo de los PinosDan Cado, NMT, USA​Jonathan Laronne
Mariela Yabu
PhD​​mariela229@gmail.comPlanning attitudes toward accessability for people with disabilitiesNurit Alfasi
​Mark Perlshtien
​ Hybrid spatio-temporal model for estimating daily NO2 and O3 
concentrations incorporating OMI satellite data using machine-learning method across Israel

​Itai Kloog

​Matanya Hamawi
​PhD​hamawim@post.bgu.ac.il​Transport of bedload within catchments of ephemeral rivers based on seismic signals​Liran Goren​Jonathan Laronne
Dr Jens Turowski, GFZ
​Maya Laurenica Star
​Phosphorus fertilization of trees with desert dust
​​Avner Gross

​Tamir Klain
​Maya Tushinski
​Urban regeneration tolls​
​​Nurit Alfasi

​Mevaseret Melaned
​Runoff in arid regions: the case of Beer-Sheva stream
​​Naama Teschner

Michael Vatenmacher
PhDmichael@i-cepa.comElements Geographic position influence on infrastructure functioning in emergenciesTal Svoray​Shabtai Isaac, Department of Structural Engineering
​Michal ​Zachor

​Nurit Alfasi

​Rachel Katoshevsky- outside advisor
​Michelle Levenson
​Pedestrian behavior and thermal perception under varying urban microclimatic conditions 
​​David Pearlmutter

​Or Alexandovich (Technion)
​Mitchell McLaughlin
​Seismic monitoring of channel processes in ephemeral channels 
​Prof. Susan Bilek, NMT
​Assoc Prof. Dan Cadol, NMT, USADan Cadol, NMT
Jonathan Laronne

​Moran Kaminer​

​Avner Gross

​Moshe Halperen
PostDoc​moshehalpern416@hotmail.com ​Stoichiometric constrains induced by elevated CO2 on soil phosphorus and carbon dynamics in Mediterranean ecosystem​Avner Gross
​Naama Rudintski
​The effect of ocean acidification on dust phosphorus solbilization
​​Avner Gross

​Gilad Antler
​Nadav Shalit
​MSc​shanad@post.bgu.ac.il​Using smartcard data and machine learning to improve publc transport data quality​Miki Pier​Eran Ben Elia
Itzhak Benenson (TAU)
​Nadina Levitt
​lavbekzy@gmail.com​Towards an integrated approach for advancing sustainability - The case of clothing system
​​​​​Meidad Kissinger
​Naomi Kahana

​Channel stability upstream and downstream of the crossings over the feeder canals from the P9 pumping station on Wadi Ze'elim fan
​Liran Goren

​Jonathan Laronne

​Netta Amar-Shiff

​ nowar1972@gmail.com

​The Legal-Geography of forcible displacement: International law and the Bedouins in israel/palestine 1917-2017

​​Oren Yiftachel

​Sandy (Alexander) Kedar

​Neta Soto
​Avner Gross

​Noa Biran
​An integrative approach to analyzing the environmental impact of food loss in the agricultural sector and the potential for impact reduction
​Meidad Kissinger

​Noah Joelson
​What distinguishes rural from suburban? Characteristics of rural settlements in the Jewish sector in an era of renewal
​Yodan Rofe

​Noa Mata

​Residential preferences in Israel
​Nurit Alfasi

​Noa Naiman
​Avner Gross​

​Noam Elad
​Net Zero narrative
​​​​Naama Teschner

​Yaakov (Jerome) Garb (f Department of Sociology and Anthropology )
Noam Lasker
MAlaskerno@post.bgu.ac.ilDeveloping a new accessibility measure using temporal and spatial data in the Greater Boston areaItai Kloog
​Oded Haas

​The local politics of the global housing crisis: lessons about displaceability from Israel/Palestine
​Oren Yiftachel

​Erez Tzfadia

​Ofer Lavi Bekin
​PhD​lavbekzy@gmail.comDust sources in the Northern African Deserts:
 identification and evaluation of dust emission dynamics using remote sensing​
​Dan Blumberg​On Krobi
​Omer Reichstein

​Guy Shani
​​Evyatar Erell

​Omri Carmon
​Socio-spatial impacts of decarbonized, decentralized electricity markets
​Naama Teschner
​​​​Meidad Kissinger, Yael Pereg, Shiri Tsemach Shamir

Omri Keren
MAomriker@post.bgu.ac.ilInfrastructure planningNurit AlfasiRachel Katoshevsky- outside advisor
​Osher Rafaeli
Soil pipe dynamics 

Tal Svoray​​Ariel Nachlieli
Racheli Armoza-Zvuluni
The Influence of changes in rainfall, runoff events and anthropgenic activity on acacias in the S. Negev and Arava
Jonathan Laronne​Eli Groner
Gedeon Winters
​Rebecca Moskal

​Sediment transport equations applicable to ephemeral channels
​Assoc Prof. Dan Cadol, NMT

Jonathan Laronne
Assist Prof. Kate Leary, NMT

​Rina Magen
​The influence of spatial properties of neighborhood public spaces on their social functioning
​Prof. Itzhak Omer, TAU

​​Yodan Rofe
Ron Nativ
PhDronnat@post.bgu.ac.ilInfluence of boulder delivery from hillslopes on channel morphology – from process to landscape scaleLiran Goren (Geology)Jonathan Laronne, Prof. Niels Hovius, Univ. Potsdam, Jens Turowski, GFZ
Ron Sarafian
​PhDronsar@post.bgu.ac.ilGeographical Applications of Modern Statistical Learning Algorithm​Itai KloogJohanna Lepeule
Roni Artzi
MAroniart@post.bgu.ac.ilSpace-time analysis of emotions in different land uses using Twitter dataTal Svoray​Shahar Golan (psychology department)
​Roni Blustein
​Space time dynamics of PVs
​Tal Svoray
​Itai Fischhendler
Havazelt Yahel
​Rukmini Chakrabarti
​MA​chakrabarti.rukmini@gmail.com​Sub-national Rice systems sustainability assessment in India ​​​​Meidad Kissinger
Saeed Miari
PhDmiari@gmail.comImpact of urbanization and modernization on the commons in Arab settlements in IsraelAvinoam Meir​Nurit Alfasi
​Sandy Glasgo

​sandra.glasgo@student.nmt.edu ​
​Open channel flow & sedimentation models, Arroyo de los Pinos 
​Dan Cado, NMT, USA

​​​​​Jonathan Laronne

​Sara Adar

​Mgnitude and processes of runoff and fluvial erosion - Mishor Yamin
Itay Haviv

​​​​Jonathan Laronne
​Shahar Steinbach
​Regional Metabolisms: Implementing measures to streamline energy activation.
​​Naama Teschner

​​​​Meidad Kissinger

​Sharllyn Pimentel
​Middle Rio Grande repsponse to sediment-related tributary inputs: Arroyo de los Pinos​Dan Cado, NMT, USA​Jonathan Laronne
Sharon Eshel​​PhD

​Housing, planning and social stratification on the outskirts of the metropolitan area: Nationalization and privatization in planning deals in the neoliberal era
​Oren Yiftachel

​Talia Margalit

​Shaked Kaufman​MSc​shakedka@post.bgu.ac.il​Bus Lanes Planning Data Visualization​Noam Tratinski​Eran Ben Elia
​Shaul Shmilovich
​MSc​shaulshm@post.bgu.ac.il​Development and examination of compressive
hyperspectral imagers for satellites.
​On Krobi​Adrian Stern
Dan Blumberg
​Shmuel Zin
​Basinwide event erosion from Nahal Hiyyon and Neqarot
​​​Jonathan Laronne

Rachel ​Armoza-Zvuloni (Desert and Dead Sea
Dr. Nurit Shtober-Zisu (Haifa Uni)

​Shulamit Nussboim

​Transport processes of solutes and suspended solids from the basin to the Kishon Stream

​​​Jonathan Laronne

​Shirel Moreno
Olive oil Life cycle assessment 

​Meidad Kissinger​

​Sleman Khaled Abo Sbeet
​ sleeman1997sk@gmail.com
​Bedouin Urbanization: Learning by comparison between Israel and Jorgan
​Nurit Alfasi

​Sophie Lagarde

​Sesmic monitoring of processes of hillslope instability
​Niels Hovius, Univ. Potsdam
​​​​Jonathan Laronne
​Sudeep TiwariPostDoc​sudipnst@gmail.com​Dust as a natural phosphorus fertilzier: can plants assimilate phosphorus from dust that setteled on their leaves?​Avner GrossRan Harel​
​Suresh ThappetaPostDoc​sthappeta@gmail.com​Turbulence in flash flood bores​​Jonathan Laronne​Joel Johnson, U. Texas, Austin
​Tamar Cohner-Avraham
​​Yodan Rofe

​Tom Kacholi

​Measuring water velocity and determining water discharge, roughness and advanced stage-discharge relations
Itay Haviv
​​​Jonathan Laronne

Tzur Blank​
​Development of an integral microclimatic analysis tool for combating urban heating
​David Pearlmutter
Or Alexandovich (Technion)

​Uri Ansenberg

​Real-Estate Valuation and Urban Displacement Processes
​Oren Yiftachel

​Erez Tzfadia

​Vered Uziel​PhD​vereduz@post.bgu. ac.il
​The Impact of Public Transportation on Gender Equality in the Municipal Space​Eran Ben Elia
Yael Neumeier
PhDyael.noymi@mail.huji.ac.ilEffects of ocean acidification on phosphorus release from dust deposition in seawaterAvner GrossGilad Antler​
​Yael Ronen​
​Regeneration without demolision​
​Nurit Alfasi

​Yaniv Ronen
​The relationship between railroad lines and stations and urban areas in Israel
​​​Yodan Rofe

​Yehezkel Lein 
​Settlers in Post-Colonial Settings: The Political Geography of a Sustainable Coexistence
​​Oren Yiftachel

​Yuval Bar Nehemia
​Travel behavior of micromobility users in Tel Aviv​
​​Eran Ben Elia

​Yuval Knaan​PhD​yuvalknaan@gmail.com​Relationships in space bewteen military and civil geogrpahical entities and production of space​Avinoam Meir​Oren Yiftachel
Zohar FinghurtMAzoharfin@post.bgu.ac.ilPlacemaking: the relationships between the involved partiesNurit Alfasi