Erell E. and Zhou B. 2022. The effect of increasing surface cover vegetation on urban microclimate and energy demand for building heating and cooling. Building and Environment, 213, 108867.
Bogin D., Kissinger M. and Erell E. 2021. Comparison of domestic lifestyle energy consumption clustering approaches. Energy and Buildings, 253, 111537.
Queck G., Wienold J., Khanie M., Erell E., Kaftan E., Tzempelikos J.,Konstanzos I., Christoffersen J., Kuhn T. and Andersen M. 2021. Comparing performance of discomfort glare metrics in high and low adaptation levels. Building and Environment,
Krayenhoff S., Broadbent A., Zhao L., Georgescu M., Middel A., Voogt J., Martilli A., Sailor D. and Erell E. 2021. Cooling hot cities: A systematic and critical review of the numerical modelling literature. Environmental Research Letters, 16 (2021) 053007
Negev M., Khreis H., Rogers B., Shaheen M. and Erell E. 2020. Designing healthy dry cities: how hot and dry cities can maximise public health benefits. British Medical Journal, 2020;371:m3000.
Zhou B., Erell E., Hough I., Shtein A., Just A., Novack V., Rosenblatt J. and Kloog I. 2020. Estimation of hourly near surface air temperature across Israel using an ensemble model. Remote Sensing, 12, 1741. https://doi:10.3390/rs12111741.
Goulden S., Garb Y., Pearlmutter D. and Erell E. 2020. Embracing uncertainty in building energy efficiency policy: a case study of a building energy standard. Energy Policy, 139,111303.
Zhou B., Kaplan S., Peeters A., Kloog I. and Erell E. 2020. 'Surface', 'Satellite' or 'Simulation': mapping intra-urban microclimate variability in a desert city. International Journal of Climatology, 40 (6):3099-3117.
Wienold J., Iwata T., Sarey Khanie M., Erell E., Kaftan E., Rodriguez R. G., Yamin Garreton J. A., Tzempelikos T., Konstantzos I., Christoffersen J., Kuhn T. E., Pierson C. and Andersen M. 2019. Cross-validation and robustness of daylight glare metrics. Lighting Research & Technology, 51(7): 983-1013.
Erell E., Portnov B. and Assif M. 2018. Modifying behaviour to save energy at home is harder than we think… Energy and Buildings, 179:384-398.
Vulkan A., Kloog I., Dorman M. and Erell E. 2018. Modelling the potential for PV installation in residential buildings in dense urban areas. Energy and Buildings, 169: 97–109.
Friedman C., Becker N. and Erell E. 2018. Retrofitting residential building envelopes for energy efficiency: Motivations of individual homeowners in Israel. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 61(10):1805-1827.
Leaf S. and Erell E. 2018. A model of the ground surface temperature for micrometeorological analysis. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 133:697–710.
Goulden S., Garb Y., Pearlmutter D. and Erell E. 2017. Green building standards as socio-technical actors in municipal environmental policy. Building Research and Information, 4(4):414-425.
Snir K., Pearlmutter D. and Erell E. 2016. The moderating effect of water-efficient ground cover vegetation on pedestrian thermal stress. Landscape and Urban Planning 152: 1-12.
Kaplan S., Peeters A. and Erell E. 2016. Predicting air temperature simultaneously for multiple locations in an urban environment: a bottom up approach. Applied Geography, 76:62-74.
Erell E., Boneh D., Bar (Kutiel) P. and Pearlmutter D. 2014. Effect of high-albedo materials on pedestrian thermal stress in urban street canyons. Urban Climate, (10): 367-386.
Friedman C., Becker N. and Erell E. 2014. Energy retrofit of residential buildings in Israel: a cost-benefit analysis. Energy, 77:183-193.
Schweitzer O. and Erell E. 2014. Evaluation of the energy performance and irrigation requirements of extensive green roofs in a water-scarce Mediterranean climate. Energy and Buildings, 68:25–32.
Lemonsu A., Masson V., Shashua-Bar L., Erell E. and Pearlmutter D. 2012. Inclusion of vegetation in the Town Energy Balance model for modelling urban green areas. Geoscientific Model Development, 5:1377-1393.
Shashua-Bar L., Pearlmutter D. and Erell E. 2011. The influence of trees and grass on outdoor thermal comfort in a hot-arid environment. International Journal of Climatology, 31(10): 1498–1506.
Mills G., Cleugh H., Emmanuel R., Endlicher W., Erell E., McGranahan G., Ng E., Nickson A., Rosenthal J. and Steemer K. 2010. Climate Information for Improved Planning and Management of Mega Cities (needs perspective). Procedia Environmental Sciences, 1:228-246.
Shashua-Bar L., Pearlmutter D. and Erell E. 2009. The cooling efficiency of urban landscape strategies in a hot dry climate. Landscape and Urban Planning, 92(3-4):179-186. DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2009.04.005
Erell E. 2008. The application of urban climate research in the design of cities, Advances in Building Energy Research, 2:95-121.
Pearlmutter D., Erell E. and Etzion Y. 2008. A Multi-Stage Down-Draft Evaporative Cool Tower for Semi-Enclosed Spaces: Experiments with a water spraying system. Solar Energy, 82(5):430-440.
Erell E., Pearlmutter D. and Etzion Y. 2008. A Multi-Stage Down-Draft Evaporative Cool Tower for Semi-Enclosed Spaces: Aerodynamic Performance. Solar Energy, 82(5):420-429.
Erell E. and Williamson T. 2007. Intra-urban differences in canopy layer air temperature at a mid-latitude city. International Journal of Climatology, 27:1243-1255.
Erell E. and Williamson T. 2006. Simulating air temperature in an urban street canyon in all weather conditions using measured data at a reference meteorological station. International Journal of Climatology, 26(12):1671-1694.
Erell E., Leal V. and Maldonado E. 2005. Measurement of air temperature in the presence of a large radiant flux: An assessment of passively ventilated thermometer screens. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 114:205-231.
Erell E., Etzion Y., Carlstrom N., Sandberg M., Molina J., Maestre I., Maldonado E., Leal V. and Gutschker O. 2004. SOLVENT: Development of a reversible solar-screen glazing system. Energy and Buildings 36:468-480.
Erell E., Portnov B. and Etzion E. 2003. Mapping the potential for climate-conscious design of buildings. Building & Environment 38 (2):271-281.
Erell E. and Etzion Y. 2000. Radiative cooling of buildings with flat-plate solar collectors. Building & Environment, 35(4):297-305.
Etzion Y. and Erell E. 2000. Controlling the transmission of radiant energy through windows: A novel ventilated reversible glazing system. Building & Environment, 35(5):433-444.
Portnov B., Erell E., Bivan R. & Nilsen A. 2000. Investigating the effect of clustering of the urban field on sustainable population growth of centrally located and peripheral towns. International Journal of Population Geography, 6:1-22.
Erell E. and Tsoar H. 1999 Spatial variations in the aeolian deposition of dust - the effect of a city: A case study in Be’er Sheva, Israel, Atmospheric Environment, 33:4049-4055.
Portnov B. and Erell E. 1998. Clustering of the urban field as a precondition for sustainable population growth in peripheral areas: The case of Israel. Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies, 10(2):123-141.
Erell E. and Tsoar H. 1997. An experimental evaluation of strategies for reducing airborne dust in desert cities. Building & Environment, 32(3):225‑236.
Pearlmutter D., Erell E., Etzion Y., Meir I.A. and Di H. 1996. Refining the use of evaporation in an experimental down-draft cool tower. Energy and Buildings, 23(3):191-197.
Erell E., Etzion Y. 1992. A radiative cooling system using water as a heat exchange medium. Architectural Science Review, 35(2):39-49. (ISI: -. GS: 22 citations).
Etzion Y., Erell E. 1991. Thermal storage mass in radiative cooling systems. Building and Environment, 26(4):389-394.