The Geo-Ecology Laboratory, headed by Prof. Pua Bar, is the heart of the ecological and environmental research in the department. Research in the laboratory integrates multiple disciplines, including plant science, geomorphology, environmental planning and management and geographical information technologies.
Our currently running Ph.D. projects:
· The spatial distribution of Artemisia monosperma in the Mediterranean coastal sand dunes- factors and mechanisms (Vered Ziso-Cohen)
· Phytolith ecology in an arid environment (Ofir Katz)
· Implications of long-term coastal dune management and restoration techniques on conservation of biodiversity in Mediterranean coastal sands (Tanya Bird)
· Development of a cost efficient model for nature conservation in Israel (David Lehrer)
· The development of complex thinking during the participation of school student in the ASAM ecological project (Meirav Perry)
Our currently running M.A. projects:
· Monitoring spatial and temporal dynamics of soil moisture in Asphodelus aestivus circles in the Northern Negev (Yair Herooty)
· Ecosystem services under different managements (Itai Divinsky)
Some previously studied topic:
· Sand dune ecology (Adi Ramot, M.A.; Meirav Perry, M.A.; Itai Renan, M.A.; Tarin Paz, M.A.; Yonatan Rubinstein, M.A.; Vered Ziso-Cohen, M.A.)
· Invasive species (Oded Cohen, Ph.D.; David Lehrer, M.A.; Shiri Levy, M.A.)
· Restoration and development (Eran Doron, M.A.; Tsafra Bannet, M.A.)
· Habitat fragmentation (Shira Mazor, M.A.; Daniel Negoitza, M.A.; Dafna Rozenbaum, M.A.)
· Animal behaviour and distribution (Hano Glazer, M.A.; Guy Rotem, M.A.; Anat Carmi, M.A.)
· Microclimate and human comfort (Kfir Mushelion, M.A.; Simon Shpirt, M.A.; Daniel Boneh, M.A.)
· Economical evaluation of environmental resources (Meira Segev, Ph.D.)
· Urban ecology (Iris Bernstein, M.A.)
· Archaeobotany (Ofir Katz, M.A.)
Recently published papers:
Erell E, Pearlmutter D, Boneh D, Bar (Kutiel) P. in press. Effects of high-albedo materials on pedestrian thermal stress in urban street canyons. Urban Climate.
Katz O, Lev-Yadun S, Bar (Kutiel) P. 2013. Plasticity and variability in the patterns of phytolith formation in Asteraceae species along a large rainfall gradient in Israel. Flora 208: 438-444.
Rubinstein Y, Groner E, Yizhaq H, Svoray T, Bar (Kutiel) P. 2012. An eco-spatial index for evaluating stabilization state of sand dunes. Aeolian Research 9: 75-87.
Renan I, Friedberg A, Bar (Kutiel) P. 2011. The sandy islands of the West Negev. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 56: 98.
Rotem G, Berger H, King R, Bar (Kutiel) P, Zalts D. 2011. The effect of anthropogenic resources on the space-use patterns of Golden Jackals. Journal of Wildlife Management 75: 132-136.
Lehrer D, Becker N, Bar (Kutiel) P. 2011. The economic impact of the invasion of Acacia saligna in Israel. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 18: 118-127.