Interdisciplinary Challenges in Financial Data Science
Thursday March 23rd, 2023, Marcus Family Campus - Beer Sheva (Building 37 Room 202)
The meeting will focus on the challenges to academic and non-academic
research in the field of financial data science, and to the attempts in identifying
the main forces behind the movements of prices in financial markets. It will be
composed of lectures of professionals from the financial industry, as well as
academic researchers specializing in fields of relevant.
Key Note Speaker: Stefan Zohren, PhD, Principal Quant, Man Group Central Trading; Deputy Director, Oxford-Man Institute
Meeting Program, abstracts & List of Speakers

Free Registration (starting January 5th, 2023)
Steering committee: Prof. Danny Hendler (computer science), Dr. Yuval Pinter (computer science), Prof. Lior Rokah (software & information systems), Dr. Koresh Galil (economics), and Dr. Karine van der Beek (economics), who is also the current coordinator of the initiative.
Sponsored by the Ben-Gurion Data Science Research Center (DSRC).
For more details about algotrading@BGU Initiative press here