| Professor Gabi Ben-Dor
Soref 307 972-8-6477082
| Gas dynamics, fluid mechanics, shock wave phenomena, penetration hydrodynamic instabilities.
 | | High temperature Gasdynamics. Nonstationary compressible flows. |
 | | Turbulent flow with suspensions. Frictional drag reduction. Non Newtonian shear flow. |
 | | Fluid mechanics, gas dynamics, shock wave phenomena. |
 | | Heat transfer, two-phase systems. |
 | | Plasma physics, fluid mechanics.
 | | Fracture mechanics, biomechanics, numerical methods in solid mechanics. |
 | | Machine mechanics, machine design, precision technology, computer-aided tolerancing, FMS modeling. |
 | | Theory of machines, industrial automation, creativity in design, robotics, dynamic accuracy. |
 | | Solid mechanics, composite materials, plant biomechanics. |
 | | Turbulence, computational fluid dynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, geophysical flows.
 | | Turbulence. DNS and LES of turbulent flows. Transport and algebraic models of turbulence. CFD. Vascular hemodynamics. |
 | | Thermal and mechanical properties of matter, shock wave physics.