Congratulations to Daniel Kaufman from Prof. Hadar Ben-Yoav's lab for his published paper in Chemical Engineering Journal! The article titled “The effect of ultraviolet photocatalytic oxidation on ferrocyanide electrochemical behavior—An important factor in mediator-based electrochemical sensors" reports the effect of UV light irradiation on the electrochemical properties of ferrocyanide – a common validation and analysis analyte in the electrochemical society. In addition, the paper suggests a thermodynamic model explaining the phenomena and discusses the effect of other wavelengths on ferrocyanide electrochemical signal.
Link to the published paper:
Daniel Kaufman and Hadar Ben-Yoav, The effect of ultraviolet photocatalytic oxidation on ferrocyanide electrochemical behavior—An important factor in mediator-based electrochemical sensors, Chem. Eng. 2023, 143901.

Figure 1. Schematic representation of ferrocyanides photo-chemical reaction due to light irradiation and its effect on the electrochemical signal of the analyte
Link to the Ben-Yoav research group: