ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2115-1006
GS: https://scholar.google.co.il/citations?user=Y1azSAEAAAAJ&hl=iw
Aviad Moreno is a Senior Lecturer (equivalent to Associate Professor) at the Ben-Gurion Research Institute, where he also heads the research hub Communities and Mobilities at the Azrieli Center for Israel Studies.
Dr. Moreno is a recipient of the Alon Fellowship from the Council for Higher Education in Israel. He has been selected as a foreign international member of the Spanish Royal Academy, and serves on the content committee of the Anu Museum of the Jewish People in Tel Aviv (formerly Beit Hatfutsot), the board of The National Academy for Ladino. He is also a member of the Editorial Advisory Committee for Israel Studies Journal (Indiana University Press), and a Co-Chair of the Sephardi/Mizrahi Division at the Association of Jewish Studies (AJS).
Selected publica tions:
1.Aviad Moreno.2024. Entwined Homelands, Empowered Diasporas: Hispanic Moroccan Jews and their Globalizing Community Indiana University Press. https://iupress.org/9780253069672/entwined-homelands-empowered-diasporas/
2. Aviad Moreno, Noah Gerber, Esther Meir-Glitzenstein and Ofer Shiff. 2021. ההיסטוריה הארוכה של המזרחים: כיווני חדשים בחקר יהודי ארצות האסלאם -בהוקרה לירון צור [The Long History of Mizrahim: New Directions in the Study of Jews from Muslim Countries -in Tribute to Yaron Tsur]. The Ben-Gurion Institute for the Study of Israel & Zionism, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Sde-Boker. 588p.
Published reviews of the book:
a) Emanuela Trevisan Semi. 2022. Review of The Long History of the Mizrahim: New Directions in the Study of Jews from Muslim Countries. In tribute to Yaron Tsur, by Aviad Moreno, Noah Gerber, Esther Meir-Glizenstein, and Ofer Shiff, eds., Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History. Journal of the Fondazione CDEC 22.2:199-204. DOI: 10.48248/issn.2037-741X/13718
b) Dario Miccoli. 2022. The Long History of the Mizrahim: New Directions in the Study of Jews from Muslim Countries—In Tribute to Yaron Tsur by Aviad Moreno, and: Under Eastern Eyes: Identity and Self Representation in Israeli Documentary Cinema by Merav Alush Levron, Israel Studies 27.3: 190-198
c) Benny Nurieli. 2022. הסוציולוגיה הביקורתית של ההיסטוריה הארוכה של המזרחים [The Critical Sociology of the long History of the Mizrahim], Kriot Yisraeliot 2: 262-167. Hebrew.
d) Michal Ben Ya'akov. 2022. חשיבה חדשה-תובנות חדשות [New Thinking – New Understandings]. Dor Ledor- Studies in the History of Jewish Education in Israel and the Diaspora 56: 161-168.
3. Aviad Moreno. 2015. אירופה ממרוקו: הפרוטוקולים של הנהגת קהילת יהודי טנגי'ר,1864-1860 [Europe from Morocco: the Minutes of the Leadership of Tangier's Jewish Community (the Junta), 1860-1864]. Jerusalem. Pe'amim Supplement, Vol 1. Ben Zvi Institute. 124p.
Published reviews of the book:
a) Nina Pinto-Abecasis. 2017. LADINAR: Estudios sobre la literatura, la música y la historia de los sefardíes IX: 55-68
b) Yaorn Ben-Naeh. 2016. Zion LXXXI (3–4): 523-528
c) Nina Pinto-Abecasis. 2016. MEAH 65: 193-197
Selected Articles
- Noah Gerber and Aviad Moreno (accepted). The Trajectories of Separation: Global Migration, Disciplinary Boundaries, and the Isolated Histories of Mizraḥim, AJS Review.
- Roy Shukrun and Aviad Moreno. Rethinking Moroccan Transnationalism: Sephardism, Decolonization, and Activism Between Israel and Montreal, American Jewish History 107 (2/3).
- Aviad Moreno and Haim Bitton. 2023. The Moroccan “Yizkor Book": Holocaust Memory, Intra-Jewish Marginalization, and Communal Empowerment in Israel,Diaspora 23.2. https://utpjournals.press/doi/abs/10.3138/diaspora.23.2.2023.08.09
- Aviad Moreno and Tamir Karkason. 2023. Repositioning Ethnicity and Transnationalism: Community Resilience Strategies among the Non-migratory Segment of Turkish Jewry. Societies 13(7), 161; https://doi.org/10.3390/soc13070161
- Aviad Moreno and Tamir Karkason.2023. A transnational millet in the Jewish state: A Judeo-Spanish diaspora between Israel and Turkey, 1948–1958. Nations and Nationalism. doi.org/10.1111/nana.12959
- Aviad Moreno. 2022. Expanding the Dimensions of Moroccan (Jewish) Migration: perspectives from Venezuela. Journal of North African Studies DOI: 10.1080/13629387.2022.2088522
- Aviad Moreno and Noah Gerber. 2021. חקר יהודי ארצות האסלאם בישראל: דיסציפלינות וקווי גבול [Studying Jews from Islamic Countries in Israel: Disciplines and Boundaries], in (eds.) Aviad Moreno et Al. The Long History of Mizrahim: New Directions in the Study of Jews from Muslim Countries. The Ben-Gurion Institute for the Study of Israel & Zionism, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Sde-Boker: 7-42. https://www.evrit.co.il/Product/20762/%D7%94%D7%94%D7%99%D7%A1%D7%98%D7%95%D7%A8%D7%99%D7%94_%D7%94%D7%90%D7%A8%D7%95%D7%9B%D7%94_%D7%A9%D7%9C_%D7%94%D7%9E%D7%96%D7%A8%D7%97%D7%99%D7%9D
- Aviad Moreno. 2021. Remapping 'Tradition': Community Formation and Spatiocultural Mobility Among Jews in Colonial Northern Morocco. Jewish Culture and History 22(4):348-400. https://doi.org/10.1080/1462169X.2021.1993542
- Aviad Moreno. 2021. עיון מחודש על הקשר שבין ציונות להגירה: המקרה של מרוקו הספרדית [A Re-Examination of the Connection Between Zionism and Migration: The case of Spanish Morocco]. El Prezente 14-15:119-145
- Aviad Moreno. 2020. חיסול, עקירה, הגירה: על הסמנטיקה של ה'עליות' מארצות ערב בשיח האקדמי והציבורי בישראל [Hisul, 'Aqira, Hagira: The Semantics of Jewish Migration from Arab Countries in Israel's Academic and Popular Discourses]. Zion 85: 107-125
- Aviad Moreno. 2020. Beyond the Nation-state: A Network Analysis of Jewish Emigration from Northern Morocco to Israel. International Journal of Middle East Studies (IJMES) 52(1):1- 21
https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/international-journal-of-middle-east-studies/article/beyond-the-nationstate-a-network-analysis-of-jewish-emigration-from-northern-morocco-to-israel/E0566B3901E8404BCC82EB40F0303256 - Moreno, Aviad. 2020. מחקר בונה קהילה: על התהוותו של מרחב אתני-פזורתי בקרב יהודי מרוקו הספרדית בישראל [Research Builds a Community: How Spanish Moroccan Jews Created their Ethnic-Diasporic Space in Israel] in (eds.) Ofir Abu, Tanya Zion-Waldoks, Through Israeli Eyes: Images, Representations, and Boundaries of the Jewish World. Ben-Gurion Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism, Sde Boker Campus 2020: 224-254
- Aviad Moreno. 2019. The Ingathering of the Jewish (Moroccan) Diaspora: Zionism and Global Hometown Awareness among Spanish-Moroccan Jews in Israel, European Judaism 52 (2):143-155
- Angy Cohen and Aviad Moreno. 2017. Revisiting Morocco from Israel and Argentina: Contrasting Narratives about the 'Trip Back' Among Jewish Immigrants from Northern Morocco, Journal of Jewish Identities. 10 (2): 173-197
- Aviad Moreno. 2016. Moroccan Jewish Emigration to Latin America: the State of Research and New Directions, Hesperis-Tamuda. 51 (2): 123-143
- Aviad Moreno. 2015. 'Inappropriate' Voices from the Past: Contextualizing Narratives from the First Group Tour of Olim from Northern Morocco to their Former Hometowns, European Journal of Jewish Studies. 9: 52–68
- Aviad Moreno. 2012. De-Westernizing Morocco: Pre-Migration Colonial History and the Ethnic-Oriented Self-Representation of Tangier's Natives in Israel, Quest- Issues in Contemporary Jewish History. 4: 67-85
Other publications
- Aviad Moreno. 2023.השיבה היהודית בהקשריה ההיסטוריים והעולמיים [Jewish Repatriation in a Global Context. הזמן הזה (Ha-Zman Ha-Zeh). Hebrew.
- Aviad Moreno. 2023. Redibujar el mapa de la «tradición»: formación comunitaria y espacio cultural entre los judíos del norte de Marruecos colonial. Maguén-Escudo, 161: 51-73.
- Aviad Moreno. 2022. La Liberté/El Horria, Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/1878-9781_ejiw_SIM_000871
- Aviad Moreno. 2022. Benaioun (Ben Ayoun), Salomon, Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/1878-9781_ejiw_SIM_0003580
- Tamir Karkason and Aviad Moreno, 2022, מחאה, פטרונות וסולידריות בי-עדתית: יהודי צפון אפריקה
בעיתונות הלדינו בראשית שנות החמישים [Protest, Patronage, and Inter-Jewish Solidarity: North African Jews in Israel's Ladino Press in the Early 1950s]. Et-Mol 279, 30-33. - Aviad Moreno. 2022. Telling Your Story: Reclaiming Sephardi Mizrahi History, Sephardi Ideas Monthly. https://americansephardi.org/news/simfeb2022/
- Aviad Moreno and Arie Dubnov. 2022.מוזיאון 'אנו' והאמריקניזציה של ההיסטוריה היהודית [Anu Museum and the Americanization of Jewish History]. הזמן הזה (Ha-Zman Ha-Zeh) 4. Hebrew. https://hazmanhazeh.org.il/anu/
- Aviad Moreno.2021. מוסררה-מונטריאול[Musrara-Montreal]. הזמן הזה (Ha-Zman Ha-Zeh). Hebrew. https://hazmanhazeh.org.il/musrara-montreal/
- Aviad Moreno. 2021. Os Panteras Negras Israelenses, Amazonia Judaica, Rio de Janeiro. 13-24.
- Aviad Moreno. 2021. Book Review: Devi Mays, Forging Ties, Forging Passports: Migration and the Modern Sephardi Diaspora. Stanford University Press, 2020, AJS Review 45 (2): 496-498.
- Aviad Moreno. 2021. From Israel's Black Panthers Protest to a Transnational MENA Jewish Solidarity, AJS Perspectives: The Protest Issue: 61. https://www.associationforjewishstudies.org/publications-research/ajs-perspectives/the-protest-issue/from-israel-s-black-panthers-protest-to-a-transnational-mena-jewish-solidarity
- Aviad Moreno. 2020. A View From Tangier: Inner Dynamics of Moroccan Jewish Modernity. HaSepharadi, https://hasepharadi.com/2020/02/16/a-view-from-tangier-inner-dynamics-of-moroccan-jewish-modernity/
- Aviad Moreno, 2020, On MENA Jewish Migrations, Sephardi Ideas Monthly, https://americansephardi.org/news/simmarch2020/
- Aviad Moreno. 2019. Repensar la aliya desde los paises arabes y musulmanes: el caso de Tanger, Revista Maguen-Escudo 181: 36-38
- Aviad Moreno. 2019. There are Exiles that We Must Terminate Urgently. Haaretz - Tarbut ve-Sifrut: 4-5. https://www.haaretz.co.il/literature/study/2019-11-26/ty-article/.premium/0000017f-db12-df9c-a17f-ff1a6fe90000
- Aviad Moreno. 2018. Book Review: Avi Picard - Cut to Measure: Israel's Policies Regarding the Aliyah of North African Jews 1951-1956. Israel: Studies in Zionism and the State of Israel - History, Society, Culture 25: 296-291
- Aviad Moreno. 2018. Marroquíes en Venezuela e Israel: Reflexiones sobre identidades sionistas globales. Revista Maguen-Escudo 180: 23-29
- Aviad Moreno. 2018. Globalizing the Mizrahi Revival. Israeli Histories, Societies and Cultures - Frankel Institute Annual. Ann Arbor. University of Michigan: 6-9.
- Aviad Moreno. 2017. Rethinking Aliyah for Arab and Muslim Lands: the Case of Tangier. AJS Perspectives: the Migration Issue: 24-25. http://perspectives.ajsnet.org/migration-issue/rethinking-aliyah-from-arab-and-muslim-countries-the-case-of-tangier/
- Aviad Moreno. 2017. ונצואלה, ארץ אבותיו של סבי המרוקאי [Venezuela, the Fatherland of My Moroccan Grandfather]. Haaretz - Tarbut ve-Sifrut: 4.
- Aviad Moreno. 2017. Book Review: Shai Srugo - Jewish Workers in the Port of Salonika: between the Ottoman World of the Greek Nation-State, 1936-1869. Hamizrah Hahadash 56: 215-217
- Aviad Moreno. 2016. Maguen-Escudo. Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/1878-9781_ejiw_SIM_000773
- Aviad Moreno, David Guedj and Tamir Karkason. 2016.דו"ח ועדת ביטון- מבט מבפנים ]The Bitton Committee: A View From Within[, Haaretz- Tarbut ve-Sifrut: 1. Hebrew.
- Aviad Moreno. 2010. Judíos de Marruecos, Intérpretes de Europa. In (eds.) G. Pimienta, S.S. Pimienta, Libro de Actas de la Junta Selecta de la Cumunidad Hebrea de Tanger, 1860-1883, Nacimiento y Desarollo de Una Comunidad Organizada. Paris-Jerusalem, Jem y Erez Editores: 13-21.