We are pleased to announce that Mr. Shachar Siboni won the best paper award for the Distributed Systems Theme IoT Track at The 33rd ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC'18) conference held this April in Pau, France.
Paper title: “Leaking Data from Enterprise Networks Using a Compromised Smartwatch Device"
The announcement of the prize presented in the following link
Shachar is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Software and Information Systems Engineering (SISE) under the supervision of Prof. Yuval Elovici and Dr. Asaf Shabtai.
Shachar's Ph.D. research focuses on security risk analysis for the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem, and includes: (1) the characterization and definition of a risk-based model for IoT devices using a device-centric approach and a weighted risk rating methodology, (2) the design and establishment of an advanced security testbed system targeted for the IoT domain, and (3) the characterization and demonstration of control and mitigation methods for IoT deployments, focusing on organizational networks.
In the SAC'18 conference, Shachar presented an innovative attack scenario for enterprise networks, utilizing a smartwatch device as a means of attack in order to leak sensitive information from an organization. This study introduced the potential security risk of using a smartwatch device in enterprise environments as part of the bring your own device (BYOD) trend.
A demonstration of the attack scenario presented in the conference can be found in the following link.
Shachar holds B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from BGU's Department of Communication Systems Engineering (CSE). For the last 15 years, Shachar has worked in a variety of roles at leading companies in the hi-tech industry, ranging from IT technical leader, communication systems engineer, real-time embedded software engineer/developer and team leader, to security researcher and project manager. In his most recent role, Shachar led a joint research project, collaborating with research groups from BGU's Cyber Security Research Center (CSRC) and the iTrust Centre for Research in Cyber Security at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). Shachar is currently completing his Ph.D. studies and is considering pursuing postdoctoral research in order to further investigate the topic of his Ph.D. research.
Contact details: sibonish@post.bgu.ac.il, shachar.siboni@gmail.com.